In this episode of "Bring Out The Talent," we to discuss the power of generative AI and its potential for HR and Learning and Development departments with our guest Gary DePaul, PhD. Gary unravels the potential and the power of generative AI, shedding light on its positive and negative implications for those in L&D and HR roles. From personalized learning experiences to ethical considerations, we delve into how this technology is reshaping the landscape. Discover how generative AI is...
Published 06/07/23
In this episode of "Bring Out The Talent," we are joined by Maggie Redling and Coleman Williams, owners of Wrestling With Talent, to discuss how each of us can drive effective change and develop an emotional connection that will engage our workplace by using the power of storytelling. Learn how storytelling can evolve into a companywide theme that unites teams and fosters high participation and positive change. Maggie and Coleman share their journey of transforming a mundane compliance...
Published 05/23/23
In this episode of "Bring Out The Talent," we explore the importance of psychological safety in the workplace with our guest, Kristy Busija. Kristy breaks down the four stages of psychological safety and shares how leaders can cultivate each of these stages. We also discuss how leaders can create a personal action plan to establish a psychologically safe environment for themselves and their teams, misconceptions surrounding psychological safety and its impact on mental health and wellness,...
Published 05/09/23
In this episode of “Bring Out The Talent,” we are joined by Karan Ferrell-Rhodes. Karan is an organizational psychologist, a leadership development strategist, an HR consultant, and the CEO of Shockingly Different Leadership. In today’s conversation, Karan shares her research of over 10,000 global high-potential leaders and their organizations and shares how they rose to the top of their game in their profession or industry. She also discusses the top 7 characteristics of successful leaders,...
Published 04/25/23
We are in the midst of a collaboration revolution. We are working with everyone, all the time, across silos and different platforms, but sometimes it feels as if we're stuck in a no-win cycle. We’re dealing with a sometimes-overwhelming influx of asks, with unclear lines of communication, and authority. This leaves many of us asking - how can we improve the way our teams work together? In this episode of “Bring Out The Talent,” we are joined by one of our favorite returning guests, Bruce...
Published 02/20/23
A surprising Gallup survey recently revealed that 77% of employees have some degree of mistrust of their leaders. This alarming number is important to address because trust touches every area of a business. Research tells us that there is a direct correlation between high trust and high engagement and productivity. So, what can leaders do if their employees lack trust, and more importantly, how can leaders build and maintain it? In this episode of “Bring Out The Talent,” we are joined by Dr....
Published 02/06/23
The past few years have caused many business leaders to rethink the way their organizations work, where they get the work done, and how long a workweek should be. Since the 1900s, a 40-hour work week has been the accepted standard in the workplace. But has the idea of a 40-hour – five-day workweek evolved? Research seems to suggest that less is more. But what are the ramifications of a shorter work week and do the benefits outweigh them? It also leaves the question of which is better: a 4-day...
Published 01/23/23
In this episode of “Bring Out the Talent,” we speak with Dr. James Stanger, Chief Technology Evangelist at CompTIA and recognized authority in security, information technology, workforce development, analytics, and open source. Dr. Stanger consults regularly with organizations such as the University of Cambridge, Oxford University, West Point, AstraZeneca, Target, and Dell – just to name a few. As an award-winning author, blogger, and educator, Dr Stanger’s writings for Linux Magazine,...
Published 01/09/23
There are numerous studies showing the significant impact that leaders have on the quality of a company’s culture. A leader’s talent, skill, and knowledge can improve company culture and productivity exponentially. In fact, there is a 70% difference in culture quality between companies with great leaders versus inadequate leaders. In this episode of “Bring Out The Talent,” our two special guests, Angie Tinch and Kisha Dixon share a powerful story on transformational leadership. They note how...
Published 12/12/22
Leadership can be defined in many different ways, but author Joanne Ciulla said it best when she wrote, “Leadership is not a person or a position. It’s a complex moral relationship between people based on trust, obligation, commitment, emotion, and a shared vision of the good.” There are many leaders among us, and they’re found in various kinds of people, places, and even the most unlikely positions. Unfortunately, many people – especially women – struggle with leadership, as only 35%...
Published 11/28/22
Research by the Brandon Hall Group found that organizations with a strong onboarding process improve new hire retention by 82% and productivity by over 70%. While creating a strategic employee onboarding process continues to be a key focus for many organizations, many miss the mark when it comes to building an effective new-hire program. In fact, a report from Gallup uncovered that 88% of organizations ‍don't onboard well at all!  What successful organizations have come to know and reinforce...
Published 11/14/22
Most organizations know the importance of continuous workplace learning, but are we teaching our teams how to learn? Oftentimes, corporations may miss the mark on developing a specific learning plan that identifies what is needed in order to close the skills gap. Furthermore, many employees enter the workforce without being fully prepared for the unstructured nature and complexities of the modern workplace learning environment. Organizations need a dynamic skills-focused strategy that enables...
