On the show this week is a much sought after Luthier, who was hiding right under our noses here at BFM. Azlee Yusman repairs, designs and makes handmade electric guitars in his spare time, a passion that’s just as much a hobby as it is an escape for him from the daily grind. Listen to him tune, bridge and riff about his craft, and the skills involved in making these fine pieces, now making music around the world.
Published 10/27/16
Here we have a multidisciplinary goof, schooled in improv theater and storytelling, with a mighty fancy Masters of Fine Arts. Mr. Fish specializes in an astounding circus act called buugeng. Producing a kaleidoscope effect, the talented buugeng artist mesmerises audiences as he manipulates their sights and minds by twirlin' two blade-like swirls, creating bedazzling shapes and illusions. He blends these mind-bending tricks in with silly clowning and bendy balloon animals. What is buugeng and...
Published 10/20/16
"The pen is mightier than the sword." While this quote may ring true for some, it's clearly not the case for Michael Craughwell - a real life swordsmith. Creator of weapons sharp, pointy, and most likely to draw blood; Michael has gained a wicked prominence when he posted a video on YouTube that depicts him huffing, staggering, and demonstrating the means of his job. That’s not all! Aside his YouTube videos awed by millions,  he has even been featured on Discovery Channel’s reality show...
Published 10/13/16
A life of wander, meander, and getting lost; no check lists, no guidebooks nor maps, our guest is an incredibly ordinary girl living an extraordinary life of wanderlust. Tey Kher Ying, also known as Piccola Ying - who now goes by name of ‘The Tiny Wanderer’, is a petite traveller hailing from Kuala Lumpur, who left her job as a PR consultant and bought herself a one-way ticket to Myanmar. Her journey began with less than $400 in her pocket, but today, Ying has explored 67 countries and...
Published 10/06/16
It’s essentially a mind game you play with someone you don’t or will never know. Writing clues and designing courses for treasure hunters - trying to outwit them, outsmart them and outplay them. Dominic Roche has been organising treasure hunts around the world for more than two decades now, and he joins us to discuss the best part about his job - sharpening his skills as a deceptive clue writer in his never ending mind game with avid treasure hunters.
Published 09/29/16
Here is more proof that the best things come in small packages. We've seen thousands of artists who create whimsical adventures in a miniature-sized world all over social media, some with the power to make us question what is real and what is not. Audrey Raj speaks with Ling Hooi Yin, founder of TinyPinc Miniatures, who specializes in making uber cutesy handmade miniature food figurines, that is realistic enough to make anyone salivate.
Published 09/22/16
In 1996, Hollywood released a disaster film called Twister, about a bunch of storm chasers researching tornadoes during the approach of the most powerful storm in decades. The movie was the second-highest-grossing film of the year in the US, as it graphically documented Mother Nature’s fury and the trail of destruction left by these violent storms. This week, Audrey Raj speaks to meteorologist and weather warrior Tony Laubach, who’s been chasing storms for almost 2 decades now, to find out...
Published 09/08/16
We are all familiar with the voice of SIRI, the intelligent Personal Assistant that helps us get things done on either our iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, as quoted by Apple Support. But who is really behind the voice? Susan Bennett, the original voice behind Siri shares with us the career of a voice over artist and how did she discover such talent & get picked as the voice of Siri.
Published 09/01/16
We once thought reaching far to outer space is impossible and Star Wars was merely just fiction. However, as technology advanced and more research was conducted, mankind can now travel to outer space with unique and high powered spaceships. Thanks to the people behind the scenes, the impossible has been made possible. Jermaine Bee speaks to Venka Pillay as he shares his life of being an experienced rocket scientist working in the aerospace industry.
Published 08/25/16
Sculpting from granite and stone can be the most conventional method used by artists these days. However, what if you can sculpt something unconventionally, using metal and steel? From a chef to a self-taught artist, Infantino Fernandes, who is fondly known as Tino, creates magical installation of giant sculptors crafted from aluminium, steel and wood.  Jermaine Bee speaks to Infantino as he shares some of his fascinating work which can be seen around Sunway Pyramid, like ‘Victor’ the lion...
Published 08/18/16
At least for humans, sex is a basic physiological need but sexual identifications and associations never fail to be provocative topics. However, sexologist, Oberdan Marianetti thinks that we should understand more about something so central to our lives- but then again, how can we do so if we do not even have a chance to ask questions about sexuality? Could the frustrations from these unanswered questions lead to strained relationships, craving for intimacy or a lack of self-esteem? Oberdan...
