There is not a better time than NOW, to learn Bio-Touch. Bev & Paul discuss this, again!
Published 12/11/23
Bev & Paul talk about how Bio-Touch gives us the courage and inner knowledge to question the narrative of how to best care for our health, or anything.
Published 12/04/23
Our Egyptian Certified Practitioner, Hala Shaaban, published a post about Cortisol levels and immune responses. Bev & Paul build on this as they share the research done Dr Kenna Stephenson that shows regulation of Cortisol levels using Bio-Touch Healing.
Published 11/27/23
There are a few questions that came from new visitors to the JustTouch.com website. Bev & Paul will address them on this show.
Published 11/20/23
Aging is a huge topic these days....hmmmm, wonder why? Bev & Paul share how there is nothing finer than adding Bio-Touch into the healthy aging protocols. They share the research that documents this.
Published 11/13/23
Bev & Paul again go over how Bio-Touch Healing is putting Love Into Action bringing humanity together in hope and healing.
Published 11/06/23
Bev & Paul talk with Debra Schildhouse, the author of Bio-Touch: Healing with the Power In Our Fingertips. It has been 8 years since publication of that book, and she now has a new book out: How to Chat with Archangels. https://www.debraschildhouse.com/
Published 10/30/23
Our guest speaker, Dr. Takeuchi-Miller (Dr. Em), is committed to helping people live well, no matter what their current condition. She looks for the root cause in each case and utilizes different modalities to empower patients on their healing journey. www.TFMND.com The second half of the workshop you will be taught the few sets of points that help with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Published 10/27/23
"The propagandist’s purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human." Aldous Huxley Bev & Paul again go over why Bio-Touch is for all people equally. No levels, beliefs nor understanding....just a simple touch from one human to another.
Published 10/23/23
Our Vision: To create a community of people worldwide dedicated to service, self-awareness and recognizing the equality of all humanity—thus forming a chain which shall go on indefinitely.
Published 10/16/23
After receiving Bio-Touch sessions for a period of time we feel so good that we go do things we may have not done for years.....but beware, we may over do it. Bev & Paul talk about the pitfalls of feeling so good.
Published 10/09/23
Bio-Touch as been accepted by the National Certification Center of Energy Practitioners. Bev & Paul talk about how Certified Practitioners may now apply for Certification and what that can mean for the future of Bio-Touch Healing.
Published 10/02/23
Our guest speaker is Toni Curtis a certified birth doula, lactation counselor and childbirth educator. Her work in maternal support began in 1996 when she volunteered as a peer educator while in high school. In addition to teaching classes about safe sex practices, she supported teen mothers who needed prenatal care, labor and delivery support and postpartum care. For years, she continued to stand with and advocate for young mothers who were underrepresented and in many cases, simply...
Published 09/29/23
Can you really learn Bio-Touch easily and be immediately effective? Join Bev & Paul as they share the simplicity of learning and practicing this profound healing technique.
Published 09/25/23
Bev & Paul talk with Eli Romo from Mexico about how she got involved with Bio-Touch and some of her amazing experiences.
Published 09/18/23
It's been 7 years of Mondays With Bev & Paul. Join them for the celebration and why they continue to do this every week.....and we mean EVERY week.
Published 09/11/23
Bev & Paul go over the timeline of when Bio-Touch first came into recognition for Bev & Paul discuss the idea that if you are doing "healing" work you need to protect yourself. Using Bio-Touch Healing seems to bypass the need for worrying about that. Why? Listen in!
Published 09/04/23
Bev & Paul go over the timeline of when Bio-Touch first came into recognition for humanity. Norman stumbled upon the first set of points in 1973....WOW
Published 08/28/23
Our guest speaker is Margot Thornton. She supports women who struggle to get pregnant, so that they can balance their hormones, regulate their cycle, and conceive naturally. Based on her own personal struggle to conceive, she became passionate about supporting other women. https://fertilityatyourfingertips.com/ The second half of the workshop you will be taught the few sets of points that help with Fertility.
Published 08/25/23
Bev & Paul talk about the cost and gimmick awaiting everyone that wants to learn Bio-Touch.
Published 08/21/23
Bev & Paul discuss the wonderful experiences and benefits of using Bio-Touch in the family.
Published 08/14/23
Another great tune by Horace Barnes
Published 08/08/23
Bev & Paul discuss how Bio-Touch can help us live in our gratefulness while suffering. We are able to meet folks in their humanity while living in our own too.
Published 08/07/23
Bev & Paul talk about how we are all Caregivers and all the ways that Bio-Touch can be used to help in our loved one's health and healing.
Published 07/31/23
Our guest speaker is John Kerr founder of Last5Yards.com. He will share with us the situation happening in this country with Caregivers and what they need to help them do their service in a healthy way. The second half of the workshop you will be taught the few sets of points that help caregivers stay healthy and stress free during these challenging times.
Published 07/28/23