Episode 13 of Career Canvas paints the career path Josh Hauser took to become a Hi-Tech/M&A Lawyer. A good friend of many years from my Yeshiva and army days (#GdudReshef), Josh provided insight into how to become a lawyer and the different career paths available to those who practice law. We talked the tech ecosystem, embracing continued education, and mentoring and being mentored. Enjoy the episode and share it along!
Published 07/21/23
Episode 12 of Career Canvas paints Shlomo's path from law to PR to customer success. We talked about how CS is defined differently based on the company but which core values remain the same. Of course, Shlomo was quick to give many shout outs to the people who helped him along the way and we discussed balancing military service as a means to help society. Get ready to be educated and inspired! Please enjoy and share with a friend.
Published 07/15/23
Episode 11 of Career Canvas paints the ever-evolving path Rabbi Aron White is taking from Rabbinics to being an editor for a magazine. Beyond editing, Aron is building the budding community of Carmei HaNadiv, where he works part time as a licensed real estate agent. It's hard not to be inspired listening to his charisma about, well, everything! Enjoy and share the fun.
Published 07/06/23
Episode 10 of Career Canvas paints the path doctoral candidate Gene Matanky has been taking through the world of Academia. We talked about the factors of individual success, how people make it financially in the industry, and a perspective on the intersection between Judaism and academia. Good stuff, please enjoy and share the wealth.
Published 06/30/23
In Episode 9 of Career Canvas we paint the journey of Neriyah from studying Law in Brazil and Accounting in Israel before finding his way to Product Management. Hear the practical steps Neriyah took to break into and contribute in a competitive field, the value he places on having and being a mentor, and get a book recommendation too. Enjoy this episode and pass along the knowledge!
Published 06/22/23
In Episode 8 of Career Canvas we see how Jeff combines his passion for physics and technology with his gregarious personality as an Application Engineer. Learn about what it takes to be an application engineer in the cutting edge electro-optics industry, where social intelligence is valued just as much as technical knowledge. Enjoy the episode and pass it on!
Published 06/15/23
In Episode 7 of Career Canvas we paint the journey of Matt from law to sales. On the way he became a founder of the SDR's of Israel and quite the influencer on LinkedIn. Check out his content and enjoy his wisdom on the world of sales, how social media helps drives business, and other secrets of the trade. Enjoy the episode and share it with a friend!
Published 06/08/23
In episode 6 of Career Canvas we paint the journey of the "wiz-kid" who became a Salesforce expert on the back of his Excel skills, willingness to take on new challenges, and ability to learn the logic behind the technology. We shared whiskey and wisdom in this episode, don't miss out and share it with a friend!
Published 06/01/23
Episode 5 of Career Canvas paints Shoshana Ratz's journey to becoming one of the first Nurse Practitioners in Israel while being a concert violinist and doing a few other degrees along the way because, why not? Is a nurse practitioner more like a nurse or a doctor or neither? What is the power of empathy in healthcare? What was the first song I asked Shoshana to play on violin? Listen and share it with a friend!
Published 05/28/23
Episode 4 of Career Canvas paints Ben Kayser's journey from selling snakes, to a masters in Physics, a PHD in Chemistry until becoming a patent attorney. Does being a patent attorney require law school? Can you patent an idea? How many topics do you think Ben would include in his book? Listen and share it with a friend!
Published 05/19/23
Episode 3 of Career Canvas paints the journey of Emily Wallick from graphic design to Product Designer and her work as a parenting coach. I was surprised by Emily's answer to what the most important trait to be a successful designer was - spoiler alert, it is not being creative! Hear about what it takes to get into the field of product and about her new venture as a parenting coach. This one's a gem!
Published 05/11/23
Episode 2 of Career Canvas paints Efrayim’s journey into Real Estate operations from a phone call on an airport run. We talked real estate, pickup trucks, parenting, community work, and basketball. Plus we got a sneak peak to his future book(s) - you don’t want to miss this episode!
Published 05/07/23
Episode 1 of Career Canvas paints Danielle's journey from a double major in Middle Eastern Studies and Jewish History to a career in marketing. Join our conversation through Content Marketing, strategy, understanding the marketing field between enterprise vs startup vs agency companies, organic traffic, mentorship, delicious smoked meats, and more!
Published 04/30/23
Hosted by Reuven Kirshner Let's learn a new perspective about the workplace from some pretty amazing individuals. Intro music is from my original single, "Spiritually Sound" right here on Spotify
Published 04/26/23