X-Mondays- Lessons about Customer Retention
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This Week Lessons Learned about Customer Retention strategies, programs, tools, and ideas. We also cover a little about the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman trial, gun control, human self-preservation, and niche social media as we talk about the upcoming release of our new Niche Social media Guide that goes to the publisher this week. Show Overview What if you could learn one thing each week that improved your overall business performance by 1% per year. That would mean that after one year you could literally improve your business by more than 50% and all it would take is to learn from the lessons you are already being taught but are probably ignoring as you race ahead to put out more fires. This show is all about fixing that by taking two hours out of your week to share your lessons and the lessons of our other listeners so we can all learn and improve even faster. And you know what that will mean before long? That we'll all have a lot fewer and easier fires to put out! Think of this show as a global mastermind group with expert guests, technology reviews and more that help us learn about new tools, techniques, strategies, and ways that we can both improve our businesses and our lives.
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