If you want to make sure that you are working with your partners and getting the best experience then you need to try and focus on integration. If you want to find out more about that then this is the guide for you. Find out more at www.channelasservice.com
Published 03/11/21
If you work in the business of sales then you may have PRM, which stands for Partner Relationship Management and PRE, which is Partner Revenue Enablement. If you aren’t quite sure of the difference between the two or if you want to find out more, then you can find out everything you need to know, right here. Find out more at www.channelasservice.com
Published 03/11/21
If you want to boost sales and also vastly expand your customer base, then you should know that partner programs are a fantastic way for you to do this. It’s no wonder at all why so many companies are now investing more and more in strategizing and design. They’re also investing in things such as reseller programs and implementing referrals too. Find out more at www.channelasservice.com
Published 03/04/21
The idea of co-selling is for you to deploy your resources so that you can effectively sell more. It’s a fantastic way for you to achieve the sales goals that you have set, and it also helps you to build a very agile organisation. A lot of people think about co-selling as being a software feature, but in reality, there’s so much more to it. As a sales leader, it’s more than possible for you to take co-selling from being a good idea to being an absolute game-changer. Want to find out more?...
Published 03/04/21
Partner recruitment is going to keep on occurring throughout the life of your channel program. It’s essential that you learn the best practices so that you can understand some of the most common pitfalls out there. Find out more at www.channelasservice.com
Published 02/26/21
The job of a channel marketer is quite often undervalued. Channel marketers often have so many jobs to do and very little time to do it all in. A channel partner is expected to recruit new partners, find out what they are doing, why they are doing it and even distribute MDF as well. Learn more from the show and at www.channelasservice.com
Published 02/18/21
SPIFFs otherwise known as Sales Performance Incentive Funds are contests that essentially accelerate sales. Even though SPIFFS are usually short-term incentives, it’s important to know that they help you to achieve long-term goals for your revenue and they also help you with your business growth too. Find out more at www.channelasservice.com
Published 02/18/21
If you want to establish a business plan in 2021 for your partners, then you’ll be glad to know that this is super easy to do. In fact, there are numerous benefits to establishing a business plan and if you are able to implement yours properly, then you’ll certainly experience more success and better relationships in the future. Find out more at www.channelasservice.com
Published 02/15/21
  Having services that operate in isolation and that do not share with the rest of your company will usually cause visibility problems. You may also find that you lack collaboration between all of your teams as well. It may be that it hinders your partner management, and this can make it hard to achieve your full potential. Listen to find out more about indirect sales and go to www.channelasservice.com for a FREE consulation call.
Published 02/15/21
If you want to try and boost your sales, it’s safe to say that partner programs are essential. So many companies spend time, energy, and money on developing and tweaking their reseller programs because it is one of the best ways to drive results. But what about the partner managers?
Published 02/04/21
If you have never explored the concept of account mapping before then you’re certainly missing out. This guide will give you a crash course in mapping your accounts, while also teaching you the benefits it can offer.
Published 02/04/21
If you want to get your product out there and in the hands of your target audience, then you need to focus on your distribution channel. This is easier said than done, and sometimes you might find yourself torn between reseller partners and distributors. With SaaS expected to achieve over 17.7% growth in the future, it’s now more important than ever for you to start exploring your options. Lets discuss and dig into this further.
Published 02/03/21
When companies focus on key performance indicators or KPIs, they think about revenue most of the time. While measuring your revenue is absolutely crucial, you have to know that it does not paint the whole picture of what is going on. https://vurbl.com/station/9ESGI3rH2Jh/
Published 01/29/21
A lot of people wonder if they actually need PRM or CRM. After all, time is always moving too fast and at times it may seem that there is always a new software tool that is constantly vying for attention. You also have the partnership ecosystem which is exploding right now, and all of it is showing absolutely no signs of slowing down. If you are a tech or a channel partner and you want to try and grow your program, then you will constantly be facing new challenges. Partner relationship...
Published 01/26/21
When you explore a channel sales model, you will see that the company sells through a third partner. These are known as affiliate partners, who gain commission on every purchase that is made. You also have resellers and value-added partners. Value-added partners are providers who will bundle your product with their own. Either way, with channel sales, you are relying on a third party to sell your product or your service. This can include resellers, distributors, or anyone who doesn’t directly...
Published 01/26/21
There is a universal challenge when it comes to both scaling and generating partner revenue. Strategic partnerships can easily help you to source and accelerate sales. On top of this, it can also help you to attract customers that will lock in and reduce your overall churn rate. Learn how to gain more revenue from your partners.
Published 01/26/21
A lot of people wonder if they actually need PRM or CRM. After all, time is always moving too fast and at times it may seem that there is always a new software tool that is constantly vying for attention. You also have the partnership ecosystem which is exploding right now, and all of it is showing absolutely no signs of slowing down. If you are a tech or a channel partner and you want to try and grow your program, then you will constantly be facing new challenges. Partner relationship...
Published 01/13/21
You have probably heard quite a lot that email inboxes are now being overwhelmed and bombarded. There are huge amounts of newsletters out there and it’s important that you are able to stand out from the crowd. Newsletters are also a fantastic way for you to aggregate a lot of information at once so you can cut down on the idea of sending out multiple emails.
Published 01/10/21
A partner will help a vendor to extend the presence that they have. A vendor can then hire another direct rep and then build a team. The vendor will be outsourcing sales to others in this instance. One direct rep can easily cover a huge amount of territory, but a partner rep can cover multiple partners, each of who have their own salespeople and therefore can cover a much bigger area.
Published 01/10/21
Referral program – Yes or No?   I get enquiries or asked all the time do I need to start building out sales through a third party? This can take a second to answer or a full hour-long conversation, but as with anything it’s your B2B SaaS business with a sales price point to the market, but the first question is why do you want to do this?
Published 05/17/20
Help of Vendors Solution providers know more than anyone that certification is important but they also know that it isn’t the key to producing value either. Vendors need to try and step up so that they can evaluate their programs and the requirements of their channel as well.
Published 05/16/20
Program Elements All channel professionals are known for caring very deeply about their program elements. If you are one of those people who spend weeks or even months on end designing programs then you will probably benchmark the industry. You will also assess your programs against the competition you have, and learn updates years in advance. You have to know that the most critical element for success is all about partner enablement. Solution providers really do need to be enabled so that...
Published 05/15/20
If you are interested in developing your very own B2B channel strategy then you know you have come to the right place. Here you can find out everything you need to know when it comes to channel marketing as well as finding out more information about some of the hurdles that you might experience when the time does come for you to get started.
Published 05/14/20
Here are some of the latest investments in startups this week.
Published 05/13/20
When you look at the best SaaS programs out there, it’s safe to say that a couple of themes stand out. Nearly all of the companies below are able to offer co-marketing support to all of their customers, and this also helps them to manage their partner relationships too. Two-thirds of them pay for referrals. And a handful provide sales training. So without any further ado, here are the best 30 partner programs that are being offered by SaaS companies.
Published 05/12/20