Episode 29: Distractions In Your Business & Other Sparkly Things
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As we approach the Christmas season, there are so many things that can be distractions…   Whether it be parties, meeting end of year goals to get that bonus or just thinking, whew, I need to be doing something else with my life! LOL I don’t know what season of life you are in but let me tell you distractions in your business are real and can quickly have you spinning in the glitter.   Here are some tips to help you stay focused:   Keeping your work flow consistent – Yes some of us like to take off during the holidays to be with family or just for a much needed break. But let me tell you plan for this! If you know you’re going to be off for a week or maybe even 2! Plan ahead! Batch some of your projects, make sure your team knows and they are equipped to handle things in your absence. Stay focused! – This is something that is particularly difficult for me. I love all the pretty sparkles and I LOVE to try new things. So this can be quite difficult when I am working toward a goal. You may think that I’m silly or think, “you really have to do that!” But, yes I am a very visual person so I post and write my goals EVERYWHERE!! I write them in my journal over and over, I pin pictures in my phone, I create albums in my phone, I tape them to my dash in my car or to my mirror in my bathroom. Maybe you’re really great at staying focused or you have a technique that works for you (and I would love to hear how you handle staying focused). This is what helps me! Stay connected – Staying connected to your mentor or business coach can also keep you on track. Run ideas and opportunities by them. Sometimes having someone from the outside looking in is a great way to “see” what’s right in front of you. Even opportunities that are to good to be true are sometimes not what is right for us at this particular moment. I can remember when I had my shop, I was killing it! I had an investor from out of town want me to open another location and I’m telling you that the offer was almost to good to turn down. But after prayer and thinking long and hard, it was going to put a strain on me and my family, not to mention my other shop. It literally made me cringe to turn it down, but in the end it was the best thing for me, my family and my business. Meditation, Prayer and Self Reflection – If you don’t hear me say anything else, hear me now!! Meditation, prayer, and self-reflection are a MUST for anyone! Whichever you choose, I do all 3, take some time to meditate on your thoughts; pray, pray, pray; and take time to reflect. Reflection can be done daily, but also take a look back each month at your business, then each quarter, then each year. I keep a personal journal as well as a business journal. I also keep my date books (which I write notes, things I should have done and other thoughts) so that I can revisit them to increase my productivity the following year.   I truly hope that this has helped you and maybe you have suggestions to tackle distractions and all the sparkly things that tend to stand in our way of accomplishing our goals.   I’d love to hear how you handle distractions! Email us at [email protected] to share how you roll. Also, leave us a review! This is how we reach more listeners and grow.   If you would like to work with me or need a business coach, please email me at [email protected] I’d love to hear from you! If you like listening with us, then leave us a review! By leaving us a review, you help us get out there. This boosts our ratings, gets us seen and be sure to share this podcast with a friend. You can also join our social community on FB at https://www.facebook.com/rowanhouseSoCo/ or Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/rowan.house/  Also, if you’d like to be part of our email group then click the link and sign up to receive weekly letters from ME! https://preview.mailerlite.io/preview/57855/sites/56091871117576166/32OKsx   All my love, Emily  
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