Published 09/15/22
Join us for Office Hours! 
Published 07/10/20
[Just a quick warning that we’re going to be throwing around some curse words in today’s episode so if you’ve got little ears listening or that kind of language just isn’t your thing, you can make an informed choice about that.] My guest today is Amy E. Smith, aka The Joy Junkie. Amy is a certified professional career coach and her personal mission is to help aspiring bad-ass women to create joyful lives by accessing radical self love, worthiness and self-acceptance. 
Published 05/15/20
My guest today is Glenn Martin, a business consultant with over 30 years of experience. In 2002 he founded Trakstar, a human resource software application which he grew to 250K online users in 35 countries before he sold the company in 2016. Glen is formally retired but lends his expertise as a counselor with the Central Mountain Small Business Development Center here in Colorado. 
Published 05/01/20
Published 04/15/20
My guest today is Bex Marie of bexmarie.com. Bex, short for Rebecca, is a graphic design professional and since 2010 she’s been building websites for creative professionals. Bex is going to chat with us today about considerations in launching a new website. 
Published 04/15/20
Welcome everyone to the second season of Business of Craft where our theme is wantrepreneurship-- and our episodes are covering all the baby steps you need to take to launch your new business in 2020. My guest today is Jamie Billesbach, she is the Center Director of the Small Business Development Center for the Central Mountain Region of Colorado. Jamie has more than 20 years of experience in brand development, merchandising, graphic design and marketing planning for companies such as LavAzza...
Published 04/01/20
Welcome everyone to the second season of Business of Craft where our theme is wantrepreneurship-- and our episodes are covering all the baby steps you need to take to launch your new business in 2020.  My guest today is Susan Dunn, she is a graphic designer by trade but a whiz with the numbers. She’s been a consultant with the small business development center in Colorado for 10 years and her specialty is helping new business owners get their  financial books set up. 
Published 03/15/20
My guest today is Shawn Allison, a business and marketing consultant with the Central Mountain Small Business Development. Shawn has more than 20 years of experience in business development, direct marketing, strategic planning, budgeting, marketing automation and graphic design. Shawn is joining us today to give the down and dirty lowdown on how to write an effective business plan.
Published 03/01/20
My guest today Robin Waite is one of the most successful professional business coaches in the United Kingdom and author of the book "Take Your Shot: How to Grow Your Business, Attract More Clients and Make More Money". I wanted to have Robin on the show today to talk about some of the struggles that new entrepreneurs face in starting off on the right foot. 
Published 02/15/20
A quick preview of what's coming up in Season 2 of Business of Craft, launching February 15, 2020. 
Published 02/01/20
My guest today Amy Singer is pioneer publisher of the quarterly digital e-magazine Knitty.com. We discuss the evolution of pattern publishing and Patreon support. 
Published 12/15/19
My guest today is Janet Kafadar, an online business coach who’s passionate about helping entrepreneurs package their brilliance into a sustainable, profitable online business. She’s come on Business of Craft show today to talk about starting a business after hours.
Published 12/01/19
My guest today Stephen Koenig is the co-founder of Sommer Street Associates, a publishing intermediary working to connect craft publishers and retailers utilizing a whole new model. Steve is also adept at building audiences, monetizing content and helping digital brands grow to their full potential.
Published 11/15/19
My guest Katie Salmon is the founder and CEO of a digital marketing consultancy business called Katie Does Marketing. Katie helps shop owners and makers develop strategies to simply SELL MORE STUFF.
Published 11/01/19
My guest today is Laura Bellows, owner and founder of Jul Designs, an internationally collaborative company producing knitwear and body jewelry designs. Doctor Laura Bellows also happens to be a PhD trained cultural anthropologist, well-versed on the issues regarding cultural appropriation in business. She joins our show today to help crafty entrepreneurs understand cultural appropriation and what it means for their businesses. 
Published 10/15/19