Memorial Telethon for Travis Merrick
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Travis left behind his wife and two young children who can really use all of our help, which is why we are holding this telethon. To donate to the family please follow this link to the GoFundMe campaign. August 12th, 2013 the US lost a devoted father, inspired technology developer, teacher, husband, friend, entrepreneur and highly decorated United States Marine to a battle with an illness he brought back with him from his tour in Gulf War I but that lay dormant until last year when it turned his own immune system against him and developed into the flesh eating disease 'Pemphigus.' Although it appeared that recent treatments might have had him on the road to recovery, he had been out of the VA hospital for just a few weeks when the strain the illness had had on his body led to a sudden and fatal heart attack that claimed his life at 42. Travis' story is devastating to his friends and his family, but surprisingly perhaps more so even for the country that he fought and eventually died for. Travis was an innovator. He was an inventor, a self-styled computer 'ninja' who worked with some of the brightest minds in internet technologies and automated marketing to develop tools and concepts that are still years ahead of the market. The loss of inspired innovation to the country right now during our time of economic crisis is particularly poignant. On today's show we are going to celebrate the life of a man whose sense of humour was second only to his sense of family and of country, and we'll do so by sharing the memories of his friends and family and anyone who has a fond rememberance. We also hope to have some doctors on who can talk about Pemphigus, the illness that took Travis and several other veterans from us, to see what can be done to advance and improve out treatment of this ghastly disease.
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