“Xavier is an open and welcoming host and attracts very interesting guests across a wide variety of topics.
The discussions are in depth and almost always accessible to the general listener.
Terrific podcast series.”
daj001 via Apple Podcasts ·
Great Britain ·
“I often find the topics and guests interesting but as enthusiastic as the host claims to be for the subject matter, he seems to have only a cursory understanding which makes for a dialogue that fails to be any more engaging or illuminating than if the guest were merely presenting their ideas...”Read full review »
Barrett W. via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·
“It's hard to believe that Xavier only created Converging Dialogues a year ago, he podcasts like a seasoned pro.
Xavier goes out of his way to talk with diverse and intersting guests, on a wide variety of subjects. Guests are highly knowledgeable in their field, generous with their time, and...”Read full review »
Elsa Jansen via Apple Podcasts ·
Australia ·