Jesus is Lord of all and can be trusted to bring peace in the storms of life.
Published 01/14/24
Jesus is Lord of all and can be trusted to bring peace in the storms of life.
Published 01/14/24
Jesus still heals all our diseases in accordance with God’s sovereign purposes in our lives.
Published 01/07/24
We’re starting a new series today where we will work our way through the Gospel according to Mark. From the very first verse Mark declares that we’re in a new time and there is victory in the person of Jesus, the Christ, the salvation of God, who is the Son of God! 
Published 12/31/23
We’re starting a new series today where we will work our way through the Gospel according to Mark. From the very first verse Mark declares that we’re in a new time and there is victory in the person of Jesus, the Christ, the salvation of God, who is the Son of God! 
Published 12/31/23
The promising hope of Christmas is Jesus born to you. 
Published 12/24/23
The promising hope of Christmas is Jesus born to you. 
Published 12/24/23
Jesus, our Christmas Hope, will ultimately restore a peaceful rest to all of creation and rule over it with unparalleled godly leadership. 
Published 12/17/23
Today, we’re going to be diving into Isaiah chapter 9, and learn about the hope that is proclaimed and available to us today.
Published 12/10/23
We continue our series we are calling Christmas Hope, and our focus today is on God's promises. We are going to look at a story about Abraham and Isaac and a long journey to the top of a mountain where they have an encounter with God. This is both a historical retelling of events and a foreshadowing of what was to come.
Published 12/03/23
Despite the emotions that might get stirred up in you during the Holidays, the Bible tells us that Christmas is a season that is all about hope. And we’re going to show you what that means throughout the series. This first message is titled Hope Promised. And today we’re going all the way back to Genesis to take a look at the fundamental need for Christmas. 
Published 11/26/23
Today we come to the conclusion of our series in Ruth we’ve been calling “Profound Provision.” In this series wrap up message, I want to do a couple things. (1) This story has some really helpful lessons for us in our lives. I want to revisit a few of those because I don’t want us to miss them. (2) Secondly, I want to take a look at the last few verses of our story and take note of the reality that God’s profound provision for the characters in this story is a foreshadowing of God’s ultimate...
Published 11/19/23
We’re looking at chapter 4 of Ruth, and today is going to be fun! This morning’s text delivers the good stuff we’ve been waiting for. The unexpected dream of being redeemed by one of the finest men in all of Bethlehem might just become a reality for Ruth.
Published 11/12/23
We’re continuing in our current series in the book of Ruth called, “Profound Provisions,” where we are unpacking the story of Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz. Today, we’re going to be diving into chapter 3, which is an interesting and intriguing story that tends to leave people with more questions than answers. 
Published 11/05/23
Today we’ll learn that God’s providence is often behind things that seem coincidental in our lives.
Published 10/29/23
Today, we pick up in Ruth chapter 2 and see how God takes care of those who trust Him, even if it comes in unexpected ways.
Published 10/22/23
In our text this morning, we are reminded that God is our provider and protector.
Published 10/15/23
If you’ve ever been deeply grieved or despairing, you know it’s dark down there. It’s tough to see how you’ll make it one more moment, let alone one more day. Naomi needs what we all need in the midst of prolonged trials: hope. God is a God of providence, and He offers hope at just the right moment we need it most in our lives. Today, I want to show you three ways God works to supply hope to us in times when life seems dark and foreboding. 
Published 10/08/23
Today we begin a new series I’ve really been looking forward to! We are going to spend the next weeks leading up to the holidays investigating the book of Ruth in a series I’m calling Profound Provision! This series is all about God’s faithful and profound provision for us in our lives…even in the face of foolish choices, feeble faith, and imperfect lives.  
Published 10/01/23
Welcome back to the third and final session of our Vision Refresh series. Today, I want to talk about how our local and global efforts are resourced. 
Published 09/24/23
If you are a Christian here today, I want to remind you of this overarching call that God has placed on your life.  The helpful news is, before God gives us this calling, he models it in front of us and demonstrates it himself. He lives it out…then turns and says, “Now…you go and do it.”
Published 09/17/23
Today we begin a new series of messages I’m calling “Why Church?” Each year at this time as our church begins a new ministry season together, I always like to refresh us in why we do what we do.  
Published 09/10/23
Today we are going to talk about the forgiveness of God. But what does forgiveness have to do with the nature of God or the character of God? As I wrestled with that question this week I came to this simple conclusion. Forgiveness is the natural outcome of all of God’s attributes.
Published 09/03/23
Today, we are going to talk about God's patience. Patience is hard for us. And that’s why I think our time talking about what God’s like today has the potential to reset and reshape us when it comes to patience. 
Published 08/27/23
The attribute before us today is the “Goodness of God.” As we consider the Goodness of God I want to do three things: (1) I want to begin by refreshing our awareness of the Bible’s repeated declaration that our God is totally and completely good, (2) Having refreshed ourselves in that, I want to talk briefly about the mistake people often make when they doubt the goodness of God when bad stuff happens in life, and (3) I want to remind you why it is so important for you and I to keep a firm...
Published 08/20/23