📚Book Graphic: https://hotm.art/bookgraphic52 🌐booksummarybundle.com Audio Book Summary Think Again By Adam Grant This book is about improving your mental agility and the ability to rethink. This can improve your problem-solving capacity, and increase your levels of success and happiness in life.   #audiobooksummary #thinkagain #adamgrant 
Published 02/28/23
📚Book Graphic: https://hotm.art/bookgraphic50 🌐booksummarybundle.com Audio Book Summary The 12 Week Year By Brian P. Moran & Michael Lennington Most of us are used to annual planning over 12-month cycles. This book explains why it’s much more effective to compress your planning and execution into 12-week cycles, and how you can implement this system to improve your results by at least 4x.   #audiobooksummary #the12weekyear #brianpmorgan #michaellennington 
Published 02/24/23
📚Book Graphic: https://hotm.art/bookgraphic48 🌐booksummarybundle.com Why do the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer? Why do the educated middle class have a successful career, yet struggle with their financial commitments? In this book, Kiyosaki shares what he learned about wealth from his “rich dad” and “poor dad”, the secrets that separate the Rich from the Poor and Middle Class, and how we can apply this to grow our wealth.   #richdadpoordad #roberttkiyosaki #audiobooksummary
Published 02/22/23
📚Book Graphic: https://hotm.art/bookgraphic46 🌐booksummarybundle.com Audio Book Summary Quiet By Susan Cain Many people believe that to be an achiever or a great leader, you must be bold, action-oriented, outgoing, and aggressive, i.e. you must be an extrovert. In this book, Cain explains why this perspective is flawed, why introverts may be severely undervalued, and how we can bring out the best in ourselves and others by changing the way we see introversion. In this summary, we’ve...
Published 02/20/23
📚Book Graphic: https://hotm.art/bookgraphic44 🌐booksummarybundle.com Audio Book Summary Man’s Search for Meaning By Viktor E. Frankl Renowned psychiatrist Viktor Frankl survived the Nazi death camps as a prisoner. His years of suffering, experiences and insights led him to develop logotherapy, a branch of psychology built on the belief that humans are primarily driven by meaning. In this book, he chronicled his camp experiences and how logotherapy can be used to help people overcome anxiety...
Published 02/17/23
📚Book Graphic: https://hotm.art/bookgraphic42 🌐booksummarybundle.com Deep work is about focusing without distraction on cognitivelydemanding tasks. It’s vital for mastering hard things and delivering high-value outcomes. Yet, in our high-tech, hyper-connected society, people are constantly distracted by emails, social media and infotainment, losing their capacity for intense focus. This book explains the importance of deep work and how to nurture this valuable but increasingly-rare...
Published 02/14/23
📚Book Graphic: https://hotm.art/bookgraphic39 🌐booksummarybundle.com Audio Book Summary Think and Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill “This book was written for those who seek the rules which have made others successful, and are willing to stake everything on those rules.” This book was written by Napoleon Hill after more than 20 years of research on the accomplishments and attributes of 500 of the most successful people in business. Between 1937 until Napoleon Hill’s death in 1970, the book sold...
Published 01/23/23
📚Book Graphic: https://hotm.art/bookgraphic38 🌐booksummarybundle.com Audio Book Summary The Science of Getting Rich By Wallace D. Wattles First published in 1910, this was one of the earliest self-help books that explained how to acquire wealth in a scientific way based on metaphysical concepts. Wattles promises that if you truly grasp the ideas in this book and apply them like a scientific formula, it will be the only book on getting rich that you’ll ever need to read....
Published 01/20/23
📚Book Graphic: https://hotm.art/bookgraphic35 🌐booksummarybundle.com Audio Book Summary Thinking, Fast & Slow By Daniel Kahneman In this book, winner of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, Daniel Kahneman, summarizes decades of research to help us understand what really goes on inside our heads - the psychological basis for our reactions, judgments, perceptions and choices. By learning how our mind works, being aware of our intuitive biases and errors of judgement, we can improve...
Published 01/18/23
📚Book Graphic: https://hotm.art/bookgraphic34 🌐booksummarybundle.com Audio Book Summary Influence By Robert B. Cialdini Based on years of research, Cialdini discovered 6 key principles of persuasion which lead people to say “yes” automatically. Understanding these principles and associated techniques can help you to improve your influence and concurrently guard against others’ manipulation.   #influence #robertbcialdini #audiobooksumarry
Published 01/15/23
📚Book Graphic: https://hotm.art/bookgraphic31 🌐booksummarybundle.com Audio Book Summary Richest Man in Babylon By George Samuel Clason In 1926, Clason published a series of 8 parables set in the ancient city of Babylon, which later became this classic in financial literature. These timeless principles and tips on wealth are still applicable after almost a century, and can be used by anyone to build massive wealth and riches. This edition of the book is updated in modern English. In this...
Published 01/12/23
📚Book Graphic: https://hotm.art/bookgraphic30 🌐booksummarybundle.com Audio Book Summary How to Win Friends & Influence People By Dale Carnegie Next to health, people’s next biggest interest is human relationships: to understand and get along with others, be wellliked and win people to their way of thinking. This book serves just that objective. Although it was first published in 1936, its principles and insights are timeless and are still powerful today for any situation that involves...
