Do you want more Chumbology? Well, you're in luck! In this week's episode, we give all y'all that good shit you crave, including  our plans to become a professional wrestling tag team.  | Perfect Kirby 3.2, featuring this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Hvmb8WEsDg Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/chumbology)
Published 06/16/21
Hello, and welcome back to Chumbatown! That's a great joke I can't believe we didn't make in the episode. Alas, we were too busy talking about pop punk bands, the new Chumbawamba documentary, and other inane b******t, as always.  Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/chumbology)
Published 06/10/21
Hey I know we said we'd be on time from now on but this ones 2 days late not "2 weeks with no update" late so cut us some f*****g slack, imaginary critics that I justify our free content to in the episode descriptions despite no one having an actual issue with our release schedule. Anyway we're here to provide you with your weekly dose of discussions about Anarcho Magicians, our future 9/11 truther patreon exclusive, and our inevitable 3rd host. Oh yeah, and Chumbawamba. PPS yes we know...
Published 06/04/21
We're back from another mysterious absence with your usual supply of information about Don Knotts career, our pitch for a Chumbawamba soundtracked film about haunted bayous, recipes for DIY goop, and, oh yeah. Chumbawamba I guess. PS we recorded this like 2 weeks ago so the leftism segment where we talk about Israel might be a little bit out of date but it's all still more or less accurate.  Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/chumbology)
Published 05/27/21
Jfc, we've done 80 of these already? Yikes. Anyway, welcome to this week's Chumbology, where we discuss being a freak with our long hair and our jeans.  Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/chumbology)
Published 05/04/21
Sorry we skipped a week and that this one's late on top of that. In the words of the immortal Steve Miller Band "Time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin, into the future" Anyway, tune in to hear our pitch for a cereal hot tub podcast, Teddy's ongoing feud with Hidden Valley Ranch, our experiences with Jars of Clay and other mid 2000s Christian Alt Rock bands, and most importantly, our Elevator-sonas. Oh yeah, and Chumbawamba? I guess? Docks maybe? Support the show...
Published 05/03/21
Come one, come all, hop aboard the good ship Chumbology for our next exciting voyage! Let's drink some rum, swashbuckle the Royal British Navy, and try not to get scurvy. This is definitely a song about pirates.
Published 04/14/21
Join us as we discuss all the big issues of our time, teenage taxation, will humans become venomous, and the true identities of Allie & Justin.Prison abolition toolkit by Critical Resistance:...
Published 04/10/21
What's up, drippy droopies, our droopy droppy gang? Here's this week's Chumbology, in which we talk drips, drips, drops, droops, and maybe a little b******t on the side. I don't know what any of this means, but don't worry about it.
Published 04/02/21
Hello Chumbaheads, grab a seat as we celebrate our first post Tubthumping episode by discussing if purchasing soundtracks as a child is queer culture, being blocked on twitter by liberals, & our favorite Dropkick Murphy Rick & Morty AMVs with...
Published 03/24/21
Hey folks, all we've really got to say this week is thank you for listening! Here's the big one you've all been waiting for. Enjoy. | All the links we discuss: https://bit.ly/3lviuYz 
Published 03/17/21
Sorry this ones late, it took us extra long to edit this week because we had so many important topics to discuss, like our favorite scents, burger king's twitter account & skin disease. Just kidding, I just straight up forgot. Sue me.
Published 03/11/21
In the immortal words of the wizened Rob Thomas, "Man, it's a hot one!" Here we are with a fresh new Chumbology for ya, featuring our official German correspondent, Nim, who is apparently here to kick our asses.
Published 03/03/21
All right, we're just gonna be upfront about this one... We spend a lot of time talking about Bigfoot this week. Like... a lot. Sorry and you're welcome.
Published 02/24/21
You've been waiting (for Chumbology to post this week's episode) and shouting (that you're gonna kidnap us and lock us in a recording booth to produce content for you), and we've responded to your demands!
Published 02/17/21
Hello Chumbafans, sorry in advance for the audio in the beginning of this one, we had some ~technical difficulties~ but it gets better I promise. Listen in as we discuss anarchist Al Roker, semen retention, our pitch for the new Godfather movie, and of...
Published 02/10/21
On this week's Chumbology, we discuss both literal and figurative beheadings, and that's only within the first like ten minutes. Come twist with us again, as we continue our descent into absolute madness live for your listening pleasure.
Published 02/03/21
Hello Chumbaheads! Sorry for the lapse in programming but, shit happens! Hope ya check this one out where we chat with our official correspondent from across the pond about Bob The Builders hit singles, Senior Cat Youtube, & Hetalia AMVsFollow our...
Published 01/27/21
What's up, Chumbaheads? Y'all trying to get mIxEd Up?! This episode will get you what you crave. Join us as we discuss a litany of topics, including poop water and saving democracy.
Published 01/13/21
Howdy Chumbafans, sorry this ones later than usual but uh *gestures to the world*We recorded this pre coup attempt so listen to us innocently ramble on about our ideas for the Chumbawamba musical, Bean Dad, and a bunch of other stuff that now feels like...
Published 01/08/21
We're taking the week off this week, so try and satiate your burning hunger for content with this, a bonus episode we did a few months back about Linkin Park's debut album, Hybrid Theory!
Published 12/30/20
Who's up for a swing-a-ling on the Chumbaboat? On this week's increasingly unhinged episode, we discuss Chumbawamba's song "The Morning After," the Epstein flight logs, and also spend a lot more time than you'd expect talking about Tony Bennett. Happy Chumbawambmas, friends!
Published 12/23/20
Another week, another episode where we get offtrack and talk about Elon Musk's semen retention techniques and invent our own language. (PS yes we now know the trapt singer getting kicked out was fake, but lets pretend it's not okay?)More Information on...
Published 12/17/20
Just look at us now! 62 episodes deep into a Chumbawamba podcast, and somehow we still spend the first ten minutes talking about George of the Jungle.
Published 12/09/20
If you were hoping to hear us talk about Joe Biden's skateboard legacy, Abe Lincolns taste in music, and what a Wumpa Fruit would taste like like, you're in luck. If you wanted to hear us talk about Chumbawamba? Not so muchInfo about Indias 250 million...
Published 12/03/20