Welcome to the Black Girl Burnout Podcast. In this episode, Kelley discusses the importance of Hacking Into Your Authentic Code with her special guest Jodie Taylor. Are you ready to take “Ownership” of your “Glow Up” journey? When you live life in step with your core authentic code, you can unlock abundance in so many ways. This episode is for you if you are ready to learn how to embark upon a Glow Up that includes aligning with your authentic self and doing things that serve you best. More,...
Published 04/08/24
Welcome to the Black Girl Burnout Podcast. In this episode, Kelley discusses the importance of Opting out of Having It All. Today Kelley wants to encourage you to shift from a mindset of having it all to a mindset of having what gives us ease, what brings us softness and what brings us joy. This episode is for you if you are ready to learn how to opt into having the things that you value near and dear to you, how to achieve the goals that really matter and how to shift away from the language...
Published 04/05/24
Welcome to the Black Girl Burnout Podcast. In this episode, Kelley discusses the importance of Opting Into Self-Esteem And A Little Bit of Money. Having  self-esteem and a little bit of money is a philosophy that Kelley lives by. She believes that having self-esteem is at the core of everything. However, feeling good about yourself isn’t enough, you also need to have a means for making a living that allows you to have the freedom to be joyful. This episode is for you if you are ready to learn...
Published 04/03/24
Welcome to the Black Girl Burnout Podcast. In this episode, Kelley discusses the importance of Opting Into Soft Success. April is financial literacy month and we are going to talk about our relationship with wealth and money. In many cases, if we don’t have a great relationship with others, we often also lack a great relationship with money. These are the things that keep us stuck in struggle. This episode is for you if you are ready to learn how to bring alignment to your relationship with...
Published 04/01/24
Welcome to the Black Girl Burnout Podcast. In this episode, Kelley concludes her discussion on the importance of Opting Into Struggle-Free Motherhood with her special guest Lauren Berty. Do you struggle to come up with ways to find “Joy” in your life outside of your kids? If so, don’t feel bad, many Mother’s share this same struggle. However, it’s never too late to allow yourself to connect with your own forms of Joy without feeling guilty for doing so. You deserve to experience Joy in your...
Published 03/29/24
Welcome to the Black Girl Burnout Podcast. In this episode, Kelley continues her discussion on the importance of Opting Into Struggle-Free Motherhood with her special guest Lauren Berty. Mothers, do you find it difficult to ask for help due to feelings of guilt? If so, let today be the last day that you feel this way. It is totally ok for you to allow yourself to ask for and receive help. Leaning on a supportive community when you need to is actually a sign of strength. This episode is for...
Published 03/27/24
Welcome to the Black Girl Burnout Podcast. In this episode, Kelley discusses the importance of Opting Into Stress-Free Motherhood with her special guest Lauren Berty. Today begins a wonderful week-long discussion on Motherhood. It doesn't matter if you're child-free, motherhood's still in there. The mission of the podcast really is all about opting out of struggle and finding the joy and not sitting in the place of pain and in the place of trauma, though, all those things are valid and...
Published 03/25/24
Welcome to the Black Girl Burnout Podcast. In this episode, Kelley discusses the importance of Opting Into Loving Your Life. Today we are going to dispel the myth that your life has to be perfect before you can fall in love with it. No one is living a life filled with uninterrupted joy. There will always be moments that may give us pause or cause pain. However, it is possible to attain a life that is joyful. Commanding the presence of joy in your everyday life is 100% within your...
Published 03/22/24
Welcome to the Black Girl Burnout Podcast. In this episode, Kelley discusses the importance of allowing yourself to Pause And Be Happy. Do you take time to be happy about your accomplishments? If not, we understand and encourage you to get into an alignment with what grounds you and what you’re thankful for. Knowing these things allows you to give yourself permission to pause and just be in the now. This episode is for you if you are ready to learn 3 ways that you can be happy in the “Now”....
Published 03/20/24
Welcome to the Black Girl Burnout Podcast. In this episode, Kelley discusses the importance of Opting Out of Aesthetics. Today our goal will be to focus on tapping into what makes you feel beautiful from the inside out. In many ways this goal is more difficult than you may think. This episode is for you if you are ready to learn how to align with a definition of beauty that goes beyond just aesthetics. More, more, and still more is within your reach in 2024. Tune in today and prepare yourself...
Published 03/18/24
Welcome to the Black Girl Burnout Podcast. In this episode, Kelley discusses the importance of Opting Out of Aesthetics. Today our goal will be to focus on tapping into what makes you feel beautiful from the inside out. In many ways this goal is more difficult than you may think. This episode is for you if you are ready to learn how to align with a definition of beauty that goes beyond just aesthetics. More, more, and still more is within your reach in 2024. Tune in today and prepare yourself...
Published 03/18/24
Welcome to the Black Girl Burnout Podcast. In this episode, Kelley concludes her discussion on the importance of Opting Into Redefining Beauty with her special guest Akili King. Are you being intentional about the ways that you bring joy into your life? Figuring out multiple ways to bring joy into your life can be beneficial in many ways. This episode is for you if you are ready to learn more about fun and interesting ways to bring joy into your life. More, more, and still more is within your...
