Each day we must do battle with evil. "Old habits, hereditary tendencies, will strive for the mastery..." (AA, 476). It must be our constancy : fight your self, fight the flesh. Though sin is tearing us apart in this inward battle between God's will and our selfishness, tearing us away from God's image and embrace, if we have even the smallest confidence that He is our personal Savior, if we seek Him and share Him, we can run up that mountain of sin in Christ's strength victorious !
Published 03/26/23
Regret is an ugly thing. When salvation He's made free, when His love He's made free, when freedom is a just a decision away... Why wouldn't you take it? Our hearts are stone and wicked and deceitful, we are in the dark. But even so the Lord gives us choice. We can choose to take His seal and want His will, we can choose to forgive and be forgiven, we can choose to have Heaven forever. Right will lead to Light. Tune in now and find out more.
Published 03/12/23
“There is a science of Christianity to be mastered – a science much deeper, broader, higher than any human science,” (MH, 453). This is a science of unlearning to relearn, of suffering to be strong, (AA, 467). It’s a science of going deeper in our Father and of falling deeply in love with Him, of demonstrating faith in the life because of love, demonstrating His forgiveness and mercy toward us because of love. Maybe, just maybe then, we can hasten His glorious return… Join us now to learn more !
Published 03/05/23
How much longer can we remain in Satan's spell ? We've learned to lose ourselves, allowing sin to attach like a lifeline. And our human insignificance, our powerlessness and deficiency... we are so small, sinners to the full extent. We need Christ, and He will help us if we let go - leave alone and behind what's preventing us from going to the next level with Him. Your salvation is through Christ only, not through what you do or don't do. You just have to want it, and He will do the rest.
Published 02/26/23
We cannot imagine or fathom what God has prepared for those who love Him... Something Magnificent is waiting beyond the turmoil ! And though time is closing in on this life, Keep Your Head Up and join us as we dream about our Heavenly homes ! We'll study too about the plagues and signs surrounding the end days - the tests we must watch for and endure before we enter into Heaven. But praise God !! There is no greater love than His ! and our greatest happiness will be found in loving Him.
Published 02/19/23
God is the Creator of all the beauty and all the choreography around us, but these evidences in nature, are we to keep and tend them ? Is it our responsibility to be good stewards of God's nature, or is this a trick of the enemy to fool us with his laws and eccentricities ? Listen in and learn more ! We'll as well look into what happens to our breath, our spirit, after death, and we'll discuss the wisdom to discern when we should give up with someone, and when we should keep going.
Published 02/12/23
There is so little time left, we are in the crucible. "Tomorrow is not yours. Today you are to maintain the victory over self," (HS, 142). There may well be no next time to get it right. Tune in now as we focus on Christ's Second Coming and the signs of the times present around the world. Despite it all however, we must not have a time of trouble beforehand by our anxiety. Instead, may we "live in God, and on God, and with God... and give Him His due by trusting Him," (C.H. Spurgeon).
Published 01/22/23
Why Satan fell, we cannot understand, and Christ's plan of salvation we will never comprehend ! Mystery and enigma, miracle and grace... praise God for the hope He gives us ! While Satan's position made his guilt unpardonable (2Red, 18), our Father promises to receive us again into His favor if we respond to Christ's sacrifice by obeying His law, and testify of Him through love for others. Join us now as we study about Christ and His return, for He is the Author, and the Finisher, of our faith.
Published 01/15/23
Our Father is faithful, no matter the circumstance, no matter the time. Our part is to receive His Word, no matter the circumstance, no matter the time. Our work is a work of faith (COL, 64)... to fight the good fight, to believe and own His promises, to confess and prepare. The signs are all around us, let us not be a stubborn people. Let us return to the Lord no matter how or why, but let us return to the Lord. Join us now in study and prayer. He will always provide strength and victory !
Published 01/08/23
We are weak. Let Him be your strength. Let Him keep you afloat. Let Him renew you. When you are estranged from loved ones, when the enemy whispers evils in your ear, when you can't rid yourself of the habitual sin, grip the promises of His Word and reach to Him with faith saying, "Lord, take my heart. Keep it pure. Save me in spite of myself," (COL, 159). Tests lead to transformations, a new birth, because every trial is an instruction, and hence every trial is a promotion (C.H.S.).
Published 12/18/22
"Those who caviled at the words of Christ found ever-increasing cause for cavil," refusing the light which would illuminate their darkness, (HLv, 391). We stand between the darkness of ignorance and the eternal darkness of death... unless we turn our will to Christ. The luckiest thing is having been born, don't let the enemy monopolize your time or your will ! Join us now and we'll learn about the lake of fire and about what God's responsibility is toward us, once we seek Him and His will.
Published 12/11/22
"Only as God shall lead, guide, influence, inspire, can we perform our solemn trust," (C.H.S.) and this great commission can only manifest if we keep our hearts on Him, learning Him, depending on Him, loving Him. So open your Bible and study with us ! Learn how life on Earth affects the results in Heaven, learn about the trinity, about God's laws before the Ten Commandments, and so much more. Let us revolve around the Lord, for our salvation depends on knowing the truth in His Word (COL, 111).
Published 12/04/22
"Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand." Knowledge is increasing and our eyes are opening as we study God's Word. Join us now to learn of the various time prophecies in the book of Daniel as well as of the four chariots in the book of Zechariah. We'll also study about the 144,000, the close of probation and the threshold of salvation. The grains of time may be trickling down, but a pulse is a purpose and while there is life there is Always hope.
