David Sandmel is the Director of Inter-Religious Engagement for the ADL. We discuss Jewish-Christian relations, Biblical interpretations, and his meetings with the Pope.
Published 07/22/19
Rachel Rosenthal recently finished her doctorate at the Jewish Theological Seminary, where she is on the Talmud faculty. She is a fellow at the Shalom Hartmann Institute, and teaches Talmud in academic & traditional settings.
Published 07/16/19
Rachel Rosenthal recently finished her doctorate at the Jewish Theological Seminary, where she is on the Talmud faculty. She is a fellow at the Shalom Hartmann Institute, and teaches Talmud in academic & traditional settings.
Published 07/16/19
MaNishtana is a rabbi, writer, and speaker on racial and religious identity - particularly on how it manifests around American Jews.
Published 07/09/19
MaNishtana is a rabbi, writer, and speaker on racial and religious identity - particularly on how it manifests around American Jews.
Published 07/09/19
Dan Feferman is a Fellow at the Jewish People Policy Institute and a Major (res.) in the Israel Defense Forces. We talk about the emerging phenomenon of Israeli Judaism and marginal trends among American Jewry that could become the new mainstream.
Published 07/02/19
Dan Feferman is a Fellow at the Jewish People Policy Institute and a Major (res.) in the Israel Defense Forces. We talk about the emerging phenomenon of Israeli Judaism and marginal trends among American Jewry that could become the new mainstream.
Published 07/02/19
David Wolpe is one of the most influential rabbis in America. We touch on smartphones in Shul, his debate with Sam Harris, and his unlikely Viking heritage.
Published 06/03/19
David Wolpe is one of the most influential rabbis in America. We touch on smartphones in Shul, his debate with Sam Harris, and his unlikely Viking heritage.
Published 06/03/19
Meir Kay is a filmmaker, public speaker and social media personality. His vlogs on Youtube have surpassed 350 million views.
Published 05/28/19
Meir Kay is a filmmaker, public speaker and social media personality. His vlogs on Youtube have surpassed 350 million views.
Published 05/28/19
Sal Litvak is a filmmaker who read the entire Talmud Bavli over seven years. His Facebook page Accidental Talmudist is the most popular Jewish page on social media. We talk about losing loved ones, mystical revelation, and rowing as a spiritual discipline
Published 05/07/19
Sal Litvak is a filmmaker who read the entire Talmud Bavli over seven years. His Facebook page Accidental Talmudist is the most popular Jewish page on social media. We talk about losing loved ones, mystical revelation, and rowing as a spiritual discipline
Published 05/07/19
Frumma Rosenberg-Gottlieb and Simcha Gottlieb are the power couple of Jewish meditation. Their latest book is "Awesome Aging".
Published 04/23/19
Frumma Rosenberg-Gottlieb and Simcha Gottlieb are the power couple of Jewish meditation. Their latest book is "Awesome Aging".
Published 04/23/19
Manis Friedman is a rabbi, educator, author and the Chabad shliach to Minnesota for over 50 years. We talk about the role of intimacy in mysticism and in marriage.
Published 04/02/19
Manis Friedman is a rabbi, educator, author and the Chabad shliach to Minnesota for over 50 years. We talk about the role of intimacy in mysticism and in marriage.
Published 04/02/19
Charlie Buttons is a poet, spoken word performer and iconic mainstay at 770 Eastern Parkway - world headquarters of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement.
Published 03/19/19
Charlie Buttons is a poet, spoken word performer and iconic mainstay at 770 Eastern Parkway - world headquarters of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement.
Published 03/19/19
Chaim Samuels is a stand-up comedian who regularly performs at the Broadway Comedy Club in NYC. Find him on Youtube at "Lonelyboy Reactions".
Published 03/12/19
Chaim Samuels is a stand-up comedian who regularly performs at the Broadway Comedy Club in NYC. Find him on Youtube at "Lonelyboy Reactions".
Published 03/12/19
Benzion Klatzko is a rabbi, author, lecturer, and musical composer. His best known project is shabbat.com, a social network for finding Shabbat meals which has grown into a matchmaking website. We talk about Israel trips, intermarriage, and the ingredient
Published 02/05/19
Benzion Klatzko is a rabbi, author, lecturer, and musical composer. His best known project is shabbat.com, a social network for finding Shabbat meals which has grown into a matchmaking website. We talk about Israel trips, intermarriage, and the ingredient
Published 02/05/19
Adrian Heathcote is a philosopher specializing in philosophy of mathematics and physics. He lectured for over two decades at the University of Sydney.
Published 01/22/19
Adrian Heathcote is a philosopher specializing in philosophy of mathematics and physics. He lectured for over two decades at the University of Sydney.
Published 01/22/19