In this engaging episode, we delve into the world of full-time parents and employees training for a marathon. The pursuit of marathon training is a challenge within itself, but throw in the commitments of parenting and a full-time job and it can seem like an insurmountable task. But don't fret - it's far from impossible! We'll explore how to set realistic goals that balance your career, family, and personal ambitions. Our discussion will include how to prioritize and manage time...
Published 07/06/23
Welcome to Chasing PRs, the ultimate podcast dedicated to helping athletes chase and conquer their personal records. In this special episode, we shift our focus to master runners and dive deep into the strategies and techniques that can elevate their running performance. Join us as we explore the world of Masters Running, providing invaluable tips and insights to help you continuously improve and reach new milestones. Our discussion begins by emphasizing the importance of incorporating fresh...
Published 06/29/23
Welcome to Chasing PRs, the ultimate guide to unlocking your athletic potential. In this episode, we delve into the world of hamstring injuries, equipping you with essential knowledge to overcome these common setbacks and get back on track towards achieving your personal records. Join us as we explore the different types of hamstring issues, their causes, and effective treatment tips to accelerate your recovery. In our discussion, we shed light on three prevalent hamstring problems: distal...
Published 06/22/23
In this episode, we delve into knee injuries in runners. From the common afflictions of Patellofemoral pain, IT band syndrome, and knee osteoarthritis, we explore what they are, why they occur, and how they impact your running performance. Our conversation further expands into the major causes behind these conditions, with special focus on training errors such as 'too much too soon', inappropriate hill training, over-striding, and weaknesses in quads and hips. But it's not all doom and...
Published 06/15/23
In this informative episode of Chasing PRs, we delve deep into the realm of running injuries that commonly afflict the foot and ankles. Join us as we explore the most prevalent types of injuries, unravel their underlying causes, and provide valuable tips for effective treatment. Whether you're an avid runner or simply curious about maintaining optimal foot and ankle health, this episode offers expert insights and actionable advice to keep you on your feet and pain-free. Don't miss out on this...
Published 06/08/23
In this episode, we dive deep into the world of running workouts. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned runner, understanding the different types of workouts and how to incorporate them into your training plan is essential for maximizing your performance and achieving your running goals. Join us as we explore everything from easy runs to hill runs, tempo runs to recovery runs, and more. We'll uncover the benefits of each workout, explain their purpose, and provide practical tips to help you...
Published 06/01/23
Today we have the pleasure of interviewing Canadian Olympian runner Malindi Elmore. Malindi, a Canadian marathoner and elite professional runner, made history with her impressive ninth-place finish in the Tokyo Olympics, setting a new standard for Canadian runners in the marathon distance. Get ready to hear her incredible journey unfold. Before conquering marathons, Malindi began as a track athlete specializing in the 1500-meter event. She even competed in the Athens Olympics in 2004,...
Published 05/25/23
"I want everyone to know that they can still be active, no matter how old they are!" Reg Fairhead Welcome to another exciting episode of the Chasing PR Podcast! In today's episode, we have the incredible opportunity to interview a true inspiration, Reg Fairhead. Reg is an extraordinary athlete who holds the Canadian record for the 5k in the 95-plus age group. But she's not stopping there—next weekend, she's aiming to break the world record at the Ottawa 5k! Tune in as we delve into...
Published 05/18/23
Welcome to another exciting episode of "Chasing PRs" with your hosts, Diego and Richelle. Both Diego and Richelle recently achieved success in their marathons, and while their definitions of success may differ, they are both proud of their accomplishments. Diego reflects on his satisfying first Boston Marathon experience, while Richelle proudly recounts her BQ and marathon PR. Now, with their sights set on the upcoming Chicago Marathon in a few months, Diego and Richelle are eager to...
Published 05/11/23
Welcome to the Chasing PR podcast, where we explore the world of long-distance running and share tips and strategies to help you achieve your personal best. In this episode, we dive into the St. Lawrence marathon and how to overcome a less-than-perfect taper to achieve a new personal record. Whether you're a seasoned runner or just starting out, this episode is packed with valuable insights and advice to help you crush your next race. So sit back, relax, and get ready to chase your PR!
Published 05/04/23
You've crossed the finish line and achieved your racing goals - congrats! But what should you do in the next two weeks to ensure a speedy recovery and get back on track for your next race? In this episode, we'll dive into the best practices for post-race recovery. From taking a break from running and strength training, to prioritizing sleep and fueling your body with the right nutrients, we'll cover all the essential strategies for optimal recovery. Plus, we'll explore activities that...
Published 04/27/23
Welcome to the Chasing PRS podcast! In this episode, we are diving into the highly anticipated Boston Marathon 2023. We'll be covering everything from the winners to personal experiences, so buckle up for an exciting ride! We start off by discussing the impressive achievements of the winners of the Boston Marathon 2023. From the "surprising" men's champion to the incredible story of the women's winner. But that's not all! Our host will be sharing their own firsthand experience of...