Published 03/15/24
Welcome to the Black Girl Burnout Podcast. In this episode, Kelley continues her discussion on the importance of Opting Into Redefining Beauty with her special guest Akili King. In American society, beauty is largely defined by unrealistic goals and unhealthy body images. However, we do not have to be confined to only accepting one definition of beauty. Beauty should be anything that feels good to you. This episode is for you if you are ready to embrace the fact that you are free to define...
Published 03/13/24
Welcome to the Black Girl Burnout Podcast. In this episode, Kelley discusses the importance of Opting Into Redefining Beauty with her special guest Akili King. As Black Women, we are capable of challenging traditional beauty standards in American culture by embracing our natural hair textures, skin tones, and body shapes. This episode is for you if you are ready to learn how to give yourself permission to redefine what beauty means to you. More, more, and still more is within your reach in...
Published 03/11/24
Welcome to the Black Girl Burnout Podcast. In this episode, Kelley discusses the importance of Returning to Peace. When everything feels chaotic in your personal and professional lives, one of the best things that you can do is Return to Peace. First, really connect with the things that bring you peace. Then take action and schedule those peaceful activities into your life. This episode is for you if you are ready to learn how to create a healthy routine for intentionally bringing more peace...
Published 03/08/24
Welcome to the Black Girl Burnout Podcast. In this episode, Kelley discusses the importance of opting into surrender. In American culture, the term “surrender” is often conveyed in a negative way. However, surrendering can also be viewed as an acknowledgement of the fact that you've done the best you can and so you are empowering yourself to choose to let go. This episode is for you if you are ready to learn how to cultivate a healthy practice of surrendering while embracing the fact that...
Published 03/06/24
Welcome to the Black Girl Burnout Podcast. In this episode, Kelley discusses the importance of opting out of fighting. In life, there are times where we have to fight. It could be for the people we love, the things we love, and most importantly, sometimes it's for ourselves. However, today we are focusing on healthy ways to pivot your default reaction to challenges away from feeling like your only option is to fight. This episode is for you if you are ready to learn how to welcome more...
Published 03/04/24
Welcome to the Black Girl Burnout Podcast. In this episode, Kelley discusses the importance of opting into finding your rhythm. Have you found your groove in 2024? Are you moving with confidence and compassion in your business and personal lives? If not, no worries.  Today’s episode is all about being brave enough to be yourself while defying the stereotypes regarding what it means to be black and what it means to be a woman. This episode is for you if you are ready to learn how to find your...
Published 03/01/24
Welcome to the Black Girl Burnout Podcast. In this episode, Kelley addresses a topic that we need to talk about. The concept of racism is a distraction. It is possible that such a strong proclamation may make some of you feel uncomfortable. However, it is time for us to address the fact that the societal narrative being told about black people is largely inaccurate and designed to make us feel “lesser than”. This episode is for you if you are ready to learn how to opt out of racism and...
Published 02/28/24
Welcome to the Black Girl Burnout Podcast. In this episode, Kelley discusses the importance of Opting Into Healing Friendship. When dealing with one sided friendships, it’s best to set healthy boundaries so that you can give yourself time to heal. This episode is for you if you are ready to learn how to improve your mood when dealing with uneven friendships so that you can opt out of the struggle when things don't go well. More, more, and still more is within your reach in 2024. Tune in today...
Published 02/26/24
Welcome to the Black Girl Burnout Podcast. In this episode, Kelley concludes her discussion on the importance of Opting Into Therapy For Black Girls with her special guest Dr. Joy Harden Bradford. Did you know that increasing joy in your life can be as easy as putting on your favorite song and kicking off your very own kitchen dance party? If not, set an intention to give it a try. Moving your body is known to raise endorphins which can really help with managing  the kind of stress that can...
Published 02/23/24
Welcome to the Black Girl Burnout Podcast. In this episode, Kelley continues her discussion on the importance of Opting Into Therapy For Black Girls with her special guest Dr. Joy Harden Bradford. Have you ever considered the importance of Sisterhood? When you develop authentic relationships that are healthy and restorative, the connection can assist with finding joy and laughter, while helping to heal traumatic experiences. In short, Sisterhood heals. This episode is for you if you are ready...
Published 02/21/24
Welcome to the Black Girl Burnout Podcast. In this episode, Kelley discusses the importance of Opting Into Therapy For Black Girls with her special guest Dr. Joy Harden Bradford. Do you find it hard to ask for help? Or, do you feel like asking for help means that you are weak? The truth is, asking for help is a sign of strength. This episode is for you if you are ready to learn how to opt out of doing it all on your own and instead learn how to take advantage of the resources available to...
Published 02/19/24
Welcome to the Black Girl Burnout Podcast. In this episode, Kelley discusses the importance of Returning To Love. Have you ever gone days or even weeks feeling like “real” love was nowhere near you? Have you ever experienced the type of heartbreak that makes you feel like you don’t even want love in your life? If so, you are not alone. Just keep this in mind, if you accept that heartbreak is a part of life, allow yourself to additionally accept that experiencing “real” love is also a part of...
Published 02/16/24
Welcome to the Black Girl Burnout Podcast. In this episode, Kelley discusses the importance of Opting Into Hopeful Love. When you have been hurt in a relationship, it can be difficult to fully commit again. Today we will focus on how to avoid cynicism in your love journey. This episode is for you if you are ready to learn how to opt into and create hopeful love. More, more, and still more is within your reach in 2024. Tune in today and prepare yourself to engage in realistic strategies that...
Published 02/14/24