EP07 【我的隱形室友 My Invisible Roommate 】
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播你所想,收你所值,最方便的廣告分潤、會員贊助系統, Firstory,你的 Podcast 創作基地! 立即開始:https://link.fstry.me/3DByMJb —— 以上為 Firstory DAI 動態廣告 —— 邦德兄弟 - 第 7 集:“不存在的室友” 描述: 這集真是嚇死人啦~~~ 令人毛骨悚然的邦德兄弟第七集,和安和泰勒談論了超自然領域,分享了他們令人屁滾尿流的個人故事,這些故事會讓你開懷大笑,同時也皮皮挫! 首先,泰勒講述了他奇蹟般治癒了一位芭蕾舞老師而成為現實生活英雄!真是令人難以置信的時刻。接下來,和安揭開了他與一位被附身的憤怒女孩曖昧的過往。究竟他們能否在這場超自然的約會災難中倖存下來嗎?請收聽以找出答案! 但請堅持到最後,因為最令人毛骨悚然的故事尚未到來。準備好一起來收聽/收看“不存在的室友”的可怕故事了嗎?泰勒將分享這段令人不寒而慄的經歷,與鬼魂是如果困擾著一個單純小家庭。 一如既往,邦德兄弟即使在最恐怖的遭遇中也能帶來幽默和友情。與和安和泰勒一起體驗超自然的過山車之旅,充滿歡笑、起雞皮疙瘩和令人難忘的故事,讓您質疑夜晚發生了什麼。 邦德兄弟官方Email: [email protected] 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j/comments - Title: Brosbond - Episode 7: "The Invisible Roommate" Description: In this spine-tingling episode of Brosbond, Concor, and Tyler talk about the realm of the supernatural, sharing their hair-raising personal stories that will leave you laughing and trembling in equal measure. First up, Tyler recounts the incredible moment when he became a real-life hero by miraculously curing a ballet teacher. Next, Concor unveils the story of his crush-turned-possessed-angry-girl incident. Will Concor survive this paranormal dating disaster? Tune in to find out! But hold on tight because the most bone-chilling tale is yet to come. Prepare yourself for the ghastly account of "The Invisible Roommate." Tyler shares this unsettling experience of living with a ghostly presence that haunts a family. As always, Brosbond brings humor and camaraderie to even the spookiest of encounters. Join Concor and Tyler on their supernatural rollercoaster ride, filled with laughter, goosebumps, and unforgettable stories that will have you questioning what goes bump in the night. Stay tuned for this laugh-out-loud, frightfully entertaining episode of Brosbond - because laughter is the best way to face the unknown! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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