Enjoy Your Forgiveness
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April 28, 2024 John 21:2-18 Easter 5 The light of the resurrection pulls us out of shame and guilt and invites us into a new life in Christ. Jesus did not repeat his line of question to Peter to shame the Rock upon which the Church would be built but rather to be crystal clear that not only has Peter been absolved of his sin but also that shame and guilt are no longer necessary. In the face of Peter’s public denial, Jesus gives Peter a great responsibility – “Feed my sheep.” A moment for which many of us would prescribe guilt or shame, Jesus prescribed grace. The resurrection of Christ is not just a historical event; it is a living reality, the living hope that continues to transform lives today. Through the faithfulness of our resurrected Lord, the burden of shame and guilt has been lifted from our shoulders. No longer do we need to wallow in self-condemnation, for in Christ Jesus, we find forgiveness, restoration, and a fresh start. When we return to our fishing nets after the Easter celebration, we can hold fast to the truth that our worthiness of love and belonging is not determined by our past mistakes or present imperfections. Instead, it is rooted in the unconditional love of God, demonstrated through Jesus Christ's life, death, and resurrection. The burdens of shame and guilt are lifted, knowing that our gracious Savior truly loves, forgives, and accepts us. And we now live in the light of resurrection hope, let us respond to Christ's call with joy and gratitude, eagerly proclaiming his love to a world in desperate need of redemption. Get full access to Brewing Theology at teerhardy.substack.com/subscribe
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