Episode 16: Re-boot Your Business
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Boot Camp for Your Business:   So I have a challenge for you for this next week… Are you struggling to stay on track? Are you bumfuzzled and don’t know where to start? Well today I have some great quick tips on how to get back on track! We’re going to take 5 days to re-boot your business! So get that pen & paper and let’s get started! So we’ve all been there, we get caught up in the day to day, working the grind. We get into a cycle of get up, work, go home, sleep, then get up and do it all over again… Losing sight of what we’re trying to achieve. So here are some helpful tips that you can implement this week. I’ve broken each tip down into a day so that you have time to complete each task successfully. Each one may take you an hour or some may take longer depending on your mess. LOL So here we go…   Day 1: Clean up your work space. Today I want you to focus on creating a clean work space. Some of you may have an office and some of you may be working from your kitchen table. Believe me, it doesn’t matter what your office space looks like but, it definitely needs to be organized and clean. I find that this is one of the biggest contributing factors for procrastination and lack of production. I know if I can’t find things it takes me twice as long to accomplish a task or if my area is messy then I’ll put off working because “I just can’t deal today”. Have you been there? So today on day 1 let’s focus on getting that mess cleaned up! Try using a pretty vase or your favorite piece of pottery to hold your pens, pencils, highlighters, scissors, paperclips, etc. Have your files stored properly. I have a file organizer on my desk for projects that I am currently working on regularly. For the projects that I previously worked on or files I don’t need everyday, they’re stored away in a larger file cabinet. CORDS! AHHH! What a mess they can be. Be sure that they are tied up securely with a ziptie or are out of site. I don’t know about you but these can really make me crazy. Place a favorite picture or two on your desk or have inspirational quotes written to post on your wall. I have various paintings that I love hung around my office, and I love inspirational quotes & scripture. I write these on cards and hang them in site so that I can glance at them as positive reminders throughout my week. Now if you’re working from your kitchen table or you have a really small workspace then keeping it clean is essential for you. By keeping your area clean and clutter free you’ll be able to more efficiently complete your projects during your work week.   Day 2: Clean up your computer: I know if you’re on your computer and working throughout the day it is hard to place everything in the right place. I am the queen of saving everything to my desk top! HA! Then when I am looking for a file it can be very daunting with so much on my desktop. Try saving each file, pic, or whatever you’re working on in the proper place. Create folders and sub folders to help you stay organized with your files. So today I want you to clean up that computer! Use an external hard drive to back up your files. I use WD Elements External Hard Drive. https://www.amazon.com/Elements-Portable-External-Drive-WDBU6Y0050BBK-WESN/dp/B07X41PWTY/ref=sr_1_5?crid=298HA2EDVT0NS&keywords=hard+drive&qid=1664813333&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI2LjYxIiwicXNhIjoiNi4wNiIsInFzcCI6IjUuNTkifQ%3D%3D&s=pc&sprefix=hard+drive%2Ccomputers%2C158&sr=1-5&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.f5122f16-c3e8-4386-bf32-63e904010ad0 This can be purchased on Amazon for around $100. Totally Worth IT!!   Day 3: Evaluate where you are: Today I want you to meditate on where you are. What’s your story? How did you get here? Where do you want to go or where would you like to see yourself? Take today to really think about these questions and write them in a journal along with your responses. Things really become real and relevant when you write them down. Do you like where you are? Have you beco
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