#16 Dissect Phenomenon based Learning with Ilona Taimela (透視現象為本學習)
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This episode is all about Phenomenon based learning. Given Finland’s Phenomenal Education site , Phenomena-based learning and teaching is that “holistic real-world phenomena provide the starting point for learning. The phenomena are studied as complete entities, in their real context, and the information and skills related to them are studied by crossing the boundaries between subjects”. We are lucky to have Ilona Taimela joining us who is specialised in Phenomenon based learning, design thinking, participatory processes and sustainability.  Ilona has an over 25 years of experience from training teachers in Finland nationwide and now more internationally.  She is the CEO of Helsinki Education Consulting Group. She provides consulting services to cities and schools in implementing the new Finnish National Curriculum with her long experience from being a classroom and subject teacher, a university researcher, to an executive director and an administrator. She is no doubt an engaging, energising and a sought after speaker. Song track credits: Opening & Ending: Inspiration written by Rafael Krux. Positive, uplifting and inspiring track suitable for commercials and advertising.The breaks in the middleA Little Bit of Rhythm by Jonathan BoyleRio Sunset by Harpo Marks Please visit our website for more show notes: ( https://bit.ly/3fkV3fQ ) “Compass teachers” is to share educators around the world with teaching tactics, education research or helpful tools. Amazing ideas to experiment in the classroom. 歡迎來到司南老師頻道。我們的任務是去訪談來自各地的老師,汲取他們實用的教學技巧,工具或是教育研究。希望這頻道能提供一些想法讓您可以落實在教學中 See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.
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