Which group of 2604 people made $900 billion so far during the 2020 pandemic while 400 million people around the world experienced income loss? Which group of people have, in the last 12 years, grown their ranks by more than 250%? Which group of people does the world love to hate but maybe secretly wish they were a part of, even if it is totally against their current self-interest? You guessed it! BILLIONAIRES. This echelon of the global elite has wealth that is beyond comprehension, but what...
Published 10/29/20
Universal Basic Income (UBI) has a reputation as a fringe idea that would be impossible to implement in the real world. But when the pandemic shutdown sent the global economy into freefall, both Canada and the U.S. stepped in with direct payments to their citizens that came very close to a national UBI model. Was this the unintentional experiment that proved the viability of the theory? After six months of economic upheaval and staring down the barrel of potentially worse to come, UBI is...
Published 10/21/20
Whether you are a renter or a homeowner, housing is probably your largest single expense and maybe one of your biggest stress points. The strain of meeting rising housing costs has been a hot topic ever since the great recession, but since the pandemic started, things have only gotten more difficult. In this inaugural episode of Bottom Lines Top Dollars, the Ladies Who Crunch talk about how the pandemic has affected the economics of housing. Issues discussed include rent strikes, housing...
Published 10/14/20
Before there was Bottom Lines, Top Dollars... the Ladies Who Crunch speak about what it means to critique capitalism while benefitting, and why create a history and political podcast on economics and money from a queer and working class perspective.
Published 10/05/20