Episode 33   "Honor yourself because you survived." - NK Kranda These words encapsulate a unique and welcomed approach for those that have experienced the unexplained and inexplicable. And, it exemplifies the empathetic and generous nature of our guest today. On this episode of Conspiracy Theoryology, The Story Keepers. Joined by experience preservationist NK Kranda, as well as Travis, a personal experiencer with his own story to share, we explore the growing field of Experiencer Research,...
Published 08/22/19
Episode 32 This episode we explore our fascination with the Petrified Forest, located in Arizona. Specifically we will discuss the curse that has been associated with this amazing National Park, and reported by visitors since the 1930s. I say reports, but they are really attempts to lift this curse by returning stolen pieces of petrified wood, often with letters explaining the streak of misfortune and bad luck that had been wrought upon them following their larcenous indiscretions. Now, it...
Published 08/06/19
Episode 31 Welcome back, Theoryologists. We are wrapping up our discussion of Jade Helm 15 and addressing our suspicions that is was, at the very least, used as a convenient opportunity for psychological operations training. Conversely, and more likely, the social manipulation and psychological triggers introduced with the Jade Helm operation were intrinsic of the training exercise itself, intended all along within the planning of this operation. In part 1 of this series, I introduced you...
Published 07/23/19
Episode 30 To some, it produces images of government controlled communications/mass media, telling the people only what the government wants them to hear. To others, it raises the horrid specter of Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Propaganda Minister, practicing the technique of the "big lie" which has incorrectly become synonymous with "propaganda". Still to others, the mere mention of "psychological" operations or warfare invokes visions of "mind control" through some mysterious means of...
Published 07/11/19
Episode 29 Welcome back, Theoryologists. When you hear the term “psyop”, in context of the military, what comes to mind? Does it conjure up thoughts of leaflet air drops? Radio broadcasts behind enemy lines? Loudspeaker announcements? Are you even familiar with the term at all? While for some it may conjure the thought of clandestine psychic warfare and espionage tactics, Psyop is, in fact, an abbreviation of the term “psychological operation”.  These operations are defined by the Department...
Published 06/25/19
Episode 28 Welcome back Theoryologists. What happens when your brain hears a question? In fact, the answer is just what happened when you heard my question. Interestingly, you focused in and everything else, at least for a moment, was put to the side while your mind attempted to address the question at hand. Neuroscience research has found that the human brain can only think of one thing at a time. According to the book Brain Rules, “we are biologically incapable of processing attention-rich...
Published 06/14/19
Episode 27 Continuing the discussion of Ancient Astronaut Theory, this time we explore another approach to understanding history, known as Big History. This educational approach to the exploration of history is much more than a timeline of human history, or even of Earth history. Big History goes all the way back to the Big Bang as a starting point, and presents a timeline, in a narrative form, leading all the way to the modern era. It doesn't stop there, using this big picture approach to...
Published 05/28/19
Episode 26 Published in 1968, Chariot of the Gods?, written by Erich Von Daniken, sparked a movement of thought and belief that endeavored to rewrite our understanding of the origins of human civilization and advancement. Von Daniken proposed that the historical record was proof of ancient extraterrestrial visitation and intervention across nearly all of the developing cultures throughout antiquity. These records, comprised of ancient artwork, mythological and religious texts, and even...
Published 05/21/19
BONUS - Patreon Teaser This week I have a bonus episode for you to enjoy. A heavily abridged version of the conversation I had with my guest host, Mike Nelson, over on Patreon. Mike and I explored the Mandela Effect as a follow up to the Food Pyramid episode which only briefly touched on the topic. Mike brought a fresh perspective and some great research and we had a great time! The entire discussion was about an hour and a half, so I pulled out about 30 minutes to highlight and give you a...
Published 05/01/19
Ep. 25 - Finland Doesn't Exist In the Cold War era, Japan and the Soviet Union supposedly shared a secret about a stretch of the Baltic Sea between the Soviet Union and Sweden. Around the mid-20th century, the two nations collectively spread the idea that there was a landmass known as Finland on that stretch of ocean, to keep the good fishing between themselves. The Japanese were free to fish as much as they liked there without worrying about international laws, so long as they give a share...
Published 04/25/19
Ep. 24 - Sleep Paralysis Why talk about sleep paralysis? Isn’t it usually just an explanation in itself for strange phenomenon? Actually, it’s not a definitive answer to all night time visions and experiences. Blaming sleep paralysis is simply blaming a physiological function as a means of dismissing strange experiences. Yet, it has become the go-to explanation, and we are eager to accept it as the reason for any sort of frightening tales of experience that remotely include aspects associated...
Published 04/11/19
Podswap - Burst Your Bubble Podcast A wonderful episode swapping project coordinated by the lovely and talented host and creator Moxie at Your Brain on Facts. Inspired by the days of comic strip artists swapping characters, this operation is meant to introduce new podcasts, not only to you the listener, but us as well, that we think our listeners will find interesting and enjoyable. Today, I have to pleasure of bringing you the 50th episode of the Burst Your Bubble podcast, with host Morgan...
Published 04/04/19
Episode 23 - Spontaneous Human Combustion This phenomenon, also known as SHC, probably because it gets old saying the full term pretty quickly in a long conversation, goes back hundreds of years and still befuddles investigators in cases today. This isn’t really a tale of the supernatural, although it certainly gives that vibe. It’s certainly paranormal in the very literal sense of being out-of-the ordinary. The term is used in different ways; By investigators and coroners as a means to close...
