Watercraft and fly fishing go together. But which watercraft are best suited for the job? And, consequently, your hard-earned money? Today I dip my paddle into the wide, deep river of watercraft that one can employ in his pursuit of fish. There could be an entire podcast series on this topic, but hopefully this will serve as a sufficient introduction. Whether you're starting out or whether you have been fishing for years, this primer on a half dozen types of boats can help you think about how...
Published 12/15/23
Giving and getting gifts are both good. But in an arena like fly fishing, things usually need to be just so. This makes shopping for fly fishers hard at Christmases, birthdays, graduations, Father's days... year-round. But there are a few things that ought to be a hit for anyone, any time. And in today's podcast episode I share 10 gifts that will probably work for most fly fishers. Inevitably there will be something on this list that will make someone in your life happy. Or, perhaps this list...
Published 12/08/23
There are a lot of misconceptions about fly fishing out there. Some of them are repeated enough with such careless disregard for the truth that I'm comfortable in calling them lies. Today, I address three of them. Two have to do with technique and angling itself; one has broader social implications. Whether you're a new angler who is struggling against these things or a veteran who needs to think about combatting them, hopefully I frame the discussion in a way for you to navigate yourself and...
Published 12/01/23
It is Thanksgiving. And I am thankful. Today's episode is all about what I'm thankful for. It is about fly fishing. And it is personal. But as is the case with a lot of what I put out on Casting Across, I hope my personal musings about fly fishing will resonate with you. Whether they run parallel or perpendicular, I think there will definitely be some benefit as you listen and consider my ramblings. Happy Thanksgiving from Casting Across! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit...
Published 11/24/23
What's on the end of your fly line? It isn't a fish. It is a leader. Which, as you may well have surmised, is essential for getting your fly to a fish. And getting your leader onto your fly line isn't necessarily a straightforward endeavor. Not all fly line/leader connections are created equally. Today I walk through four of them; three of which I recommend for one reason or another. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 11/17/23
The weather outside is frightful. Or, at least it will be. And you're all ready to fish in it. Right? If you have the gumption and the warm socks, there is no reason why you can't fish in the coldest months out of the year. Today I tackle two big hurdles that people face when it comes to fly fishing in cold weather. I also give two techniques that ought to encourage you to get out and explore your local waters in a new way this season. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit...
Published 11/10/23
So I messed up. To my knowledge, I have never deleted an email from a reader or listener. But just today, right before recording, I did. So whoever you are, this week's podcast starts off with my heartfelt apology and an answer to your question. Along with that little bit of Q&A, I interact with two other bits of feedback that will be worth your while. Thanks for listening! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 11/03/23
Casting Across is not a "gear review site." But it does feature quite a few gear reviews. And, apparently you like them. My gear reviews receive thousands upon thousands of views every year. I usually keep those opinions confined to the specific articles, but because there are a lot of thoughts that surround the gear and how I've used it over the years I thought I'd mention them on the podcast. Today I'm talking about the top three gear reviews (by views) I have on Casting Across. Learn more...
Published 10/27/23
Sometimes it takes something jarring to get you to realize that you're not as safe as you thought. While fly fishing isn't a risky or dangerous activity, the fact of the matter is that it has elements of risk and danger. Why? It is outside, it is near the water, and you can't control everything all the time. Today I share a few sobering anecdotes, along with ways to stay safe on the water. You're never going to eliminate risk and danger. These are four things you need to know that will...
Published 10/20/23
My introduction to fly fishing was on small, intimate rivers and streams. The first time I waded into a broad, sprawling trout river I was confident I wasn't going to catch a thing. But you know what? I did. And by employing a few simple techniques I landed more big river trout that day... and quite a few more in the decades since. Today's episode is a classic three-step how-to. I share three things that you can do to build confidence and get onto fish as you chase them in even the widest...
Published 10/13/23
Okay. Here's one that you can put in the debating fly fishing minutiae category. What situations should trigger jumping up two rod weights/line sizes? Today I talk through three circumstances that might push you to a heavier terminal rig. I give three common, real world examples. There are plenty of misconceptions that drive people to use gear that is too light. And while I love using lighter, more finesse equipment it should never be at the expense of decent casting and proper...
Published 10/06/23
There is a certain picture most of us have in our minds when we think of fly fishing. Rolling hills, dense forests, and barren beaches are the kinds of scenery we seek out as we pursue fish. But have you ever tried to lure a brown trout out from under an overturned shopping cart to the sounds of a machine shop? Either because of adventure or proximity, you may very well want to pursue fly fishing in town. Big cities and small villages have water. And as long as the water is in good shape,...
Published 09/29/23
What's your fly shop? There is a good chance that you have a local shop, considering that there are nearly 400 of them around the lower 48. A new and exciting part of Casting Across is the "Fly Shop Box" - an online directory of all the fly shops. In this episode I talk a little bit about why I decided to put this together, how you can use it, and how you can help keep it relevant. Give the podcast a listen, then hop online to check out if your favorite shop is there... or if there is a fly...