Published 04/20/23
Are you gearing up for a race weekend but feeling a bit unprepared? No matter what distance you're tackling - whether it's a speedy 5k, a challenging 10k, a half marathon, or a full marathon - these tips are designed to help you succeed Don't fret! In this episode, we share our top 11 last-minute tips for race day success. From building self-efficacy to fueling strategies, we've got you covered. Before the race, we'll discuss the importance of building confidence and setting measurable...
Published 04/13/23
In this episode, we explore the journey from a 5k runner to a Boston Marathon qualifier. We will focus on using your 5k time to improve and train for a Boston Marathon qualifying time, also known as BQ. We'll discuss how to assess your current fitness level based on your 5k time and use that information to develop a training plan that will help you achieve your BQ goals. Whether you're a seasoned runner looking to take your training to the next level or a beginner with dreams of running...
Published 04/06/23
In this week's episode, we dive into the topic of tapering and discuss a scientifically proven method that you can use to optimize your training and performance leading up to your next race. Tapering is a crucial phase in any training program that involves reducing the volume and intensity of your workouts in the weeks leading up to your race to allow your body to recover and perform at its best. One of the most common questions when it comes to tapering is how long should a taper be?...
Published 03/30/23
In this special episode of Chasing PRS, join Diego and Richelle as they share their unfiltered thoughts and experiences throughout an entire week of training. With no holds barred, they discuss their mental approach to training, how they handle rest days, and even why they might skip a workout. The episode starts with a motivational speech that Diego has been listening to for over a decade, followed by daily reflections from both hosts. Get ready for a week of training insights that are...
Published 03/23/23
Are you looking to improve your running game and avoid common mistakes?  In this podcast, we'll be discussing the top five lessons we wish we had known sooner when it comes to training and running. Starting with the importance of form and diet, we'll move on to setting realistic goals and sticking to a plan. We'll also dive into the long-term mindset needed for success in distance running, emphasizing the need for patience and understanding the value of rest and injury prevention.  Join us...
Published 03/16/23
In this episode, we'll be discussing running form. Many runners believe that perfecting their form is the key to improving their speed and reducing their risk of injury, but is that really the case? We'll explore the common mistakes runners make with their form, such as overstriding, heel striking, and slouching, and how these mistakes can impact their running performance and injury rate. We'll also discuss the benefits of proper running form. However, we'll also touch on the idea that...
Published 03/09/23
Welcome to this episode, where we dive into the importance of training using the right running paces based on your current fitness level. Knowing your different running paces and training at the right pace based on your fitness level can significantly improve your overall running performance. Whether it's an easy pace, long run pace, marathon pace, threshold pace, or speed pace, each pace has its benefits. And knowing what your ideal training paces for each workout are will help you improve...
Published 03/02/23
To help prevent injuries and improve performance, it's important to incorporate strength training into your running routine. However, not all strength training routines are created equal, and it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Today we discuss how to create the perfect strength training routine for runners. We'll cover the different types of strength exercises, how often to do them, and which muscles to focus on. We'll also provide tips and tricks on how to balance your running...
Published 02/23/23
As a runner, you may already know that consistent training is the key to improving your endurance and speed. However, did you know that incorporating strength training into your routine can help take your running to the next level? In this episode, we'll discuss why strength training is essential for runners and provide some effective strategies to help you get started. Improved Running Performance Strength training helps to build muscle and improve muscle endurance, which can help you run...
Published 02/16/23
Top 10 Books for Runners As runners, we all know the importance of putting in the miles and pushing ourselves to be our best. But what many of us may overlook is the value of knowledge and understanding when it comes to taking our running to the next level.  In this episode, we're exploring the top 10 books that every runner should read. These books cover a wide range of topics, from the science of running and biomechanics to the mental and emotional aspects of the sport.  These books...
Published 02/09/23
In this episode, we explore the importance of slow running in a well-rounded training plan for runners. We delve into the key concepts of HR, breathing techniques, and the difference between aerobic and anaerobic training. You'll learn why most of your training should be slow and how this can reduce your risk of injury and improve your overall fitness. We'll also discuss the benefits of adding speed work, variety in your training plan, and consistency for long-term success in distance...
Published 02/02/23
Today we dive into the science of how the body uses carbohydrates and fats as fuel during runs and races and how to ensure that you are consuming the correct types and amounts of nutrients to support your runs. We discuss the importance of carbohydrates as the primary energy source for running, the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates, and how consuming the right balance of these can help to maintain energy levels during a run or race. We also discuss the importance of...
Published 01/26/23
Today we have the honour of interviewing Mark Sutcliffe. You may know Mark as the new mayor of Ottawa or have heard his radio show for more than 20 years. But his running passion and outstanding accomplishments are less known. If you want to learn about his incredible journey to qualify for the Boston Marathon and how he uses running to cope with stress and be a better person, you don’t want to miss it. Stay tuned. Don't forget to subscribe to our free newsletter:...
Published 01/23/23