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#第1集-床邊大轟炸:錯過時機,不如去當老司機 大家好,我是小城,歡迎收聽今晚的床邊野餐。 ■這是 床邊野餐 第1集,也是 床邊大轟炸 單元的第1集:錯過時機,不如去當老司機~ ■本集將以幽默、詼諧又帶點文青感的方式,和大家閒聊如何在職場、愛情及生活中適時掌握時機,以爭取最佳成績,就算沒有奇蹟,也一起來收聽聲優耍滑稽,宵夜再來碗麻油雞,本頻道和你搏真心從不開美肌。嘰嘰嘰。 ■頻道更新時間: 每週二晚上10點 (床邊朗讀) 每週五晚上10點(床邊大轟炸) 歡迎大家收聽!如果對節目有任何想法及建議,也歡迎在收聽平台留言給我,或是到床邊野餐instagram ( bedside.picnic )留言給我喔!感謝您的收聽,還請您多多指教,祝今晚有個好夢。 Listen, and goodnight. 床邊野餐,我們下次見~~~ ■合作信箱:[email protected] 節目背景音樂來自:https://audionautix.com (Big Blues) / Dear listener: Welcome to my Podcast: Bedside Picnic. This is the first episode of Bedside Exploding, which is going to talk about Timing. Yes, Timing. A wide topic that can be discussed for a day. I have tried not to be too serious in this episode, even though I am such an expert for this topic. Just joking. I am sure no body believes in what I just mentioned. Haha. Anyway, it actually took me a while to make this episode, so hope you enjoy it. The updated time of this channel is: Tue. 10pm Taiwan time: Bedside Reading Fri. 10pm Taiwan time: Bedside Exploding If you love or somehow hate this Podcast, you are always welcome to leave your message or just contact me through the official Instagram of this Podcast ( ID: bedside.picnic). If you love it and want to hear more, please subscribe Bedside Picnic and ask your friends to do so. Well, goodnight then. Hope the Podcast brought no hurt to your ears. Haha. :D ■email: [email protected] Background music of the episode: https://audionautix.com (Big Blues) Powered by Firstory Hosting
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#第4集-床邊大轟炸:一碗麵的故事 大家好,我是小城,歡迎收聽今晚的床邊野餐。 ***真的非常抱歉,上一集音檔有狀況,即使再怎麼誠懇修復,還是落漆啊對不起!請再給本頻道一個機會,您的收聽是給我最大的肯定*** ■這是 床邊野餐 第4集,也是 床邊大轟炸單元的第3集:一碗麵的故事 ■你有聽過「一碗麵的故事」嗎?可能聽過日本版和台灣寶島版,但應該沒有聽過「床邊野餐」的版本吧^^本集內容將和大家分享我自己、真實存在的「一碗麵的故事」,謝謝N年前臥龍街上「小慧涼麵店」老闆娘的愛心與善良,直到現在都令我非常感恩:) ■不定時頻道更新內容: 床邊朗讀 / 床邊大轟炸...
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Published 10/02/20
#第3集-床邊大轟炸:推銷大逃殺 大家好,我是小城,歡迎收聽今晚的床邊野餐。 ***真的非常抱歉,電腦出了點狀況,即使再怎麼誠懇修復,最後一段音檔還是遺失了,對不起阿各位聽眾!*** ■這是 床邊野餐 第3集,也是 床邊大轟炸單元的第2集:推銷大逃殺 ■本集將以溫馨中又帶點荒謬的方式,和大家分享自己近年來親身經歷過的超狂被推銷案例,說有多幽默就有多幽默,推銷大逃殺Are you ready?! ■不定時頻道更新內容: 床邊朗讀 / 床邊大轟炸 歡迎大家收聽!如果對節目有任何想法及建議,也歡迎在收聽平台留言給我,或是到床邊野餐instagram (...
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