Published 10/31/22
Changing careers has become a growing movement among our current workforce. A recent poll has found that approximately 52% of American employees are considering making a career change, and 44% have already embarked on making the switch. One area seeing tremendous change is teachers pivoting away from academia and moving toward corporate learning and development positions. In this episode of “Bring Out The Talent,” we speak with Cyndi Threatt, Manager of Learning and Development at American...
Published 10/17/22
A recent survey of large companies revealed that inadequate communication, both to and from employees, resulted in an average loss of $62.4 million per year.  In a separate study, it was reported that miscommunication costs smaller companies an average of $420,000 per year. Can your organization afford the cost of not focusing on developing effective communication skills? In this episode of “Bring Out The Talent,” we dive into the importance of clear and confident communication in the...
Published 10/03/22
A recent Accenture report revealed that 63% of companies that have chosen to implement a remote or hybrid workforce model witnessed high-revenue growth, whereas 69% of companies that did not embrace either of these models experienced either negative growth or no growth at all. For those organizations embracing a hybrid or remote workforce model, there has been a growing need to improve the strategies surrounding team building. So, how can managers effectively build teams and set them up for...
Published 09/19/22
There is no doubt that employee happiness and a thriving workplace culture are deeply connected. So, what steps can an organization take to build the foundation for strong and happy teams? In this episode of “Bring Out The Talent,” we discuss the current state of workplace happiness, proven methods to build high-performing teams, how to help teams establish trust, and ways to explore what it means to be happy. We will also learn more about the Better Teams Assessment and ways that everyone...
Published 09/06/22
According to The Harvard Business Review, over 60% of change initiatives undertaken in organizations end in failure. Could this be in part to leaders and employees lacking the guidance and support needed to fully embrace the change? A separate study from McKinsey revealed that 70% of all change programs fail due to employee resistance and lack of support from the management. So, what steps can an organization take to ensure a successful organizational change? In this episode of “Bring Out The...
Published 08/22/22
Research has revealed that teamwork is more important than ever. So much so that approximately 75% of employees rate teamwork and collaboration as being very important and companies that promote collaboration and teamwork have reduced employee turnover rates by 50%. But in this new era of working, many leaders are struggling to cultivate strong teams and are looking for a roadmap for success.  In this episode of “Bring Out The Talent,” we discuss creating radical teams with the author of...
Published 08/08/22
As leaders, we wear many hats: coach, mentor, motivator, problem-solver, and beyond. But one role many leaders aren’t always prepared for is the role of ‘bad attitude modifier.’ Unfortunately, an employee with a toxic attitude can seriously disrupt things in the workplace. Research shows that when faced with a toxic employee, 78% of employees become less committed to their organization.  In this episode of “Bring Out The Talent,” we take a deep dive into the importance of addressing a toxic...
Published 07/25/22
A recent study revealed that companies that cultivate a positive and strong workplace culture could see as much as a 400% growth in revenue. 400%! A positive workplace culture is so important because it helps attract new talent, drives engagement, impacts happiness, and positively affects performance – do you know where your workplace culture rates?  In this episode of “Bring Out The Talent,” we take a deep dive into the importance of workplace culture. We explore why leaders need to think...
Published 07/11/22
Unless you live in a cave, emotional intelligence is a critical requisite skill needed to be an effective leader or team member. Unfortunately, there is not enough emphasis placed on developing this essential skill. The good news is that emotional intelligence can be learned.  In this episode of “Bring Out The Talent,” we take a deep dive into emotional intelligence and discuss the 4 fundamental competencies of emotional intelligence, how emotions can affect behavior and performance, the most...
Published 06/20/22
Most business leaders understand the power of a dynamic and positive workplace culture, but only about 15% of companies that embark on making such a change are successful. Which leads many business leaders to ask - why do so many organizations fail when attempting a culture change? There are many factors to consider when undertaking a culture renovation. Business leaders must ask strategic questions such as what specific actions need to take place to successfully change an organization’s...
Published 06/06/22
According to Gallup, a staggering 85% of employees are not engaged or are actively disengaged at work, resulting in $7 trillion in lost productivity. But there is hopeful news, the Institute of Coaching revealed that over 70% of individuals who received coaching benefited from improved work performance, engagement, relationships, and more effective communication skills. They also reported that 86% of companies felt that they recouped the investment they made into coaching - plus some! So...
Published 06/06/22
While the economy is attempting to recover, the number of jobs still available has been a cause of concern for most employers. In fact, the latest data from the Labor Department revealed that there are currently 11.3 million job openings. Along with the slow return to work, we are experiencing the effects of the Great Resignation. With the challenge of finding talent - what should organizations do? To help us dive into recruiting and talent acquisition, we are joined by TTA’s Direct Hire...
Published 06/06/22
Curiosity is an increasingly important skill for employees. In fact, a recent study from the Harvard Business Review revealed that curiosity allowed employees to think more innovatively and rationally about decisions and come up with new and creative solutions. Additionally, leaders who encouraged curiosity had more trusting and collaborative relationships within their teams. Who wouldn’t want that? Unfortunately, some leaders unwittingly stifle curiosity, fearing it will increase risk and...
Published 06/06/22