Published 03/26/19
Episode 22 - The Food Pyramid Howdy Theoryologists. Let’s talk about the infamous USDA Food Pyramid. Think back to when you first saw it? That pyramid poster on the wall. When do you remember seeing it? Grade school? On TV? When was that? How old is that colorfully pyramid shaped stack of food? Regardless, that now infamous visual was meant to convey, in summary, the recommended dietary guidelines as outlined by the US Department of Agriculture. The food pyramid was controversial from it’s...
Published 03/15/19
Episode 21 - Pseudo-Skepticism Howdy Theoryologists. Today we are discussing the broad brush stroke term “skepticism”, and specifically the misuse and mislabeling of a falsely skeptical approach that hides an objective of debunking. See, underlying any topic we have had, or might have in the future on Conspiracy Theoryology, is the skeptical perspective. That point of view which says “I’m not just taking this at face value,” and rightly so. There would be no such thing as a conspiracy theory,...
Published 02/27/19
Episode 20 - Flat Earth Theory (Part 3) Howdy Theoryologists. This time we will really pull together the reason for first exploring the concepts of belief and perception. I knew we would need to have a good context of those idea before we jumped into the evolution of flat earth theory. Our discussions previously have approached Flat Earth as a proposed idea. Really a hypothesis to be tested and proven. But of course, we like to talk conspiracy, and yes, flat earth has it’s conspiracies.   In...
Published 02/14/19
Episode 19 - Flat Earth Theory (Part 2) Howdy Theoryologists. Let’s continue our discussion on Flat Earth Theory. In part 1, we focused on the history of modern flat earth theory, it’s introduction in the mid-nineteenth century, and the contemporary philosophical musings at the time, which were opening up new thought on reality and existence. In our theoryology discussion we explored the beginnings of existential thought being introduced by Soren Kierkegaard, and dove into the psychology of...
Published 01/30/19
Episode 18 - Flat Earth Theory (Part 1) This is the theory to end all theories. Flat earth posits that our understanding of earth as a heliocentric globe is, at best, a misguided and faulty understanding of the physical nature of our world. At worst, a concerted effort to propagate a lie, contrary to our observation and perceptions of the world around us. In this first part of our three part series, it will be helpful to understand the history surrounding the modern origins of flat earth...
Published 01/15/19
Episode 17 - The War On Christmas   In 2005 a War On Christmas resurfaced, and took the News Media by storm. Seemingly driven by political correctness, or the frustration thereof, many have drawn political lines seeing the omission of the term “Christmas” in holiday greetings as an assault on the conservative Christian aspects of this holiday season, while other observances, such as Hanukkah and Kwanza are apparently left unscathed. While Christmas, as most of us would recognize it, is a...
Published 12/20/18
Episode 16 - The Fluoride Conspiracy   Water fluoridation is a hot button topic, that has proven controversial since the practice began in the 1940’s. The suspicion that rather than the stated purpose of preventing tooth decay, water fluoridation is a practice of involuntary medication and experimentation, and a conspiracy of social engineering that is at best, driven by industrial lobbying to make profitable the sale of industrial waste, and at worst, a concerted effort to affect cognitive...
Published 12/06/18
Episode 15 - The Polygraph Test   The polygraph has a long and tenuous history rooted in efforts to advance interrogation techniques. Currently it is dismissed by scientists, and is inadmissible in court, yet, the polygraph examination is still used by federal agencies, businesses, investigators and police forces. The lie detector is often used within the realm of conspiracy theory and alternative beliefs as an offering of proof on the basis of honesty and integrity of those making...
Published 11/21/18
Episode 14 - Psychic Detectives The use of psychic abilities to find answers, uncover clues, find victims and even uncover identities of criminal perpetrators goes way back. In ancient times, those who sought missing persons could consult an oracle or divine with activities such as astrology. By the sixteenth century, dowsing became a practiced means of tracking culprits with the use of divining rods. In the nineteenth century, sensitives claimed to receive information for a crime in their...
Published 11/06/18
Episode 13 - Exorcism Exorcism, as a practice in some form or another has been around about as long as human beings have been asking themselves why things happen, and it’s never been completely abandoned. Yet, by the mid 20th century, the practices has waned considerably as had public interest. That all changed in 1973 with the cinematic release of “The Exorcist”. This horrific, and terrifying tale, based on a book, which claimed to be based on actual events, scared the pants off of us, and...
Published 10/23/18
Episode 12 - Alien Abductions The phenomenon, as documented by researchers, journalists, and skeptics alike, over the years, has become pretty well defined in terms of key aspects, and has led to an array of collected testimonies, assertions to either the validity or the incredulity of the phenomenon, and even the occasional conspiracy theory or two. The terms alien abduction or abduction phenomenon describe "subjectively real memories of being taken secretly against one's will by apparently...
Published 10/10/18
Episode 11 - Workers Buried in Hoover Dam A worker falls into a pool of wet concrete that’s being poured as part of a major construction project. Before he can be saved, his body slips beneath the surface and he drowns in the thick soup of the concrete.Pouring concrete is a slow and tedious job, and once “the pour” is started, it can’t be stopped without ruining the whole block, and that section of the project has to completely re-done. So, rather than dig the dead workman out of the concrete...
Published 09/25/18