In this episode, Ronnie and Jim revisit the mistaken theology of a new covenant that supposedly launches a new religion.  When scripture is used that hasn't been perverted by the church, it is clear that God did not "divorce" or cast away the Jewish people.  He certainly wasn't creating a covenant with gentiles hell-bent (literally) with creating a new religion.  God's covenant has been and always will be with his chosen people, and nobody else.
Published 09/05/21
In another scripture-filled episode, Ronnie and Jim provide the major differences between what God said and what is claimed by Christian authors of the "New" Testament.  When Jesus, Peter, Paul, and others twist the Words of God in the Tanach to create a new religion.  When God says "forever" Paul says "done away with."  Who are we to believe?It's pretty clear, we are to follow what God says.
Published 08/29/21
In this episode Ronnie and Jim go down memory lane to their old messianic days of idolatry.  Reminiscing of some of the strange customs most messianic Christians still dabble in, the scripture is used to expose the silliness of those fanciful belt-loop tzitzits, as well as the mini-tallit cloth and the infamous tzitzit belt.Oh, the memories! Oh, the idolatry!
Published 08/22/21
In this scripture-filled episode, Ronnie and Jim bringeth scripture to once again shut down the missionary-style rhetoric targeting the Jewish people.  Christian doctrine re-wrote God's Word into nonsense, and this episode exposes, yet again, how Christianity is nothing more than a perversion of what God says.  Judgement is coming to the world soon, and as much as Christians love fire, they will soon get more of it than they want.
Published 08/15/21
In this episode, Ronnie and Jim explore some of the tactics and tricks missionaries use against Jewish believers.  In one particular case, a very ignorant pastor is badgering Torah-observant Jews in Israel.  He tosses out insults and twisted scripture in order to provoke a conversation.  His false narrative is dissected quite easily in Missionary Impossible.
Published 08/08/21
If there is one thing covered over and over again throughout the Jewish Scriptures, it is the topic of atonement. If there is one thing the church wants its members and prospective members to never understand, it is atonement.  In this episode, Jim and Ronnie bring plenty of evidence showing that the issue of atonement has been addressed and described in detail by God, and that anyone coming along claiming otherwise is a liar.  The church came along and introduced pagan cult practices of an...
Published 07/31/21
Today's world is filled with a never-ending onslaught of social justice warriors setting back race relations by calling out anything an everyone that doesn't go along with the twisted scheme.  In like-manner, religious zealots are jumping on the bandwagon trying to paint their idol in the most socially-acceptable color. What difference does the color of your idol make?  In God's view, an idol is an idol, and needs to be smashed.  However, unlike those that smash and destroy to get attention...
Published 07/25/21
In this episode, Ronnie and Jim tackle the topic of Atheism.  Both Ronnie and Jim have witnessed a vast number of self-proclaimed atheists having justifiable anger towards the Christian church, and rightfully so. While they don't subscribe to the beliefs of the atheist, they do understand how they have gotten there.  The church has lied to people since its inception, and has caused people to turn away from God.  The church has also racked up a body count like no other religion, as well as...
Published 07/18/21
In this episode, Ronnie and Jim address the flat-out deception and lies made by Jesus (Yeshua). These are explained away by pastors and theologians as not really being lies.  We prove that either Jesus had no clue what Torah was or that he deliberately twisted the truth.  Either way, the church has to own its own texts that contradict the Torah.  The TRUTH is within the TORAH, not the Christian book.www.pathwaysradio.org
Published 07/11/21
Ronnie and Jim used to be Christians, and were certainly not just pew-sitters.  They both took issue with contradictory claims within the New Testament; you know, those questions and issues church leaders gloss-over or explain away.  Instead of accepting the standard "you just have to have faith," they decided to explore WHY.  Their journey led them both to discover that Christianity is nothing short of pure idolatry, born out of viscous anti-Semitism.  The church and its minions continue its...
Published 07/04/21
Just when you think you found the nuttiest idolater out there... Ronnie and Jim address one of the angriest and hateful Pastors out there today. This wacko is well-acquainted with publicity stunts and extremely hateful language, as well as a delusional reliance upon the rampantly-errant King James Version. His claim (among many false ones) that the Hebrew language was and is dead is put down like a rabid dog in this episode.
