Dave Cooke (http://100pedals.com/dave-cooke/)is a nationally recognized speaker, author, trainer and growth expert who leverages his 25 years of sales and marketing experience to create and implement strategic initiatives and develop educational programs that result in incredible accomplishments. Despite these valuable and credible professional experiences, Dave was ill prepared for the challenges associated with his youngest son’s heroin addiction...
Published 06/04/12
We’ve all heard the saying, “laughter is the best medicine” and wondered how that is possible? Author of Laugh ‘til It Heals: Notes From the World’s Funniest Cancer Mailbox, Christine Clifford, and Founder of The Cancer Club shares how laughter got her through breast cancer and how it can help you and your loved ones […] The post Bounce Back to Your Brilliance! – Laugh ‘til It Heals appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 05/28/12
We’ve all heard the saying, “laughter is the best medicine” and wondered how that is possible? Author of Laugh ‘til It Heals: Notes From the World’s Funniest Cancer Mailbox (http://www.amazon.com/Laugh-Til-It-Heals-Funniest/dp/1848290667/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1337807138&sr=8-1), Christine Clifford (http://www.cancerclub.com/biography), and Founder of The Cancer Club (http://www.cancerclub.com/)shares how laughter got her through breast cancer and how it can help you and your loved...
Published 05/28/12
At only 30 years old, Mira Calton had the bones of an 80 year old and was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis. She was forced to shut down her PR firm in NYC and move-in with her sister in FL to care for her. After searching for alternatives to prescribed pharmaceuticals, she and her husband, Dr. […] The post Bounce Back to Your Brilliance! – Naked Calories appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 05/21/12
At only 30 years old, Mira Calton (http://caltonnutrition.com/meet-the-caltons.aspx)had the bones of an 80 year old and was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis. She was forced to shut down her PR firm in NYC and move-in with her sister in FL to care for her. After searching for alternatives to prescribed pharmaceuticals, she and her husband, Dr. Jayson Calton co-authored the book, Naked Calories (http://caltonnutrition.com/naked-calories.aspx)and formulated the Nutreince ...
Published 05/21/12
OMG! This is one extraordinary guy, Brad Gruno. Founder of Brad’s Raw Foods, home of the increasingly popular Kale Chips (as seen on the Today Show w/Hoda & Kathy Lee) is sharing how his construction business downturn proved to be the shift he needed to discover his real passion. Brad’s Raw Foods, now a multi-million […] The post Bounce Back to Your Brilliance! – From Unemployed to 30+ Employees; Raw Foods Guy appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 05/14/12
OMG! This is one extraordinary guy, Brad Gruno. Founder of Brad’s Raw Foods (http://www.bradsrawchips.com/), home of the increasingly popular Kale Chips (as seen on the Today Show w/Hoda & Kathy Lee) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Bxezkq1dxk) is sharing how his construction business downturn proved to be the shift he needed to discover his real passion. Brad’s Raw Foods, now a multi-million dollar business, employs over 30 people and is helping people everywhere to live a healthier...
Published 05/14/12
Organizational Consultant, Leslie Josel had her very own “terrible two’s” in 2002 when both she and her husband lost their jobs, she lost her father to a sudden heart attack, she under-went a double mastectomy two days after his funeral and her preschooler was diagnosed with ADHD. Leslie is frequently quoted in Washington Post, New […] The post Bounce Back to Your Brilliance! – Order Out Of Chaos appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 05/07/12
Organizational Consultant, Leslie Josel (http://www.orderoochaos.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=52&Itemid=53)had her very own “terrible two’s” in 2002 when both she and her husband lost their jobs, she lost her father to a sudden heart attack, she under-went a double mastectomy two days after his funeral and her preschooler was diagnosed with ADHD. Leslie is frequently quoted in Washington Post, New York Newsday, San Francisco Chronicle, and Westchester Magazine...
Published 05/07/12
Single Mother of two, Randye Kaye’s life was flipped upside down when her then teenage son began displaying signs of mental illness and was subsequently diagnosed as being schizophrenic. Now, a recognized authority on mental illness, Randye has written a riveting memoir, Ben Behind His Voices: Once Family’s Journey from the Chaos of Schizophrenia to […] The post Bounce Back to Your Brilliance! – From the Chaos of Schizophrenia to Hope appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 04/30/12
Single Mother of two, Randye Kaye’s (http://speaker.randyekaye.com/)life was flipped upside down when her then teenage son began displaying signs of mental illness and was subsequently diagnosed as being schizophrenic. Now, a recognized authority on mental illness, Randye has written a riveting memoir, Ben Behind His Voices: Once Family’s Journey from the Chaos of Schizophrenia to Hope (http://benbehindhisvoices.com/tag/randye-kaye/), sharing her story of coping with and rising from the...