Published 08/11/16
Growing up we’ve been told or educated that predators such as lions and tigers are fierce animals we should keep a distance from, let alone being friends with them. 45 year old Gurusamy Permalo, a Curator for Carnivores at Wildlife Reserves Singapore, however has a different perspective and has worked almost half his life with his friends - the lions, tigers, wolves, foxes and other wild cats. How and what continues to thrill and excite him even after 22 years being on the job with what...
Published 08/04/16
Jermaine Bee speaks to Gila Kurtz, a professional dog trainer who has turned her love and passion for dogs into a successful 7-figure a year business. She shares also on how we can fetch a life worth barking about by offering a new approach to living, working and playing - all of which was inspired to her by dogs.
Published 07/28/16
Within our culture especially among Asians, many parents continue to find it difficult to discuss the changes their children will encounter as they enter into puberty. Having taught many teenagers over the years, professional sex educator June Low has found that there is often little to no guidance in their lives when it comes to the subject of sex. Jermaine Bee speaks to June as she shares with us on her role as a sex educator and how did she come about this career path. 
Published 07/21/16
With the current trend of an internet-savvy generation, there has been a rise of hand disorders and upper limb ailments contributed from occupational sufferings or injuries due to the usage of the various communication devices. Being one of the few hand surgeons in Malaysia, Dr Ruban Sivanoli shares about what it takes to be a hand surgeon and why did he choose this area of sub-specialization.
Published 07/14/16
Andrew Lau shares about what it takes to be a corporate simulation designer and how the journey of designing the simulations has provided him with the opportunity to work with teams of facilitators from 17 countries. He claimed it's also unique in its challenge because there’s a niche set of skills involved which are hard to find in designing sims. 
Published 07/07/16
There is a saying that learning is painful, what more teaching. It is especially harder if teachers are expected to connect, engage and provide an avenue for students to take charge of their learning. What about teaching young children? How can one teach children below 7 years of age to take charge of their own learning and help them believe in themselves as unique human beings who are capable in their own unique ways? Queenie Tan, an early childhood education specialist shares how to work...
Published 06/30/16
Starting motor racing at the age of 13 in the Malaysian Karting scene to becoming the first Malaysian to race in the U.S.A last year, 22 year old Weiron Tan zooms over to share about what it takes to be the most successful car racer for his age in the international scene. 
Published 06/23/16
What does it take to be Malaysia’s top 10 doodle artist and how can someone turn an art hobby into a career? Jermaine Bee speaks to Marty Woods to find out more on how he became a self-taught doodler, mainly in black and white who has also published a coloring book called the Exotic Kingdom.
Published 06/16/16
Seema Nanoo talks about what it takes to be a visual artist and how she transitioned from the corporate sector with a legal background to being an artist just after purchasing an art piece for her home.
Published 06/09/16
We have movie posters and  billboards around as part of a movie campaign alongside  trailers, logos, and package designs you see in cinemas or retail outlets. But what about movie mashup posters which are created from deconstructing visual designs of original movie posters? Jaemy Choong, a movie poster mashup artist shares about how he deconstruct or hijack famous posters of movies with his friends and family.
Published 06/02/16
 With only 40 registered practitioners practicing worldwide, Voice Movement Therapist, Gina Holloway Mulder shares about how our voice is a vocal instrument that can help people develop their acoustic, creative and metaphorical voice. It’s about how having a voice means having an impact and influence which will then assist with overall personal development. Jermaine Bee speaks to Gina to find out more about the power of our voice.
Published 05/26/16
When we talk about communication, we often think of verbal and non-verbal communication between two people. However, there’s actually more to communication. In fact, we can speak to our body and ask our body’s innate wisdom to feel better physically, emotionally and spiritually. This can be done by a BodyTalk System which combines different modalities of healing. BodyTalk Practitioner, San San enlightens us about what does a bodytalk practitioner do and how does she communicate with a body. 
Published 05/19/16
Throwing a party or an event isn't such a simple affair anymore. Be it weddings, birthday parties or even corporate events or product launches, people are now looking to make their events memorable, beautiful and with that special touch. Natalie Sia speaks to Carmen Yong who'd be sharing about her career in this industry as an event stylist and designer.
Published 05/12/16
Having written 10 Management bestsellers including The Secret of Change which went into the Malaysian Book of Records, Dr Victor S.L. Tan shares about the purpose of using poems to create positive and productive change in organisations as well as in our lives. Also, in conjunction to the upcoming Mother’s Day celebration on 8th May, Dr Victor prepared some interesting poems to appreciate mothers all over the world. 
Published 05/05/16