What Causes Autism?
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Welcome to Cloverleaf Chiropractic Show. Today, we're going to talk about autism and toxins. What is autism? Where does it come from? How prevalent is it? Who has it? What does it mean? So we're going to focus on that.  Welcome to the Cloverleaf Chiropractic Show, a podcast advocating wellness, life and healing from within. With 38 years in practice, 50,000 patients and over 1 million chiropractic adjustments, here's your host, Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr.  My name is Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr, Doctor of Chiropractic. Stay tuned. And I'm going to do my show on what autism does. Where does it start in the statistics of saying that 1 in 2 kids in 2025 will become autistic, so we really need to learn about what going on with autism. Stay tuned, I am doing this show to educate the public on health and wellness. And again, we're going to focus on autism and toxins.  What is autism? Autism is a serious development disorder that impairs the ability to communicate and interact. So there's different types of autism, so they call it Autism Spectrum Disorder, and it impacts the nervous system; the brain and the nervous system. So it impacts about 200,000 children every year. So the range and the severity of symptoms can be different, it can vary. The most common symptoms that children have is basically difficulty with communication, difficulty with social interaction, obsessive interest, repetitive disorder, violent behavior. And it's different. Some people have just a little bit and some people have a lot. So where does it come from? Where does autism come from? Research suggests that autism develops from different things. From a combination of either genetic predisposition or non-genetic predisposition. The second thing, the most important thing is environmental influences like toxins; different kinds of toxins. Some studies are showing that vaccine can cause autism. Some of the parents concern persist that the vaccine might cause autism. And the reason why they think it comes from the vaccine is because immediately after the vaccine, the children had the symptoms of autism, and in some cases, it was Immediate. In 1998 Andrew Wakefield, who was a British gastroenterologist and his colleagues published a paper saying that the children whose first symptoms of autism appeared just about within a month after they received certain vaccine; the MMR which is basically the measles, the mumps and rubella. So the medical authorities deny that vaccine causes autism. So the question is, if it doesn't come from vaccine, where did it come from? I was studying basically when vaccine started, 1962, we basically got about five different vaccines. And one was polio, the other one was smallpox and the other one was a combination of three; DPT, which is diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis. And back then in 1962, only one child in 10,000 children became autistic. As time went by, 1983, we got about 24 doses of vaccines. And basically at that time, we had 1 in 150 children that became autistic. And then as time went by in 2018, the average child up until about now, kids are getting about 72 doses of vaccine by the age of 12. And now the statistics are showing that 1 in 54 children are becoming autistic. It's more prevalent in boys. So usually it's 1 in 37 boys, and 1 in 151 girls. So for some reason, the boys get it more than the girls; 4 times more likely to become diagnosed with autism, if you are a boy. Right now, there's about 300 vaccines in the pike coming in. So as more and more vaccines will be introduced, it looks like the trend is going to be that there will be more autism if the vaccine is what's causing the autism. Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr is well known for his 38 years of experience as chiropractor. During that time he has performed over half a million chiropractic adjustments. If you want to know more about Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr you can visit his we
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