Dr. Curtis Fedorchuk is co-author of a recent article published in the journal Brain Circulation. In this episode, we dive deep into the current state of chiropractic research and the implications of his research: how cerebral blood flow improves following chiropractic care and what that means for the public. You can connect with Dr. Curtis here: https://www.healthandwellnessscore.com/ We'll be putting this content into the hands of our community this week, you can join us at chiroedgemedia.com
Published 05/13/19
Webster Technique, Breech Birth, and the implications of slaying sacral subluxation. -- Our families are LOVING getting this newsletter this week. Sharing with their pregnant families and friends and CHANGING LIVES. You can join the ChiroEdge tribe and get info like this to your inbox by checking out chiroedgemedia.com
Published 05/06/19
UPPER CERVICAL VERSUS FULL SPINE (for children with autism spectrum disorder) [is that debate over?] Never in my life have I been more confused by a paper. (that's not true but exaggeration is good for clicks) Let's SLAY some SUBLUXATIONS! -- Of course, we'll deliver good info like this to your community for you each and every week. If you'd like, hop on over to chiroedgemedia.com
Published 04/24/19
Chiropractic and Muscle Strength After Stroke! NEVER HAVE I BEEN MORE EXCITED TO TALK ABOUT HEIDI HAAVIK RESEARCH! Watch and Share and Subscribe to the Chiropractic Research Breakdown -- And of course, our subscribers put this out to their community in patient newsletter format this week. You can join our crew at chiroedgemedia.com
Published 04/22/19
This week was exciting. The launch of our new group SUBLUXATION SLAYERS. Tons of FB debates with the anti-subluxation camp. This is something important I learned this week. Join our group Facebook.com/groups/subluxationslayers
Published 04/15/19
Chiropractors are constantly talking about how "birth trauma" can affect the entire trajectory of our health. It SEEMS that with additional intervention at birth, more trauma, and more neonatal distress is present. But is what SEEMS true... REALLY TRUE? That's the question -- and in this episode, Dr. Anthony Pellegrino reviews research that will give us an answer. To learn more about getting research like this delivered to your community, visit chiroedgemedia.com
Published 04/08/19
Chiropractors in Australia recently looked at health outcomes in individuals who have multijoint pain and arthritis. How many more meds were they taking? At what point did their health start to drop off? Besides physical health, what else is impacted? All that and more in this week's episode. References:https://chiromt.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12998-018-0224 Learn more about chiroedge at chiroedgemedia.com
Published 04/07/19
Yes, 2 + 2 = 4. But why? Why would we be passionate about that answer? Are there those out there that don't agree? How does that affect our practice and chiropractic research? These are the questions -- this episode has the answers.
Published 04/05/19
If you serve kids, chances are you serve kids with 'developmental delays.' AND if you know how to locate and correct a subluxation, you've seen them improve. Let's explore together what the data says on this very topic.    
Published 03/26/19
Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures. That's a mouthful. But the science behind it is awesome. We dive deep into chiropractic and mental health, get personal, go over mechanism, and discuss SUBLUXATION. You don't want to miss this episode.
Published 03/26/19
In this week's episode of the Chiropractic Research Breakdown, Dr. Anthony Pellegrino dives deep on how upper cervical care can affect individual suffering from fibromyalgia. The research compared to exercise, CBT, and education alone versus all that with upper cervical care and found something really interesting. After 12 weeks, both groups saw improvement, but at one-year follow-up, only the chiropractic groups results held! Get info like this to your practice at chiroedgemedia.com
Published 03/25/19
This week we dive deep into Part 2 of our 4 part Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month. Aret here other ways that Upper Cervical Chiropractic affects the health of the brain besides on the nervous system? How about venous stasis and insufficiency, and what does this have to do with M.S.? Join us in our Video challenge and make sure you tag us in your videos facebook.com/chiroedge 30 Day One Funnel Away challenge at chiroedgemedia.com/funnel
Published 03/13/19
In this week's episode of the Chiropractic Research Breakdown, Dr. Pellegrino dives deep into medical research on depression. Why do they care about the same measurements that chiropractors use to quantify subluxation? How does subluxation affect the adaptability of the nervous system? What does adaptability have to do with depression? How can we relate to big pharmas understanding of depression and provide a better answer? Continue to join us on our 30 day challenge at...
