"What is the ICA Coaching Model?" There is no model that is a "one size fits all." Knowing this, we have created a model that is used as a reference for students when developing their own unique coaching model. If you want to learn how you can help your clients to take bold and consistent action towards more self awareness, listen to this audio.
Published 09/10/14
Holistic Coach, Aleka Thorvalson combines her psychology and nutrition background with her certification from International Coach Academy. Listen to Merci Miglino as she interviews Aleka Thorvason in this Day in the Life of a Coach podcast.
Published 09/10/14
Last week I had the pleasure of talking with Karen Tweedie about a very new approach to coaching called Systemic Constellations. Continue...
Published 09/02/14
There are 4 main areas to master when working in a group coaching setting to ensure learning and results. You must create awareness, design action, plan and set goals, as well as manage progress and accountability. Listen to this audio for an overview of these core competencies.
Published 08/27/14
"Tell me and I will forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I will understand." We all learn differently, so it is important to have an understanding of the 4 main learning types. In this audio Nick Bosk discussions the differences between these styles of learning: Activists, Reflectors, Theorists, & Pragmatists.
Published 08/20/14
Adults learn through application of personal experiences and goals. There must be a reason to learn, beyond simple acquiring information. In this audio, we highlight 6 Adult Learning principles for coaches to keep in mind when working with groups or individual clients.
Published 08/13/14
Grief Coach, Ligia Houben is the executive director of The Center for Transforming and a graduate of International Coach Academy. Listen to Merci Miglino as she interviews Ligia Houben in this Day in the Life of a Coach podcast.
Published 08/10/14
Don't lecture me! Chose to facilitate your groups, rather than lecture. Facilitation has been shown to increase participates interests and learning, while encouraging more participation. In this audio, we compared the traditional lecture approach with facilitation.
Published 08/06/14
Make your coaching career a reality with this simple 10 step process. This Self Development Plan takes your ideas and creates action in the direction of your goals. Listen to this audio to move closer to your dream of becoming a certified coach.
Published 07/30/14
Are you ready to play The Vales Game? Step right up and discover the 5 areas that you value most in life. Do you want to create more, be more, and live a happy life? Of course you do! In this audio, Nick Bosk shares a "valuable" coaching tool that will help you to see your true self more clearly.
Published 07/23/14
Did you know that you can learn to be more creative? You don't need to be an artistic type to have idea creativity. In this audio, Nick Bosk shares 3 techniques to developing the right hand side of your brain, your creative side.
Published 07/16/14
Having a higher hope in reaching their goals, allows you to better visualize and be successful? When you have less hope, possible obstacles appear more insurmountable. In this audio, Nick Bosk shares how you can start to create more hope in your goals and overcome self doubt.
Published 07/02/14
This is the monthly recap of coaching 101 for June classes covering topics on Invalidation vs respect, underlying beliefs, and dis-empowering perspectives. Listen to learn how to reframing your perspective using the 3 Year Old Technique.
Published 06/25/14
In today's coaching society, many coaches are exploring different niches and combining their own expertise and experience along with their coaching strategies to be able to stand-out from each other. Listen to Robyn and Andrea in this interesting podcast topic of Blended Coaching - a must for professionals who want to add a coaching element to their existing product offering.
Published 06/23/14
It is said that what you do to others, is what you do to yourself. In this audio, Nick Bosk provides insight for anyone wanting to build more self-respect and move away from invalidating yourself, and those around you.
Published 06/18/14
Our behaviors are a reflection of our beliefs. In this audio, Nick Bosk shares that awareness of our emotions is the first step to understanding your own underlying beliefs.
Published 06/11/14
Lorna Poole is a Health & Business Coach, with a background in nursing and entrepreneurship. In this Day in the Life of a Coach podcast, Merci Miglino interviews Lorna Poole about her coaching practice, Red Cardinal Coaching.
Published 06/10/14
At times we may feel stuck or unhappy with a situation in our lives. When we are unable to see the full range of possible options or opportunities, a dis-empowering perspective may be standing in our way.
Published 06/04/14
When coaches look to define themselves in their niche or coaching specialty, they look at 3 different areas to answer their coaching questions. Listen to this podcast to find out how a coach can discover their own uniqueness to be a successful coach.
Published 05/19/14
What are the origins of coaching...? Coaching encompasses many disciplines but Thomas Leonard is considered to be the father of coaching. In his definition of coaching, he says that a coach is a partner in achieving your goals, a sounding board, unconditional supporter and and co-designer of your life.
Published 05/15/14
To be a successful coach, you must let go of the agenda. The client is right, in that, she is the expert in her life. Release yourself from feeling the need to be or find the solution. Instead, listen attentively and be open to feedback.
Published 04/24/14
Forgiveness and taking responsibility are the keys to overcoming cycles of blame. The blame game may be against others or an internal battle, but there are never any winners. The first step is to embrace the fact that we, as humans, make mistakes, and from this we learn.
Published 04/17/14
Get tips from Robyn and Andrea in this episode when they talk about how getting certified with an accredited program and choosing which school to enroll in, is important and crucial these days, to stand out from the competition. Listen to the views of Andrea and Robyn in this enriching episode. Continue...
Published 04/09/14
We all encounter the question, "should I do this or that?" The word "should" is sign of self doubt. Everyone experiences doubt. Everyone is afraid of failure. It is a choice as to whether you commit to the doubt (the "should") or success. Understanding your strengths and passions will allow you to determine the right path to take.
Published 04/09/14
It’s important to have a good quality headshot / profile picture on your website and in social media. People do business with people – not companies, which is why you should have a great image of you that represents who you are on your website. Ideally you will get your photo done by a professional on Continue Reading...
Published 04/08/14