In the last episode, we introduced Professor Philip D. Marsh, Professor Emeritus of Oral Microbiology at the School of Dentistry at the University of Leeds in the UK. Across his incredible career, he's published over 300 research papers and review articles and is co-author of a leading textbook on oral microbiology.  In Part 1, Phil walked us through his early experiences as a penniless Ph.D. student in London and on to his first graduate job. We also discussed the alienation Phil felt as he...
Published 07/11/23
If you're going to be a trailblazer, then you're going to have to take down a few trees along the way. You have to be willing to follow your nose and believe in what you're doing enough to embrace your critics with open arms. Today’s guest is Philip Marsh, Professor Emeritus of Oral Microbiology at the School of Dentistry at the University of Leeds in the UK. In his impressive career, he's published over 300 research papers and review articles and is co-author of a leading textbook on oral...
Published 06/27/23
In the last episode, we introduced Rella Christensen of TRAC Research, a nonprofit institute dedicated to in-depth long-term clinical studies of restorative materials, preventive dentistry, and dental caries. Rella took us on a journey through her incredibly busy life - raising three children and pursuing her career as the director of the Clinical Research Associates Foundation. We also heard about Rella’s husband and mentor Gordon, who helped her follow her research interests by giving her...
Published 06/13/23
Sometimes to forge the path ahead, you need to create the tools to do so from scratch. Having the courage to blaze a trail using your own resources and time is something that only genuinely extraordinary people will attempt. Today's guest, Rella Christensen, has taken on that risk and has come out on the other side with fresh ideas and strategies to help the dental industry better care for its practitioners and patients. In 1976, Rella co-founded and directed the Clinical Research Associates...
Published 05/30/23
Breaking away from tradition and challenging the status quo are the hallmarks of an extraordinary person.  Today’s guest is Angus Walls, who, across his forty years in the field, has excelled at finding better ways to care for his patients. Since 2013, Angus has worked as the Director of the Edinburgh Dental Institute at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.  Between 2017 - 2018, Angus served as the ninety-fourth President of the International Association for Dental Research and opened...
Published 05/16/23
Having a patient's best interests at heart is critical to the work that dentists do. This means training every single member of the dental team, empowering them to feel compassion for and respond to their patient’s needs holistically.   This is a philosophy that Machell Hudson practices, not only in her work as a hygienist but in everything she does.   Machell is a trusted and effective hygienist who’s been in the profession for over 15 years. In 2021, Machell founded Integrative Dental...
Published 05/02/23
You can't have a healthy body if you don't have a healthy mouth. After all, it is the gateway into the body. Dr. Susan Maples is a leader in the area of total health with over 30 years of experience in dentistry. As a child, Susan was exposed to large quantities of secondhand smoke and suffered from severe allergies. Through mentorship and guidance from a few key medical professionals early on in her journey, Susan began a path to improved total health.  Today, Susan is giving back by...
Published 04/18/23
Tooth decay, or dental caries, is the number one disease dentists treat. Yet, the common practice of drilling teeth does not cure the disease. Dr. Doug Young was one of the first to ask a seemingly simple question: If drilling does not cure the disease, why does it remain the first, and often only, option? Finding the answer led him to establish one of the pillars of modern dentistry. Dr. Young describes his younger self as a "normal dentist." Not a famous researcher. No impressive...
Published 04/04/23
It may be hard to believe today, but opinion was the root of most dental practice in years past. Not in evidence-based research. When the Kois Center opened in 1994, it ushered in a revolutionary approach to dental care. It was the first center to provide a graduate program for practicing dentists that implemented a structured science-based curriculum. The center remains a flagship for science-based advances in esthetics, implants, and restorative dentistry. On the opening day of The Kois...
Published 03/21/23
Welcome to "Contrary to Ordinary," where Dr. Kim Kutsch showcases thought leaders in the dental industry - and beyond - who push the boundaries of what's possible. Hear conversations with innovators who blend art and technology, chase curiosity, and create the truly extraordinary. From cutting-edge tech to creative approaches to game-changing innovation, learn from the best in the business and discover what unique qualities make them tick. Join us to hear inspiring stories, practical insights...
Published 03/10/23