To have a “stout heart” is to be brave and courageous in the face of difficulties . . . Caregiving often takes us down paths that twist wildly . . . all the more reason to “keep our head” each day so that we can deliver our best to our loved ones! It is my […] The post CareTalker – “BE OF STOUT HEART” appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 05/27/13
To have a “stout heart” is to be brave and courageous in the face of difficulties . . . Caregiving often takes us down paths that twist wildly . . . all the more reason to “keep our head” each day so that we can deliver our best to our loved ones! It is my hope that listeners may hear themselves reflected in my personal story and find comfort, good suggestions and solid tips that they may choose to apply to their own situation. LINK: "CareTalker" Link to: www.CareTalker.com...
Published 05/27/13
Nobody ever said that Caregiving is pretty . . . or easy! But, as Caregiver’s the last thing we want to do is make things even more difficult. Today’s show offers some straight forward suggestions to keep us on an even keel! It is my hope that listeners may hear themselves reflected in my personal […] The post CareTalker – “NOT PRETTY . . . NOT EASY” appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 05/20/13
Nobody ever said that Caregiving is pretty . . . or easy! But, as Caregiver’s the last thing we want to do is make things even more difficult. Today’s show offers some straight forward suggestions to keep us on an even keel! It is my hope that listeners may hear themselves reflected in my personal story and find comfort, good suggestions and solid tips that they may choose to apply to their own situation. LINK: "A&B Healthcare" Link to: www.AandBHealthcare.com...
Published 05/20/13
Caregiving over time is the sub-total of a long list of little things . . . small loving actions that when carried out with focus and intention create that your loved one (and you) have had a “good day”! It is my hope that listeners may hear themselves reflected in my personal story and find […] The post CareTalker – “IT’S THE LITTLE THINGS” appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 05/13/13
Caregiving over time is the sub-total of a long list of little things . . . small loving actions that when carried out with focus and intention create that your loved one (and you) have had a “good day”! It is my hope that listeners may hear themselves reflected in my personal story and find comfort, good suggestions and solid tips that they may choose to apply to their own situation. LINK: "Freedom Cane Holder" Link to: www.FreedomCaneHolder.com...
Published 05/13/13
Having a knowledgeable person to talk to about your Home Caregiving circumstance makes all the difference in the world. Today’s show offers suggestions as to how to find the “rightest” person who may well be able to help you take your Caregiving to the next level It is my hope that listeners may hear themselves […] The post CareTalker – “SOMEONE TO TALK TO” appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 05/06/13
Having a knowledgeable person to talk to about your Home Caregiving circumstance makes all the difference in the world. Today's show offers suggestions as to how to find the "rightest" person who may well be able to help you take your Caregiving to the next level It is my hope that listeners may hear themselves reflected in my personal story and find comfort, good suggestions and solid tips that they may choose to apply to their own situation. LINK: "CareTalker" Link to: www.CareTalker.com...
Published 05/06/13
Caregiving is stressful . . . Illness is stressful . . . Life is stressful. Undiffused stress in a Caregiver can easily explode making an already difficult circumstance nearly impossible. Today’s focus is on ways to reduce or disappear stress so as to stop potentially negative things before they happen. It is my hope that […] The post CareTalker – “DIFFUSING STRESS” appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 04/29/13
Caregiving is stressful . . . Illness is stressful . . . Life is stressful. Undiffused stress in a Caregiver can easily explode making an already difficult circumstance nearly impossible. Today’s focus is on ways to reduce or disappear stress so as to stop potentially negative things before they happen. It is my hope that listeners may hear themselves reflected in my personal story and find comfort, good suggestions and solid tips that they may choose to apply to their own...
Published 04/29/13
Home Caregiving is like life. Sometimes we get it right . . . other times, not so much. But, if we are really tuned in, we know at the end of the day what could have been handled in a better way for a better outcome. That’s when “tomorrow” comes in handy . . . […] The post CareTalker – “WE CAN DO BETTER” appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 04/22/13
Home Caregiving is like life. Sometimes we get it right . . . other times, not so much. But, if we are really tuned in, we know at the end of the day what could have been handled in a better way for a better outcome. That’s when “tomorrow” comes in handy . . . time to be better. It is my hope that listeners may hear themselves reflected in my personal story and find comfort, good suggestions and solid tips that they may choose to apply to their own situation. LINK: "CareTalker" Link to:...
Published 04/22/13
We never know what exactly we will be called upon to do on a day to day basis as a Caregiver . . . Yes, there are the basic daily responsibilities . . . that is, until things shift and change . . . and change, they will do! And like MacGyver . . . […] The post CareTalker – “MACGYVER CAREGIVING” appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 04/15/13
We never know what exactly we will be called upon to do on a day to day basis as a Caregiver . . . Yes, there are the basic daily responsibilities . . . that is, until things shift and change . . . and change, they will do! And like MacGyver . . . we better be ready for whatever comes and address the issue head on . . . and, all the better if you can keep smiling! It is my hope that listeners may hear themselves reflected in my personal story and find comfort, good suggestions and solid tips...