Published 06/27/21
Satan, Lucifer, the bright and morning star, The Devil! In Christianity, this is the 4th God of the the New Testament. Church doctrine has given this concept more worth than its due. In this episode Jim and Ronnie expose the false teaching of the church and share the true meaning of The Satan, Evil Inclination, and exactly WHO Lucifer is (and is not) and what "satan" actually is.
Published 06/16/21
A long time ago, a council of Jew-hating Christians came together to knock out doctrine and compile their own book. Debates and fights ensued as letters and other writings were hotly discussed, discarded, and included. Some material barely made it in, while others just missed being included. Some of the rejected writings are just as absurd as those that made it. There are some denominations and sects still using the rejected works! In this episode, Jim and Ronnie open the vault and take a...
Published 06/14/21
Why do people not understand that the Torah and Tanach are for the Jewish people? That is not saying there isn't pearls of wisdom for the rest of mankind to learn from. The Covenant, however, is with Israel, and nobody else. There is no new covenant with Christians or anyone else that decides to glue their book onto the back of the Tanach. Additionally, we discuss the utter scientific destruction of the book of Revelation by Elaine Pagels. Special Music break by Blanket StatementStein with:...
Published 06/07/21
We revived an old episode of our podcast to cover the hot topic of homosexuality. Everyone has an opinion, and we're offering what we've found from the Torah and a tad bit from the Talmud.
Published 06/02/21
Today's church is the largest criminal conglomerate to ever exist. To get where it is, it has left a path of destruction in its wake. As there are literally thousands of different sects and denominations, it quickly points out that atrocities were not by "this" brand, or that the perpetrators were not "real" Christians. For what the church has done to Judaism, it makes Islam look as sweet as Aunt Bee. Let's dig in a bit and expose just a taste of what the church has been up to. There is...
Published 05/29/21
Signs, wonders, and miracles - oh my. What is the big deal? Are we to be enticed by anyone performing a miracle of some sort? What does the Torah say? Jim and Ronnie dig in and reveal signs and wonders really are no measuring stick for the Moshiach!
Published 05/23/21
In this 2nd podcast of the 2021 relaunch, Jim and Ronnie dig further into The Potter's House, AKA Christian Fellowship Ministry, AKA Wayman Mitchell's cult. www.comeoutofhermypeople.net www.pathwaysradio.org
Published 05/16/21
We're back! After a long hiatus, Ronnie and Jim dust off the studio, fire up the equipment, and re-launch Pathways Radio and their hard-hitting podcast Come Out of Her My People. This episode includes a little catching up, a little fun, and an introduction to a cult that has been crushing relationships and souls since the 70s!
Published 05/09/21
Published 03/25/15
Wasn't life simple and apparently better when you were in Christianity? Many people feel that is was. One day you are minding your own business, then you get a taste of Torah, then next thing you know your world is upside down. You live as a Noahide while you learn and grow, then make the decision to convert. But wait, you can't. There is some rule or some person in your way. You know you need more than those plain, basic Noahide laws. You can't go back, you can't go forward, and now...
Published 03/25/15
Ronnie and Jim bring a light conversation about the personalities and struggles people face when trying to balance the old comfortable life and a potentially new one. Leaving that old way of life isn't so easy for some people. It's our job to assure those considering such a move that things will be difficult, but worth it. But, it is still your path and nobody can walk it for you. www.pathwaysradio.org
Published 01/27/15
Ronnie and Jim bring a light conversation about the personalities and struggles people face when trying to balance the old comfortable life and a potentially new one. Leaving that old way of life isn't so easy for some people. It's our job to assure those considering such a move that things will be difficult, but worth it. But, it is still your path and nobody can walk it for you. www.pathwaysradio.com
Published 01/27/15
Everyone has a path that they are on. This path travels through good times and bad times as well. The point is to never give up and never settle on thinking you have "made it." Some teach that this path matters little, that there is nothing but evil, or even no purpose to this journey. Some teach that only after this journey comes a better journey. Judaism teaches that you are to live your life now and enjoy every minute of it. In this episode Ronnie and Jim discuss some unique, and some...
Published 01/09/15
Everyone has a path that they are on. This path travels through good times and bad times as well. The point is to never give up and never settle on thinking you have "made it." Some teach that this path matters little, that there is nothing but evil, or even no purpose to this journey. Some teach that only after this journey comes a better journey. Judaism teaches that you are to live your life now and enjoy every minute of it. In this episode Ronnie and Jim discuss some unique, and some...
Published 01/09/15