Published 01/10/23
📚Book Graphic: https://hotm.art/bookgraphic27 🌐booksummarybundle.com Audio Book Summary The Miracle Morning By Hal Elrod Many people dream of an extraordinary life, but end up settling for a mediocre one. No matter where you are in life—whether you’re struggling to overcome a major setback or ready to move to new heights—this book provides you with a proven method to improve your life and achieve all your dreams and goals. #themiraclemorning #halelrod #audiobooksummary
Published 01/08/23
📚Book Graphic: https://hotm.art/bookgraphic26 🌐booksummarybundle.com Audio Book Summary The 5 Love Languages By Gary Chapman   Many marriages fail not because couples don’t put in the effort, but because they are expressing their love in the “wrong” ways. When you learn to understand and speak your spouse’s love language, you will be able to effectively express your love and truly feel loved in return.   #the5lovelanguages #garychapman #audiobooksummary
Published 01/05/23
📚Book Graphic: https://hotm.art/bookgraphic23 🌐booksummarybundle.com Audio Book Summary The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People By Stephen R. Covey   The book presents a holistic and principle-centered approach to achieve success through positive change from within.   Covey’s 7 habits were based on a review of some 200 years of success literature, and his ideas still form the foundation for many personal development books and programs today. #the7habitsofhighlyeffectivepeople...
Published 12/29/22
📚Book Graphic: https://hotm.art/bookgraphic24  🌐booksummarybundle.com Audio Book Summary Eat That Grog By Brian Tracy Almost everyone today has too much to do and too little time. Built on 30 years of time-management study, this book presents 21 tips to help you stop procrastinating and get more work done. It’s a practical action guide for anyone who feels overwhelmed, or wants to be more effective in planning, prioritising and achieving more results in less time. #eatthatgrog #briantracy...
Published 12/26/22
📚Book Graphic: https://hotm.art/bookgraphic20 💰DIGIT MANIFESTATION CODE: https://hotm.art/discovercode 🕵️The Tropical Secret For Healthy Weight Loss: https://hotm.art/tropicalsecret   The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment By Eckhart Tolle This book is a spiritual self-help guide to help us discover our  true Being, release our pain and find deep inner peace. When we are intensely present in the Now, we respond from deep consciousness and flow with ease and joy in life. In...
Published 11/25/22
📚Book Graphic: https://hotm.art/bookgraphic18 💰DIGIT MANIFESTATION CODE: https://hotm.art/discovercode 🕵️The Tropical Secret For Healthy Weight Loss: https://hotm.art/tropicalsecret The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life By Mark Manson Today, people enjoy more material wealth and comforts, yet tend to feel more impoverished emotionally and psychologically. This book offers insights and tips to help us cope with our pain, failures and regrets,...
Published 11/24/22
📚Book Graphic: https://hotm.art/bookgraphic15 💰DIGIT MANIFESTATION CODE: https://hotm.art/discovercode 🕵️The Tropical Secret For Healthy Weight Loss: https://hotm.art/tropicalsecret   The 48 Laws Of Power By Robert Greene Power is an integral part of our societies and lives. This book distills 3,000 years of history into 48 laws that help us to understand the rules of power, how we can masterfully acquire power and avoid being crushed by others. #the48lawsofpower #robertgreene #booksummary
Published 11/23/22
📚Book Graphic: https://hotm.art/bookgraphic13 💰DIGIT MANIFESTATION CODE: https://hotm.art/discovercode 🕵️The Tropical Secret For Healthy Weight Loss: https://hotm.art/tropicalsecret   12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos By Jordan B. Peterson For centuries, religion has played a major role in man’s quest for stability and meaning. The rise of secularism and nihilism brought new ideologies, but also a growing sense of emptiness. Based on years of research across various topics, Peterson...
Published 11/22/22
📚Book Graphic: https://hotm.art/bookgraphic11 💰DIGIT MANIFESTATION CODE: https://hotm.art/discovercode 🕵️The Tropical Secret For Healthy Weight Loss: https://hotm.art/tropicalsecret The Magic of Thinking Big By David J. Schwartz The secret to success doesn’t lie in superior talent or intellect. It lies in your thinking. This book explains how you can think big to motivate yourself, improve your results, earn more money, and get more happiness and fulfillment out of...
Published 11/21/22
📚Book Graphic: https://hotm.art/bookgraphic9 💰DIGIT MANIFESTATION CODE: https://hotm.art/discovercode 🕵️The Tropical Secret For Healthy Weight Loss: https://hotm.art/tropicalsecret Mindset: The New Psychology of Success By Carol S. Dweck Your mindset—how you see yourself—shapes how you respond to people and events, to affect your outcomes. In this book, Dweck draws on 20 years of research to explain how you can recognize, understand and change a fundamental mindset to impact all aspects of...
Published 11/20/22
📚Book Graphic: https://hotm.art/bookgraphic1 💰DIGIT MANIFESTATION CODE: https://hotm.art/discovercode 🕵️The Tropical Secret For Healthy Weight Loss: https://hotm.art/tropicalsecret The Psychology of Money: Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness By Morgan Housel Many finance books focus on the technical aspects of money and investment, e.g. how to select stocks or build a portfolio. In this book, Housel addresses the often-neglected fact that we are irrational, emotional beings,...
Published 11/19/22
📚Book Graphic: https://hotm.art/bookgraphic3 💰DIGIT MANIFESTATION CODE: https://hotm.art/discovercode 🕵️The Tropical Secret For Healthy Weight Loss: https://hotm.art/tropicalsecret Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action By Simon Sinek Great leaders and organizations can create sustainable change because they inspire others. In the process, they create loyal followers who stick with them through thick and thin, so they can create success again and again. In this...
Published 11/18/22
📚Book Graphic: https://hotm.art/bookgraphic5 💰DIGIT MANIFESTATION CODE: https://hotm.art/discovercode 🕵️The Tropical Secret For Healthy Weight Loss: https://hotm.art/tropicalsecret Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones By James Clear To achieve greater success in any field, we must break bad habits and build good ones. In this book, Clear draws on insights from cognitive and behavioral sciences to provide a powerful stepby-step plan that can help...
Published 11/17/22