Published 09/22/23
Recently I took my oldest son fishing on one of my favorite streams. It has taken me this long to take him, an accomplished angler for a pre-teen, because it is an incredibly small creek with remarkably spooky fish. But those fish happen to be native brook trout. I warned him of the challenges while singing the praises of what was in store. After a rough hour of fly fishing, we sat and talked. I shared four pieces of advice that were encouraging for him. In hindsight, they would be...
Published 09/15/23
Who is this guy you listen to every week? Valid question. In fact, I think that it is incredibly helpful to know at least a little something about the life, experiences, and worldview of the author you're reading. Or podcaster you're hearing. So this week, in incredibly short (and arbitrarily scheduled) fashion, I give you a little bit of an introduction to who I am. Perhaps it will give you some insight into Casting Across. Or you may potentially find some parallel aspects of our lives....
Published 09/08/23
Every 10 episodes I read and respond to listener and reader feedback. This 25th edition of this facet of the Casting Across Fly Fishing Podcast includes the most diverse sources to date. Today I interact with a Facebook comment, a YouTube question, and a conversation at Dunkin' Donuts. Yes. A conversation at Dunkin' Donuts. I'm confident that something I cover in this week's podcast will be relevant to you and your angling. And as always, thanks for all your questions, comments, and...
Published 09/01/23
250 episodes. That is a quarter of the way to a really impressive benchmark. But let's not focus too much on the future. Today, I break my format rules and bring three guests into the studio. We talk travel, big bass, and fall dreams. There is also a very serious discussion regarding gummy bears. Thanks for listening; whether this be your first time with Casting Across or your 250th. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 08/25/23
We live in a day and age when we can use products off the shelf and they'll perform incredibly well. But if you spend any time on YouTube, you know that there is nothing that is off-limits when it comes to modifying everything from Nerf guns to leaf blower carburetors. Fly fishing gear is no different. While I don't advocate chopping up your rod or sewing something onto your waders, there are some simple things that you can do to improve the efficiency and effectiveness. Today I share four...
Published 08/18/23
Most of us rely upon others' reviews of products and services as we attempt to make decisions regarding our hard earned money. More importantly: as we attempt to do our best to catch more fish. What makes a good review? What kinds of things should you look for as you shop, discern, and discriminate? To make it more personal, what kinds of things do I attempt to do as I write reviews on Casting Across? Is this a review of reviews? In a sense: yes. Give it a listen. Learn more about your ad...
Published 08/11/23
It could be the season of life, the weather, or even just the recent (lack of) success on the water. But whatever it is, you've found yourself in a fishing rut. What can you do to get back to where you should be? Well, you could power through and just make it happen by doing the same thing over and over again. Or, you could make some small changes that grease the skids. Unless you're fly fishing machine who never skips a beat, this topic probably applies - or will apply - to you. Hear my...
Published 08/04/23
I'm not a biologist. But I do have enough common sense to analyze data, listen to experts, and pay attention to the world around me. Consequently, I'm aware that it isn't wise to fish for trout as the thermometer goes up. It is more nuanced than "don't fish when it is hot" though. Air temperature is something to consider, but water temperature and dissolved oxygen are significantly more important. Today I talk about how this works, how it impacts trout, and what you might do to be a more...
Published 07/28/23
Bass anglers learning how to fish for trout have an uphill climb. There is an entirely new lexicon to master and lots of tiny, particular gear to figure out. However, trout anglers - specifically fly fishers - have a lot to learn when it comes to chasing bass. One hurdle they have to overcome is the propensity to use diminutive gear. Tiny rods, flies, and lines can be effective and fun for trout. But bass need something a little more... more. Today I talk through some helpful things to think...
Published 07/21/23
You've got a work trip or family vacation coming up. You think that either: a) There's no way you can bring all you need for any legitimate fishing. Or, b) There's no way you can fit anything in your luggage/minivan. I'm here to alleviate all of your worries. Taking a moment from doing the very activity of packing for a trip, I walk through my system for making sure I have what I need for a variety of angling opportunities. It is all about gathering a loadout that isn't too much but without...
Published 07/14/23
The eye does amazing things. With our vision alone, we can discern and identify a dazzling array of variables. You can see intricate vermiculation lines across the back of a brook trout, unique spot patterns on a mountain cutthroat, or a shimmering azure cheek of a wild brown trout. And while that counts for a lot, it doesn't take into account what makes a trout what it is: genetics. Today's episode is truly just a surface-scratching introduction to the aesthetic and conservation value that...
Published 07/07/23
You can do it. You can fish teeny, tiny flies. Moreover, you want to do it. Why? Because if you can fish midges then you can probably fish dry flies any day you want to. In virtually all healthy ecosystems there will always be some tiny insects on the surface film. And somewhere, trout will be feeding on them. Today's podcast is a lightning quick overview of fishing little dries and emergers: flies, gear, tying, and technique. Not only is fishing midges productive and versatile, but it can be...
Published 06/30/23