In this episode we dive into:  >> Knowing thyself Accepting thyself Merging with Creator as creator So within so without  >>the holographic nature of everything How we are evolving from 3D to 4D to 5D  >>How we can accelerate our multidimensional growth Nature’s way of healing  >>What if we all could win? How our fears contribute to collective fear  >>Finding joy and inner peace  >>What plants have to do with our evolution and inner healing  >>Why...
Published 03/26/22
In this episode we dive into: > How Charly’s work with Steve Jobs in Silicon Valley informs his path to challenging the status quo and what is needed for true systems change > Defining success from having it all to being who you are meant to beThe essence of consciousness at the beginning and end of life > Intentionality and the choices we make on a daily basis > Practices of mindfulness that contribute to impact > Systems change and the Deep Impact Movement > Why...
Published 03/12/22
In this episode Kaypacha and Stephanie dive into: 1. How to understand what’s unfolding right now 2. How now fits in the larger scheme of the rise and falling of the patriarchy 3. Predictions for what’s coming in the next year and a half, 4. How to navigate and make sense of your own experience while holding the paradox of consciousness and awakening with the 3d world we live in 5. What we can do right now to help us be in joy, reverence, and enthusiasm as the world becomes more divisive...
Published 01/11/22
This Episode offers a reflective exercise potent for Solstice, endings and new beginnings.  Stephanie explores a process for tackling our own peak wellness, upleveling and avoiding a bypass. She dives into the first step in her process, INVENTORY, what it means, how to do it, why to do it and what if we don't do it. She shares a personal example of how her life was recently impacted, what inventory looked like including taking ENERGETIC RESPONSIBILITY and how to contribute to the collective...
Published 12/22/21
So much gratitude for all who are sharing these episodes. This is my joy and service. May this touch the hearts of millions. In this episode we cover how to: => Hold polarities without making anyone wrong => Recognize when we are agents of our own gaslighting (wow!) => Be with the collapsing of our own worldviews => Participate in the experience without colluding or losing yourself => See the connection between what's unfolding and market economics ...
Published 11/12/21
About Margot Wilson Margot’s philosophical research into freedom and suffering focuses upon the inheritance, creation and outgrowing of soma-neuro holding patterns. Margot has led parallel lives as an artist and philosopher and has held careers and businesses in television and investment banking technology. Her artistic practices include sculpture, ceramics, and writing and her work is published and collected internationally. She pursued philosophy both academically and independently...
Published 11/01/21
In this episode Stephanie dives straight into the deep end with Paul Chek and covers: => Multidimensionality and the holographic nature of everything - what does that mean? => Science and / or versus lived experience => Health, emotions, the pain teacher and paying the price of not listening to yourself => Black holes and creation - are they in everything? => Holographic nature of everything => Controlling nature and brainwash - how will we stop the train? ...
Published 10/15/21
About Paul Rosolie Paul Rosolie is a naturalist, explorer, author, and award winning wildlife filmmaker. For the past 16 years he has specialized in threatened ecosystems and species in countries like Indonesia, Brazil, India, and Peru. In the Amazon, Rosolie has spent extensive time traveling with poachers documenting the illegal trade in endangered species. Rosolie’s memoir on Amazonian wildlife and exploration, “Mother of God”, was hailed as “gripping” by Jane Goodall, and the Wall Street...
Published 09/30/21
In this episode we explore the consequences and ‘impact’ of not doing our inner work, the impact on ourselves, our smaller universe and the impact in our work - especially as impact agents. The Inner Work of Impact is:  (www.innerworkofimpact.com) ▶︎  A quest to unveil your higher purpose ▶︎ An inner-standing of how old stories, traumas, beliefs and mindsets are impacting our inner world which is impacting our outer world and outer impact ▶︎An expansive journey to widen our perception...
Published 09/20/21
In this episode we discuss healing from addiction the wholistic way, root causes, underlying issues, interconnectivity, passion and purpose, how to navigate these intense uncomfortable times, epigenetics, shamanism and expanding consciousness, beliefs and their power, and how to transform and choose to do what you’re here to do right now.  Dean Taraborelli, Founder, Administrator, Counselor at the Sanctuary at Sedona.  Founder of the Sanctuary at Sedona, Dean is also currently Senior...
Published 08/13/21
Oren Harris is a Transformational coach, spiritual teacher, and a pioneer on the leading edge of human consciousness. His primary mission in life is creating Heaven on Earth,  a place where people wake up to their true selves and live a limitless life of contribution and fulfillment. Oren is one of the worlds leading experts on "flow"  the highly sought after, peak performance state of consciousness known for its inherent ease, power, grace, and next level performance.  Oren helps  high...
Published 06/30/21
Jake Sasseville, CEO of Imiloa Insitute, has been a successful podcast host, television personality and is a unique character creating space and connection for people to thrive. His journey is baked rich with life lessons, wisdom nuggets, entertaining twists, courageous leaps and inspiring growth leaps. In 2012, Hurricane Sandy washed away Jake's home on Broad Channel, NYC. His life up-ended, losing his TV contracts and being forced to move into Grandma's Basement, in Lewiston,Maine....
Published 06/18/21
Rosemary Gladstar is, literally, a star figure in the field of modern herbalism, internationally renowned for her technical knowledge and stewardship in the global herbalist community.  She has been practicing, living, learning, teaching and writing about herbs for over 45 years. In 2018 Rosemary was awarded an Honorary Doctorate for her life work from the National University of Naturopathic Medicine. Rosemary is the author of twelve books including Medicinal Herbs; a Beginners Guide, Herbal...