Published 04/15/13
We Home Caregiver’s can be hard on ourselves . . . perhaps, sometimes, way too hard! Today’s show explores how we can guide our inner voice towards kinder and gentler “internal conversations” . . . after all, we deserve our own compassion! It is my hope that listeners may hear themselves reflected in my personal […] The post CareTalker – “CAREGIVER’S INNER VOICE” appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 04/08/13
We Home Caregiver’s can be hard on ourselves . . . perhaps, sometimes, way too hard! Today’s show explores how we can guide our inner voice towards kinder and gentler “internal conversations” . . . after all, we deserve our own compassion! It is my hope that listeners may hear themselves reflected in my personal story and find comfort, good suggestions and solid tips that they may choose to apply to their own situation. LINK: "CareTalker" Link to: www.CareTalker.com...
Published 04/08/13
Of course, we would love to see our loved one cured of all illness. That could happen . . . or not! Miracles are often of a smaller nature . . . small victories . . . small positive changes. But in order for us to be able to see and acknowledge these miracles we must be paying close, loving attention. It is my hope that listeners may hear themselves reflected in my personal story and find comfort, good suggestions and solid tips that they may choose to apply to their own...
Published 04/01/13
Home Caregiving may come on slowly over a long period of time . . . or arrive in a frantic, tragic instant. How we respond . . . our actions and our attitude will dictate how successful our Caregiving will be. It is my hope that listeners may hear themselves reflected in my personal story and find comfort, good suggestions and solid tips that they may choose to apply to their own situation. LINK: "CareTalker" Link to: www.CareTalker.com (http://www.CareTalker.com)
Published 03/25/13
“Old School Caregiving” can sap the life right out of you . . . It’s time to pull out all the stops and make our Caregiving just a little bit easier! This is possible when we surround ourselves with simple and powerful reminders to stay in right action with a smile! It is my hope that listeners may hear themselves reflected in my personal story and find comfort, good suggestions and solid tips that they may choose to apply to their own situation. LINK: "CareTalker" Link to: www.CareTalker.com...
Published 03/18/13
Sometimes Caregiving can be like captaining a ship at sea during an unrelenting storm. When issues are coming fast and furious for our loved one, it is all the more necessary for us to stay centered, tuned-in and ready to do whatever is necessary. The true measure of our abiliity to “sail on” can only be had seas are at their roughest. It is my hope that listeners may hear themselves reflected in my personal story and find comfort, good suggestions and solid tips that they may choose to apply...
Published 03/11/13
The Caregiving journey is profoundly effected by the Caregiver’s attitude. And an attitude that provides perspective lofts the entire Caregiving process to new heights. Today’s show focuses on some simple and powerful actions “designed with altitude” in mind!. It is my hope that listeners may hear themselves reflected in my personal story and find comfort, good suggestions and solid tips that they may choose to apply to their own situation. LINK: "CareTalker" Link to: www.CareTalker.com...
Published 03/04/13
CareGiving is all about getting into action . . . Right Action! The quality of our CareGiving Journey depends on our attitude. If we are fighting or arguing with family, our CareGiving can easily be compromised. Today’s show focuses on some profoundly simple and powerful actions. It is my hope that listeners may hear themselves reflected in my personal story and find comfort, good suggestions and solid tips that they may choose to apply to their own situation. LINK: "CareTalker" Link to:...
Published 02/25/13
Yes, CareGiving is a serious . . . but without a smile, it becomes difficult and stressful. The CareGiver who can find a smile from time to time and keep their own life in some kind of balance is the is the CareGiver we all aspire to be. When we realize that there is a choice (and choices to be made all day every day) we can lighten our own load and bring a needed spark and a smile to the CareGiving experience. It is my hope that listeners may hear themselves reflected in my personal story...
Published 02/18/13
SHOW TITLE: "RETROFIT FOR CAREGIVING” To retrofit or not . . . that is the question! Making your home easier for your loved one to get around is very important . . . with safety being the key issue. A key retrofit element can be a Safe Step Tub . . . you’ve seen ‘em advertised and we’ll talk about ‘em today. If we can “make a fall NOT happen” . . . everyone is way ahead at the end of the day. Take a look at what an Independent Walk In Tub Review says. It is my hope that listeners may hear...
Published 02/11/13
Chances are, as our Home CareGiving role continues, we will revisit “places and circumstances” we have previously experienced. The longer we serve, the more often these moments may occur. We have, in these and in all moments, the power to set a positive tone and have a profound effect on our loved ones for whom we are caring. It is my hope that listeners may hear themselves reflected in my personal story and find comfort, good suggestions and solid tips that they may choose to apply to their...
Published 02/04/13