How does G-d nourish you when you draw near to Him? Why should we place ourselves in that environment? Join guest speaker, Rabbi Dr. Bruce Tucker, as he reflects on how G-d has put a heart within us that draws us toward His presence. When we come close to G-d, He creates a home for us and redefines a great deal of how we view the world, others, and even ourselves. The L-rd has waited since before the universe’s inception for you to seek Him! Shabbat Shalom! Genesis 44.18; Genesis 45.1-8;...
Published 12/23/23
What might it have been like in Israel the last two months? How can we have an impact there even now? Join guest speaker, Rabbi Stewart Winograd, of Reach Initiative International, as he recounts his personal experience in Israel on October 7th and provides updates on how Israel is doing and how Reach Initiative is helping. Even in times of tragedy and conflict, the L-rd can move in a way that is more powerful than anything that may come against. Please continue to pray for Israel, and...
Published 12/16/23
Do you feel like you need a second chance in life? What can the rededication of the Temple remind us of on Hanukkah? Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel as he reminds us of the redemptive nature of G-d and how ready He is to restore us when we turn back to Him in repentance. When you mess up, G-d does not abandon you. Instead, He desires to show you mercy. Happy Hanukkah! John 8.7-11; Psalm 51.3-5; Psalm 51.12-14; 1 King 8.46-50; Ezra 3.10-11; Ezra 6.16-17; John 10.22-23;...
Published 12/09/23
Why does it feel so often like there is opposition in life? Why is it so important to stand with Israel? Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel as he takes a look at Israel from a Biblical lens and reminds us that the adversary hates what G-d loves, but we need to love what G-d loves. The adversary has little reason to attack you if you have already given in, so lean on the L-rd and keep up the battle! Am Yisrael Chai! Genesis 13.14-15; Genesis 17.19-21; Amos 9.11-15; Isaiah...
Published 12/02/23
What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? What does Scripture say about giving thanks? Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel as he encourages us to give thanks to G-d in a Scriptural way, whether it is a good or bad season, by voluntarily going out of our way to give the L-rd credit for the blessings in our lives. The offerings of thanks mentioned in the Torah provide great insight into how they shine G-d’s light to others and are a blessing to you as well. Shabbat Shalom...
Published 11/25/23
Have you been intimidated by the rapid rise of antisemitism? Do you feel isolated and lonely to be a follower of G-d in today’s world? Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel as he urges us to remember G-d’s presence in times where we feel discouraged and all alone. Whether it be in the greatest storm or the most distant and dark place, G-d is with you. He understands and cares for you more deeply than anyone else. Be uplifted today! Psalm 139.7-16; Psalm 139.1-6; John 14.16-18;...
Published 11/18/23
Does it seem like a lot in the world is changing all at once? Is it sometimes hard to find G-d when strife is all that you can see? Join guest speaker, Rabbi Eric Lakatos, as he emphasizes the importance of letting G-d guide you rather than whatever is unfolding in front of your eyes. Keep your gaze ultimately fixed on G-d and His calling for you rather than life’s distractions that can too easily get in the way. G-d is worthy of our unwavering trust, regardless of the circumstances. Don’t...
Published 11/11/23
What can we do in response to the increase in worldwide antisemitism? How should we handle sinister attacks against us? Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel as he invigorates us to plant our feet and push back against evil, even if it is intimidating or costs us. We cannot conform or assimilate. We must stand firm in our Jewish identity, or to stand with the Jewish people, as G-d intended! Pray for Israel, and Shabbat Shalom! Ephesians 6.10-13; Daniel 6.5-6; Daniel 6.11;...
Published 11/04/23
Have you experienced a painful time in your life that is difficult to deal with? Is it hard to trust G-d in times of trouble? Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel as he provides an update on Israel, and delves into the hope the L-rd provides even through grief-stricken and painful times. Even when Israel was taken into captivity in Babylon, G-d had a deep and powerful plan for their future, as He can have with you. Am Yisrael Chai! Jeremiah 31.14-16; Jeremiah 31.30-32; Matthew...
Published 10/28/23
Have you experienced a dark time in your life? What did G-d say about Israel thousands of years ago? Join guest speaker Rabbi Jeff Adler as he breaks down the prophecy of the dry bones from Ezekiel 37 by connecting it to the restoration of Israel even in our days, and by highlighting that G-d has had a plan for their complete revival all this time. The Jewish people are a living example of G-d’s promises being true and everlasting, and serve as an encouragement that He will never abandon you....
Published 10/21/23
Are there times when you can’t do something without G-d’s help? Do you ever feel impatient or powerless? Join guest speaker and congregational leader, Alex Yalenga, as he urges us to be patient for G-d’s promises to be fulfilled both for the world and in our lives. We must be proactive, submit to His timing, and take opportunities to shine G-d’s light to others. You are a part of G-d’s plan! Please also continue to pray for Israel. Isaiah 40.31; Zechariah 8.23; Isaiah 40.28-31; Psalm 130.5-8;...
Published 10/14/23
Do you talk about G-d much when outside of your congregation? What makes the Shema so important? Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel this Simchat Torah as he magnifies the callings to love others through passing Scripture on, and being bold in talking about G-d to others when you are not just in a spiritual setting. The Torah is a gift from the L-rd that should be celebrated, cherished, and shared with others. Am Yisrael Chai! Mark 12.28-31; Deuteronomy 6.4-7; Psalm 73.28;...
Published 10/08/23
Have you made changes in your life amidst the High Holy Days? Are you going through a drought spiritually? Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel as he prepares us for the conclusion of this fruitful season with an encouragement to remember these days as time goes by and trials may come up in life, so you can endure them. Pray for G-d’s rain to fall on the tribulations you face. With the L-rd, you can persevere! Leviticus 23.36-39; Matthew 24.10-13; 1 Peter 5.7-10; Mark 5.35-36;...