Published 02/02/21
Steven Donziger is a renowned advocate, writer, and public speaker with a focus on addressing human rights abuses and corporate malfeasance.  He is part of the team working with indigenous and farmer communities in an area of the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest suffering from high cancer rates and other health ailments related to the massive oil pollution caused by Texaco, now owned by Chevron. In 2011, the affected communities won a historic $9.5 billon judgment against Chevron for the...
Published 01/19/21
SACHA STONE Former rock musician and artist Sacha Stone grew up in Rhodesia-Zimbabwe throughout the war for independence. He established Humanitad in 1999 and has worked across both the NGO and IGO sectors as an outspoken advocate of human rights and natural justice. He has instigated peace initiatives and education programs, lobbied against human-rights abuses in different parts of the globe and continues to prosecute for the protection of vanguard innovators, scientists and doctors. Sacha...
Published 01/14/21
Susan Manewich, Founder and Director of Nui Foundation for Moral Technology. Susan A. Manewich M.S. is currently the President of New Energy Movement, 501C3 and Director of the Nui Foundation, a community interest company (CIC) in the UK and focuses on conscious leadership for the positive evolution of all life. She has spent 25 plus years in the areas of leadership consulting, emotional intelligence, resonant technology and better understanding human dynamics and social systems to...
Published 12/07/20
Lawrence Ford is the CEO and Founder of Conscious Capital Wealth Management, the Founder and Chairman of Future Capital, and the author of The Secrets of the Seasons. He has had a long, admirable career as an entrepreneur, financial advisor, consultant, coach, author, speaker, and spiritual leader. He is a Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science and a member of Nexus Global. Lawrence has dedicated much of his life to being a bridge between the modern world of business and the ancient...
Published 11/16/20
Jed Emerson, originator of the concepts of Blended Value and Total Portfolio Management, has extensive experience leading, staffing and advising funds, firms, social ventures and foundations pursuing financial performance with social/environmental impact. He is the Author of The Purpose of Capital: Elements of Impact, Financial Flows and Natural Being. In addition to his writing, Jed currently focuses on working with families exploring how to ensure a long term legacy by managing their full...
Published 11/09/20
Simon Taylor is a co-founder of Global Witness (www.globalwitness.org), together with two others, Charmian Gooch, and Patrick Alley.  Simon met Charmian and Patrick whilst working at the Environmental Investigations Agency (EIA).  Global Witness is a UK and US based Non-Governmental organisation, that campaigns to end environmental and human rights abuses driven by the exploitation of natural resources and corruption in the global political and economic system. Having worked on Global...
Published 11/02/20
Peter Bonaker is a social scientist, author of Sacred Shield: Shamanic Protection for the World Today. He’s a teacher and practitioner of Shamanic energy medicine, he lives in Denver Colorado and teaches his methods of shamanic healing and protection throughout the world. Peter experienced an extreme trauma and near-death experience at the age of 16.  He worked for 30 years as an educator at all levels in public education, from pre-kindergarten through to the 12th grade. He taught...
Published 10/26/20
Stephanie Trager is a Transformational Coach, Soul Catalyst and Business Alchemist, licensed attorney and fierce seeker and speaker of truth. She’s also a leadership consultant helping change agents speak their truth, live on purpose & create deeper meaningful impact in their lives, their businesses and the world. She spent decades studying with Indigenous cultures to hone her intuitive gifts as an empath and has been initiated into the shamanic lineage of Q’ero Shamans from Peru. For 20...
Published 10/19/20
Stephanie Trager is a Transformational Coach, Soul Catalyst and Business Alchemist, licensed attorney and fierce seeker and speaker of truth. She’s also a leadership consultant helping change agents speak their truth, live on purpose & create deeper meaningful impact in their lives, their businesses and the world. She spent decades studying with Indigenous cultures to hone her intuitive gifts as an empath and has been initiated into the shamanic lineage of Q’ero Shamans from Peru. For 20...
Published 10/12/20
Sign up for the Unlocking Higher Purpose Series Here: www.stephanietrager.com Request a Complimentary Alignment Call Unlocking Higher Purpose Series - Sign up here for the free workbook deep dive https://higherpurposeseries.gr8.com/ Find Stephanie Here: https://linktr.ee/stephanietrager Join the conversation on Facebook @ facebook.com/Stephanietragercatalyst where we’ll be going live during the 6 Part Higher Purpose Series Stephanie Trager is a Transformational Coach, Soul Catalyst and...
Published 10/05/20
Sign up for the Unlocking Higher Purpose Series Here: www.stephanietrager.com >>  Find Stephanie Here: https://linktr.ee/stephanietrager  Join the conversation on Facebook @ facebook.com/Stephanietragercatalyst where we’ll be going live during the 6 Part Higher Purpose Series. Stephanie Trager is a Transformational Coach, Soul Catalyst and Business Alchemist, licensed attorney and fierce seeker and speaker of truth. She’s also a leadership consultant helping change agents speak...
Published 09/28/20
Sign up for the Unlocking Higher Purpose Series Here: www.stephanietrager.com Find Stephanie Here: https://linktr.ee/stephanietrager Join the conversation on Facebook @ facebook.com/Stephanietragercatalyst where we’ll be going live during the 6 Part Higher Purpose Series Stephanie Trager is a Transformational Coach, Soul Catalyst and Business Alchemist, licensed attorney and fierce seeker and speaker of truth. She helps change agents speak their truth, live on purpose & create deeper...
Published 09/21/20