Published 04/30/12
While most athletes can only dream of running the Olympics, born without hands and feet Tony Volpentest, 4-time Gold Medalist and 5-time World Champion sprinter, rose to the top of his sport. This extraordinary athlete teaches us through his own personal achievements, how to turn obstacles into opportunities, visualize success and to see the rainbows […] The post Bounce Back to Your Brilliance! – The Fastest Man in the World appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 04/23/12
While most athletes can only dream of running the Olympics, born without hands and feet Tony Volpentest (http://www.tonyvolpentest.com/index.html), 4-time Gold Medalist and 5-time World Champion sprinter, rose to the top of his sport. This extraordinary athlete teaches us through his own personal achievements, how to turn obstacles into opportunities, visualize success and to see the rainbows in life instead of clouds. He is the author of, The Fastest Man in the World: The Tony Volpentest...
Published 04/23/12
Personal and business breakthrough specialist, Tim Levy, affectionately known as “The Perfect Life Guy”, tells you what you can do right now to shift whatever is stuck, foggy or broken in your life and get clear. Enter the “Bounce Back” Competition to WIN Tim Levy’s, The Energy of Money program ($97 value) – just answer […] The post Bounce Back to Your Brilliance! – Clarity is Everything! appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 04/16/12
Personal and business breakthrough specialist, Tim Levy (http://www.timlevy.net/), affectionately known as “The Perfect Life Guy”, tells you what you can do right now to shift whatever is stuck, foggy or broken in your life and get clear. Enter the "Bounce Back" Competition (http://www.timlevy.net/site/database/application-bounce-back/)to WIN Tim Levy's, The Energy of Money (http://www.timlevy.net/shop/the-energy-of-money/)program ($97 value) - just answer the simple question: What Are You...
Published 04/16/12
Who do you need to forgive in order to set yourself free? Are you holding a nasty grudge or harboring resentment and anger deep within? Dean Smith (https://www.facebook.com/livetoforgive), founder of Live to Forgive Ministries and focus of the award winning documentary, Live to Forgive (http://www.livetoforgive.com/), shares his incredible story of forgiveness as he takes you on the journey of an unlikely friendship with the murderer of his mother. He shares how he overcame wanting to seek...
Published 04/09/12
Are you living a lie? Are you holding someone else accountable to your hopes and desires rather than accepting what-is? Certified Coming-Out Coach, Rick Clemons (http://www.rickclemons.com)reveals why it is necessary to your life happiness and overall success to live your truth. He shares his story of transitioning from the storybook “wife, 2 kids & white picket fence” to happily-ever-after as an openly gay man. He shares his T-Factor ...
Published 03/26/12
Have you ever found yourself wallowing in self-pity and sorrow after bumping into a major life obstacle? Former NHL athlete, Doug Smith (http://thetraumacode.com/)bumped head first into a wall, shattering the bones in his neck, ending his 11 season career as a pro hockey player and resulting in his becoming a quadriplegic. But this man used his mind to incredibly think his way out of a tragic situation, out of physical confinement and back onto his feet. Author and international speaker,...
Published 03/19/12
After the untimely death of the once Pop Princess, Whitney Houston (http://remembering.whitneyhouston.com/)– many are wondering if it is even reasonable to believe that addiction can truly be overcome. Life coach and recovered alcoholic, Lisa Neumann (http://www.competencycoaching.com/), author of Sober Identity: Tools for Reprogramming the Addictive Mind...
Published 03/12/12
Not everyone has the innate ability to breakthrough challenges and defeat old habits. When life gets tough and obstacles appear insurmountable, author Shea Vaughn (http://www.sheanetics.com/about-2/shea-vaughn/)insists that we must activate - Commitment, Perseverance, Self-Control, Integrity and Love - in our lives. Discover how this mom of award winning actor, Vince Vaughn, instilled her SheaNetics (http://www.sheanetics.com/) philosophy; Embrace it. Own it. Live it. into her children and...
Published 03/05/12