Published 10/07/23
Has it ever been hard to forgive someone? When have you been shown mercy by others? Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel as he recollects the Shemitah year, as it was the year of debt cancellation and therefore a year of forgiveness. The L-rd has waived our debts through his ultimate forgiveness, so we must forgive others. It is a weight off your shoulders that is freeing! Chag Sameach! Matthew 18.21-35; Deuteronomy 15.1-2; Deuteronomy 15.9-10; Deuteronomy 31.10 Prayer...
Published 09/30/23
Is it challenging for you to take accountability for your sins? Do you think you can avoid the consequences of your sins if you hide them? Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel as he calls us to action through facing our sins head-on while repenting and committing to turn from them, all without taking the great weight of G-d’s forgiveness and sacrifice for granted. Genuine repentance results in a desire to turn from your sins. This is an integral and impactful message! Numbers...
Published 09/25/23
Do you sometimes feel like things don’t go your way? Does following the will of G-d cost you at times for seemingly no benefit? Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel on Yom Kippur as he reminds us that, despite things seeming difficult or burdensome initially, they can be used for G-d’s purposes and our gain in the end. Yeshua, who was rejected and killed, was resurrected and now provides the ultimate atonement for us all. May you have a meaningful fast on this special Day of...
Published 09/25/23
Have you been preparing for Yom Kippur throughout the Yamim Noraim, the Days of Awe? Are you willing to submit to the L-rd? Join the Congregation Beth Hallel worship team in extended worship with Rabbi Kevin Solomon as they worship the L-rd and reflect on the words within Scripture and those in these powerful songs of praise. Partake in this meaningful season and lift up your voice to the L-rd. Shabbat Shalom! 1 Chronicles 16.31; Revelation 1.8; Psalm 118.25-26; Matthew 21.8-9; Song of Songs...
Published 09/23/23
Genesis 22.1-4; Exodus 4.20; Luke 15.20-24; Genesis 22.11-12; Hebrews 11.17-19; John 20.29 Are you willing to put what is most important to you towards G-d? Do you struggle to be obedient in fear of the earthly consequences? Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel on Rosh Hashanah as he recounts the Akedah, the Binding of Isaac, in a reminder to trust and follow G-d despite the costs you may experience on earth. Stay faithful even when you have extra time to think about the...
Published 09/16/23
Numbers 29.1; Joshua 6.16; Joshua 6.20; Isaiah 18.3; Genesis 4.6-7; Nehemiah 4.9-14; John 18.10-11; Luke 10.17-19; Matthew 24.30-31 Shana Tova! Do you know why we have a day for blowing the shofar, Yom Teruah? When have you sounded the shofar in your life? Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel as he welcomes Rosh Hashanah with insight into some of the shofar blast’s primary uses during times of conflict. It can be a call to press forward, to pause, to signal victory, or to be a...
Published 09/16/23
Do you allow G-d’s plans for you to take priority over all others? Do you have trouble asking G-d to help you battle temptation? Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel as he continues to ready us for the High Holidays ahead with a reminder to submit to G-d rather than the flesh, on a daily basis. It is integral to let G-d’s desires become what you strive for, no matter the cost. May G-d hearten you as the month of Elul nears its end! James 4.6-7; Romans 8.5-8; Psalm 95.6-7; Luke...
Published 09/09/23
Are you caught up in a lukewarm routine? Do you remember a time in your life when things became distinctly different? Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel as he delivers a wake up call before the High Holy Days to stop our daily routines and reflect spiritually, rather than focusing on temporary things. This is a different season meant for you to focus your attention above. May you be blessed today! Ecclesiastes 1.1-4; Colossians 3.1-2; John 9.24-25; John 9.35-38; Luke...
Published 09/02/23
Are you reflecting on your past year as the High Holy Days approach? Have you determined what needs to grow and what needs to go? Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel as he greets the month of Elul with an elaboration on the crown G-d gives us if we follow and bring honor to Him humbly. The King is in the Field this season, so we need to let go of our pride. This is an important reminder! Isaiah 55.6; 2 Timothy 4.7-8; James 4.6; Psalm 138.6; Matthew 23.23-24; Micah 6.8;...
Published 08/26/23
Why is prayer so important? What do you pray about? Join guest speaker, Pastor Dr. Mosy Madugba, as he details the power, significance, and uses for prayer that we can harness. The L-rd carries a great deal of power through our prayers. Your prayer can be an impactful catalyst of G-d’s will. Be blessed today! James 5.16-18; Genesis 21.17; Luke 22.44; Ephesians 6.18; 1 Thessalonians 5.17; Joshua 10.12; Mark 4.39 Prayer Requests or send an email to [email protected] CBH Website Donate YouTube...
Published 08/19/23
Do you sometimes judge people quickly? Is it a struggle to be kind to others? Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel as he reminds us that kindness leads to repentance, and we need to reflect G-d’s kindness and forgiveness towards us so we can guide others to Him as well. Reflect on yourself before you begin to point fingers, and instead extend a compassionate hand and maintain a forgiving attitude. This is an important message to keep in mind! Romans 2.1-4; Ephesians 4.31-32;...
Published 08/12/23
Do you have conflict at times with friends or family? Does it feel like you frequently have to defend yourself? Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel as he compiles a guide on handling debate and disagreement with the people around you. Immediately jumping to a defensive mindset is unproductive and will not likely lead to a more peaceful outcome. Seek to resolve issues humbly and in love, not just to win an argument. This is a transformational message! Genesis 30.1-2; Proverbs...
Published 08/05/23