Live Not By Lies and The Historicity of Adam and Eve
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To support this ministry financially, visit: On todays Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank brings up the Hank Unplugged podcast, having just finished recording an episode with Rod Dreher on his book, Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents. Hank and Dreher talked about liberal democracy and how its degenerating into something that resembles totalitarianism. The liberal in liberal democracy references the liberties or freedoms that a government is mandated to guarantee its citizens, which includes the freedom of religion, speech, assembly, press, and the right to own private property. And democracy refers to self-government and equality of citizens under the law. All of this means that our liberal democracy provides space and protection for Christians to act for the advancement of justice. And when that protection erodesyou end up with totalitarianism. In the second segment of the broadcast, Hank seeks to answer the question, Did Adam and Eve really exist? This question is transcendently important to the historic Christian faith because if Adam and Eve did not eat the forbidden fruitif they did not fall into a life of perpetual sin terminated by deaththere is no need for redemption.
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