Published 03/11/19
In this week's episode of the Chiropractic Research Breakdown, Dr. Pellegrino dives into Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month by reviewing a study published in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research that retrospectively analyzed the results of 81 cases of Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's disease presenting to a chiropractic clinic over a 5 year period. Join us on our 30 day "one funnel away challenge" starting 3/25 by visiting chiroedgemedia.com/funnel
Published 03/10/19
In this week's episode of the chiropractic research breakdown, Dr. Anthony dives into an important topic, how can a subluxation in Mom affect the health of baby? He also issues a challenge for utilizing next month's theme - listen to find out how to use the podcast to grow your practice. Also, join us in the 30 day "one funnel away" challenge from clickfunnels at chiroedgemedia.com/funnel
Published 02/25/19
In this week's Chiropractic Research Breakdown, Dr. Pellegrino addresses a sound-bite we've heard in the profession for the longest time: "an atlas adjustment is the same as taking 2 blood pressure medications." Does it hold water? If so, how did they get that number? Find out more this episode. Grab a 2 week free trial of the premium service by subscribing at chiroedgemedia.com
Published 02/18/19
In this week's episode of the CRB, Dr. Pellegrino breaks down: Research on rates of migraines on people who were colicky infants and how chiropractic has been proven to help Is cholesterol really bad? How does it change with chiropractic ONLY care? Is including chiropractic care in active military personnel MORE beneficial than PT and medical care alone? Crush your community education by filling your office with articles like these each by visiting chiroedgemedia.com
Published 02/12/19
In this week's episode of the Chiropractic Research Breakdown, Dr. Anthony starts off heart health month by looking at a case study of a decrease in cardiovascular disease risk factors (and may or may not go on a rant about confused chiropractors) Next we look at a case study on bilateral recurring ear infections and chiropractic care Hang tight though, because we close with an in-depth look at the dysafferentation model of subluxation and how it relates to whiplash and traumatic brain injury.
Published 02/05/19
[CRB E17] Chiropractic and.... SPECIAL OPS! Can a subluxation REALLY affect how your body makes new CELLS? And psychoneuroendocrinology (say that five times fast) Let's slay some subluxations! References: https://trialsjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13063-018-3133-2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29932493 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306453018310060 Special AMPED conference special: chiroedgemedia.com/amped
Published 01/25/19
In this week's episode, Dr. Pellegrino breaks down 3 case studies. -One on seizures from the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal, and Family Health -One on Bedwetting from the Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics -And on one "Neck-tongue syndrome" from the British Medical Journal --> published out of Hong Kong. This was... interesting. 
Published 01/21/19
CUTTING THROUGH BULLSH*T Specifically, "research" done at Texas Chiropractic College (can you really call yourself that?) Research sheds light on the physiology of nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting) -- what does this mean for chiropractors? LIVE (bright and early) before I head back to learning from Marcia Schaefer at the Columbus OH ICPA-International Chiropractic Pediatric Association seminar! Special shout out to Tim Zittle DC for use of your former residence
Published 12/16/18
Dr. Anthony breaks down new research from Medical Science Monitor on the function of the Vagus Nerve in epilepsy and how it relates to principled chiropractic. Key takeaways: - First line of treatment for epilepsy = drugs with a 60% efficacy rate and 25% refractory rate (cases getting worse) - MD's looking to stimulate PNS and research shows this relates to anxiety, depression, frequency, intensity, sleep, and quality of life in epilepsy patients - This is an opportunity for chiropractors.
Published 12/06/18
The past, present, and future anthem of the CRB.
Published 11/27/18
The AMA says NOT to take antibiotics during infancy? WHY??? I review why the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine makes me want to vomit in my own lap. What does it ACTUALLY MEAN when we say subluxation helps us adapt to physical, chemical, and emotional stress. Plus get a free resource at chiroedgemedia.com/10x
Published 09/11/18
Today we break down Family Health restrospective analysis from the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal, and Family Health, and youth elite athlete concussion research from Canada. You can get a free report on how to 10X the impact of your facebook videos at chiroedgemedia.com/10X
Published 09/04/18