Why has the Indian market actually been one of the more resilient emerging markets despite having seemed to be one of the least well-prepared for it?
Published 03/22/21
What should the government be doing to make freeports work? What kind of tax benefits should freeports bestow? How will they help the broader economy?
Published 03/05/21
What should the government be doing to make freeports work? What kind of tax benefits should freeports bestow? How will they help the broader economy?
Published 03/05/21
We explore all the major variables which tend to drive changes in inflation over the short and longer term as well as looking at the investment implications.
Published 02/25/21
We explore all the major variables which tend to drive changes in inflation over the short and longer term as well as looking at the investment implications.
Published 02/25/21
We ask what role history and culture have in shaping China's strategic objectives today
Published 02/19/21
We ask what role history and culture have in shaping China's strategic objectives today
Published 02/19/21
We discuss the bizarre start to 2021 which saw a dramatic short squeeze in the shares of GameStop that had been pitched as a David versus Goliath confrontation until it subsequently deflated.
Published 02/10/21
We discuss the bizarre start to 2021 which saw a dramatic short squeeze in the shares of GameStop that had been pitched as a David versus Goliath confrontation until it subsequently deflated.
Published 02/10/21
Karen Ward, JPM's Chief Market Strategist for the EMEA discusses the outlook for markets overall before focusing on some of the key issues facing investors
Published 01/26/21
Karen Ward, JPM's Chief Market Strategist for the EMEA discusses the outlook for markets overall before focusing on some of the key issues facing investors
Published 01/26/21
The latest chapter of the Brexit chronicles
Published 12/15/20
The latest chapter of the Brexit chronicles
Published 12/15/20
We discuss one of the brightest spots in the economic and market world during 2020: China
Published 12/14/20
We discuss one of the brightest spots in the economic and market world during 2020: China
Published 12/14/20
Do we know how Brexit will affect the UK economy?
Published 12/11/20
We discuss the merits of the Prime Minister’s ten-point plan to address climate change.
Published 11/20/20
The virus and its impact on the world of geopolitics
Published 11/18/20
Applying an ethical approach to fixed income investing
Published 11/18/20
Where opportunities may lie in an economic recovery
Published 11/11/20
Prospects for the market as the election results slowly roll in.
Published 11/06/20
The votes have (largely) been counted and the result is (pretty much) known. But what are the implications?
Published 11/06/20
We take a whistle-stop tour of what we expect to happen in the US election, what else could happen, the investment implications and the winners and losers.
Published 10/16/20
The disputes and democracies of a US election
Published 10/14/20
Extent of the knock on macro opportunities?
Published 09/29/20