Welcome to the final Mixtape Sessions of 2014 and what a treat this set is!  We got a lot to cover here so let’s get right to it. Kicking things off is “Give Me Sunshine” by Santa Maradona F.C. featuring Lucy Spraggan.  Think of the first time you heard that “feel-good” song on the radio and your body’s endorphins just suddenly flooded your brain with all sorts of goodwill and happy feelings.  Maybe you recently got that feeling when you heard Pharell’s “Happy” or perhaps back in the day...
Published 11/08/14
Happy weekend everybody! As promised, I’m sending up the Autumn 2014 Mixtape Sessions Volume 2 for your relaxation and pleasure.  I’m thinking I should have been a little more original and called these Fall Chill, but I was in brain drain mode at the time. While equally as stimulating as the first, this set definitely pulls back the reigns for a steady stream of soul-satisfying atmospherics.  The slow-moving beats of “Djon Maya Mai” by French duo Synapson kicks the set-off and pretty much...
Published 09/06/14
Happy weekend everybody! As promised, I’m sending up the Autumn 2014 Mixtape Sessions Volume 2 for your relaxation and pleasure.  I’m thinking I should have been a little more original and called these Fall Chill, but I was in brain drain mode at the time. While equally as stimulating as the first, this set definitely pulls back the reigns for a steady stream of soul-satisfying atmospherics.  The slow-moving beats of “Djon Maya Mai” by French duo Synapson kicks the set-off and pretty much...
Published 09/06/14
With Labor Day weekend behind us, it’s time to start rolling out some more heat, albeit in a chill kinda fashion.  The Autumn Mixtape is a series of personal picks that are perfect for unwinding or just zoning out. I’ve got a lot sitting on my hard drive at the moment and will be upping pt. 2 on Saturday followed by some more Millennial House Classics and a new Diva Series.  I’m getting the EDM bug again as some great stuff has finally made it to my ears, so I’ll likely be starting in on...
Published 09/04/14
With Labor Day weekend behind us, it’s time to start rolling out some more heat, albeit in a chill kinda fashion.  The Autumn Mixtape is a series of personal picks that are perfect for unwinding or just zoning out. I’ve got a lot sitting on my hard drive at the moment and will be upping pt. 2 on Saturday followed by some more Millennial House Classics and a new Diva Series.  I’m getting the EDM bug again as some great stuff has finally made it to my ears, so I’ll likely be starting in on...
Published 09/04/14
I had some free time about a week ago (yes, I am granted that small window of luxury on occasion), and was checking out EDM Sauce’s list of 14 Songs to Add to Your Summer Playlist.  I already owned about half the list where some had been recently used in the 2014 Beach House, while others I was not yet familiar with.  This reminded me that I had been stowing away songs into a separate folder since last year with the intent of creating a new chill set but never got around to working on. it  I...
Published 07/18/14
I had some free time about a week ago (yes, I am granted that small window of luxury on occasion), and was checking out EDM Sauce’s list of 14 Songs to Add to Your Summer Playlist.  I already owned about half the list where some had been recently used in the 2014 Beach House, while others I was not yet familiar with.  This reminded me that I had been stowing away songs into a separate folder since last year with the intent of creating a new chill set but never got around to working on. it  I...
Published 07/18/14
Since last night’s victory, I have been riding on a natural high. All the tea party nuts had been defeated except the crazy lady married to the big old queen, Michelle Bachman. That’s okay, she narrowly scraped by and will likely be doomed in two years when she’s up for re-election.  Her brand of crazy is no longer welcome in the US Congress. Obama pulled it out with the popular vote and the electoral vote. How wide a margin will largely depend on Florida once the count is finally...
Published 11/07/12
I finally started making some headway on this set.  I’ve had so much going on the past several weeks, I didn’t know if I was /coming or going. I threw Rick a birthday party this past weekend (for what I don’t know, he doesn’t appreciate it) and once I got past that, I was able to sit down and start assembling all the music, sound effects, and video snippets I had been collecting for the past year. You better believe this was no easy task, especially since my headphones are shot. Essentially,...
Published 11/05/12
Happy soon-to-be Friday depending on where you live LOL. As promised I am sending up the second half of the 2011 Chill Edition. This set picks up where the last one left off and moves more in the direction of where I wanted to take it. More sound effects and more political news stories the as relevant now going into the 2012 election as they were in 2011 when it was made. I used this second set as a benchmark for where the third one (currently in production) should and will go.  The artwork...
Published 09/27/12
Around this time last year, I was knee-deep in school and trying to balance my studies with this site.  I had just finished the cover art for the Fall Edition and the Halloween Edition (which will be recycled on upcoming releases because they are that good) but just couldn’t bring myself to complete the sets to accommodate the cover art.  I’d say I was definitely in a dark place at the time and ultimately shut down the site. (What does that make…three times now LOL). After listening to them...
Published 09/21/12