#24 A deeper look into fatigue | DA
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A deeper look into fatigue Welcome to Cloverleaf Chiropractic Show today we're going to do a podcast on tiredness and fatigue. Let's look deep into what it means; and there's more that meets the eye. Welcome to the Cloverleaf Chiropractic Show, a podcast advocating wellness, life and healing from within. With 38 years in practice, 50,000 patients and over 1 million chiropractic adjustments, here's your host, Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr. My name is Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr, I’m a Doctor of Chiropractic. Stay tuned. And I'm doing this show to educate in the public on health and wellness and a different way to look at health. If you're into medication and the medical world, this is probably not the show for you. But let's look into what fatigue and tiredness mean. Fatigue and tiredness has to do with a symptom, it's a symptom of something going on in your body, something is not working, something is not functioning right. And you know, we need to look into it. So tiredness, the definition in the dictionary says that basically tiredness is “Drained of strength and energy.” Fatigue often to the point of exhaustion, feeling of tiredness after certain activities. How do we feel after exercise? A lot of times we were tired. How do we feel after a long day of work? A lot of times we're just very tired. How do we feel after sleeping, not sleeping enough? A drop of energy? After eating certain foods. Sometimes it can happen when certain kinds of food. Fatigue is different. The definition of fatigue is basically something that's long lasting, where you have long term of daily lack of energy, severe tiredness. And it can be acute or it can be chronic. Acute means it lasts for a short time for about a month, and chronic is long term, it's at least 1 month to 6 months of being really fatigued for a long period of time. So what are some of the causes of fatigue? We can be fatigued if we have a cold or flu. If we have allergies. A lot of times people wake up with certain allergies and you feel tired. Liver disease can cause fatigue. Lung disease can cause fatigue; COPD, anaemia. Sometimes a hormone can affect how your body feels and whether you're tired or fatigued. Having a thyroid that’s not functioning at 100%, hypothyroidism; is very common today and a lot of people feel tired and weak and fatigued, they want to sleep a lot. Nutrient deficiency; lacking certain vitamins can cause you to be tired and fatigued. Vitamin D deficiency, which is very common, which we talked about in one of the previous podcast. We dedicated the whole podcast on vitamin D, and that's very, very important to really know a little bit about vitamin D.
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