Earth is About to Pass a Temperature Peak and World Hunger is Growing.
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The modern world is about to pass a temperature peak dating back for millions of years – because CO2 levels have already passed an ancient record. Meanwhile, Climate change is speeding up, and among its impacts is a setback for efforts to feed the world: hunger is growing again. This report is by Veteran Journalists Tim Radford and Alex Kirby of the Climate News Network, from London, April 8th and March 29, 2019.  The Climate News Network is a free and objective service publishing a daily news story on climate and energy issues.  It’s run by four volunteers, all veteran journalists who have covered climate change for many years for international newspapers and broadcasters. By making a pledge through Patreon to Climate Liability News, you will be contributing to the costs that enable the journalists to keep on publishing their daily stories and providing training to journalists where they need it most. The goal is to become sustainable, so that the Climate News Network can employ an editor to oversee the writing and publishing of articles, and so that it can concentrate on expanding the Network's reach among those who need it. Any contribution, no matter how small, would be hugely important. To make a donation, become a patron at  Thank you for your generosity.  This podcast was produced by Climate Monitor.  Become a supporter of this podcast: This podcast is sponsored by Anchor