Published 11/13/22
It feels like we are in the valley of the shadow of death, but HE is here with us. HE is here within us, wanting to write His image in our hearts. And we are ALWAYS within Him - the apple of His eye. Join us as we learn how God is the God of the living and the dead, a God of Hope ! We'll learn how to study the Bible and we'll learn how Christ died the death that belonged to us, so that we can live forever with Him. Keep hope. We are prospered by our trials, we shall triumph, we are Christ's !
Published 11/06/22
"He must increase, but I must decrease," for "those who are true to their calling as messengers of God will not seek honor for themselves," (GW, 56). Self should be emptied and the daily surrender, the repentance, the meekness and humility, the insistence and the pleading, will assure us of our salvation and final reward of eternal life. Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Let Him in, take His pierced hand and accept His gift. Join us now to learn more !
Published 10/23/22
The end of prophecy means the beginning of new life. We bear the life here in this world, and we must also concentrate on understanding the prophecies and God's commandments. It is now time to focus, reflect, reset and resurge. Join the pastors as they discuss many topics from the book of Revelation - the black horse and the scales, the false messiah, the end-time plagues and the four beasts. Open your Bible and join us ! The amount of time on the clock should affect how we play the game !
Published 10/16/22
"Our Redeemer has opened the way so that the most sinful, oppressed, and despised... may have a home in the mansions which Jesus has gone to prepare," (HLv, 68). What better hope and prize can we imagine to attain ! Christ is the Way; the glorious truth is that the victory over every difficulty is already yours, in Christ (E.J. Waggoner). Tune in to find out more about the millennium, the rapture, hell and a timeline of Christ's Second Coming. Heaven is but a decision away !
Published 10/09/22
Men's hearts are still for evil continually, God's heart is still for love eternally; Satan stands for sin and prophecy and the law still stand to condemn him. God will prevail. Open your Bible and study God's Word with us ! "Where there is no vision, the people perish," but we have the tool of prophecy within reach to guide ! Learn with us of one-world unity, the antichrist, the faith of Jesus which will sustain, and the true church and bride of Christ.
Published 10/02/22
As the disciples gathered to pray, "they were weighted with the burden of the salvation of souls." The Gospel needed to be carried to all the world, (AA, 37). We must all have this burden, and we must all ask ourselves if we are truly investing in the salvation of souls, for "in calling God our Father, we recognize all His children as our brethren," (Pr, 245). Then, are we silent, hoarding, asleep ? Are we joyful and feeling urged to share the good news of grace ? The Lord is waiting on us.
Published 09/25/22
We have to fall in love with Christ again, we have to start from the beginning and see His love. For us to do that is going to take a full surrender and total repentance, a complete sacrifice. And Christ is worth it, so worth it... Heaven is cheap enough !! But what is repentance ? And does God ever reject us ? Be encouraged as you listen in ! Recommit, readjust. Christ's sacrifice, "God's all cannot be praised with less than our all," and we never praise Him better than when we obey (C.H.S.).
Published 09/11/22
"The more closely believers have walked with God, the more powerfully have they testified of their Redeemer's love..." (AA, 49). As we study our Bibles and meditate on its truths, we realize the need to bear witness in our lives of Christ's character. Whether that be by defending our faith or by keeping hope through tribulation, we must stand as signs and wonders in the world, appreciating the beauty of complete involvement in the present and clutching tightly to the promises of our Lord.
Published 09/04/22
Do not look to yourself, but away to Jesus... You will find Him away from yourself (2MCP, 808). This means surrender pride, worry and anxiety and problems, sinfulness. This means trust Jesus. Persevere. Surrender and trust as you study your Bible, surrender and trust as you fast. Surrender and trust as you hit rock-bottom. Fix your eye on the Sun of righteousness. He has the victory, He has the virtue, He has the strength - He has you in hand and His everlasting arms are about you (2MCP, 809) !
Published 08/28/22
Sometimes there is nothing we can do except pray, surrender and repent. Repentance is a tricky thing isn't it, but it's necessary to pray in faith and bring our lives into harmony with our petitions (Pr, 216). Bend your knee before Him and regain your first love, fight the thinking so it doesn't become a doing. Bow your knees and testify that your whole is in subjection to the Spirit of truth (Pr, 208), and you'll learn even to love your enemies as God still loves you.
Published 08/21/22
It is He that has made us, and not we ourselves. He knows us, knows our needs, knows our defects. He sees us... He is the name of our salvation. "The mercy which endures forever, and the fidelity which cannot forget a promise, secure to the chosen the salvation guaranteed by the covenant of grace," (C.H. Spurgeon). Open your Bible and your heart and learn more with us as we discuss what growing in grace by His side means, and how He can cast out all of our fears to bring us peace and comfort.
Published 08/14/22
One of our greatest freedoms is choosing how we react to the circumstances in our lives. It is our freedom of choice. What will we choose to do if we fear we have committed the unpardonable sin ? What will we choose to do as we lie ill on our deathbeds and look back at our lives of supposed Christianity ? What will we choose to do if our fiancé isn't of our faith ? Join us during this episode of Bible Answers Live to learn more, for in the end the answers are all in His Word and His love.
Published 08/07/22