In this episode, Virgil has an intriguing discussion with his friend Awkward Hermet about the importance of art and its place in our society. Awkward Hermet has done all of the artwork for Conversations and Meditations and continues to add value to our brand. In this discussion, they talk about what interested her in creating art as well as some of her major influences. Later on, they cover the significance of art to the individual and how art can increase your overall enjoyment of life. 
Published 10/30/18
In this episode, Virgil and his friend D debunk common myths about economics, capitalism, and socialism. They both discuss the facts and fallacies of the economics and the history of how we got here today.
Published 10/25/18
In this episode, Vigil and his friend and former guest, Pseudo, get into the concept of self-love. They discuss their personal difficulties and doubt concerning love for one's self and its importance in self- actualization on the world. Join them while they discuss their continuing journey on the road too self-love.
Published 10/02/18
In this episode, Virgil discusses cognitive dissonance and its effect on our everyday lives. Virgil talks about his experience with cognitive dissonance, how it manifests in our lives, and how it can be a catalyst for a change in our worldview when confronted with new evidence. With the chaos of our world today, we should expect to feel the discomfort of cognitive dissonance, but always to remember that it's our choice of what to do with it.
Published 09/25/18
In this episode, Virgil goes into detail about the conspiracy theorist worldview and the dangers of viewing everything through a conspiratorial lens. In this talk, we hope we can address the reasons why someone would turn to conspiracy theories in a time of chaos and uncivility and how conspiracy theories are ultimately false, manipulating, bigoted, and toxic for everyone involved. 
Published 09/05/18
In this episode, Virgil goes over the psychotherapists Nathaniel Branden book, The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem. This book has been a significant influence on Virgil and his worldview. Virgil goes into detail what is self-esteem, why its vital, and gives an overview of the six pillars that Branden described in his book. This overview discusses why we all have issues with self-esteem and the work needed in order to become better people who have a better relationships with themselves.
Published 08/07/18
In this episode, Virgil goes over the Thomas Sowell book A Conflict of Visions and its main themes on why we as a society have major disagreements on politics and philosophies. He goes over the Sowell's conceptc of the "Constrained"(Tragic) Vision and the "Unconstrained" (Utopian) Vision of humanity and our nature. Virgil also covers civility and its importance in todays inflammatory political climate and the things we all can do to reintroduce a little civility back into our lives. 
Published 07/26/18
In this episode, Virgil goes into detail on his statement from the last episode, in where he stated that Capitalism has been the greatest tool to help alleviate poverty and suffering in the world so far. Virgil goes into detail on why and how capitalism is allowing people from all over the world to escape extreme poverty and move into the middle class and pursue a better life for themselves and their families.
Published 07/09/18
In this episode, Virgil interviews his friend and former guest Mischa about his political standings and his new membership to the Democratic Socialist of America party and what that means to him. They both discuss what Democratic Socialism is and what it isn't. Virgil asks question and they both get into some principles and policies of the Democratic Socialists of America.
Published 06/27/18
In this episode, Virgil has an interesting conversation with his good friend Auguste on the issues of race, identity, culture, and ethnicity in America. They both utilize their own experiences and identity to speak on the issues we face as a society. They also discuss mental health, suicide its impact on identity and society. 
Published 06/12/18
In this episode Virgil gives a more detailed breakdown of nihilism its effects on our lives and the damage it can do to society. Virgil decided to further unpack the concepts he discussed in the last episode on Anxiety and Depression. This is a critical examination on nihilism its connection to pessimism, resentment, and how it causes suffering in our everyday lives. Virgil ends the podcast with some antidotes to nihilism and gives his take on how we can find meaning in the darkest moments in...
Published 06/02/18
In this episode Virgil and his two friends Mischa and Pseudo have a conversation about anxiety and depression. This conversation is deeply rooted in all of their personal experiences and some foundational ideas that connect us all. Each guest gave a detailed view of their experiences and the mindset that they have in relation to anxiety and depression.
Published 06/02/18
In this episode Virgil goes over the concepts of Individualism and Collectivism. This episode explores the historical, sociological, and psychological effects of Individualism and Collectivism.This episode also explores the cost and benefits on of both the principles. Virgil gives his personal outlook on what it means to be an Individualist or Collectivist in todays world. 
Published 06/02/18
In this episode Virgil goes over Socratic Questioning and its relationship with critical thinking. Virgil explores the origins of the Socratic Method and how it was used and how it is used today. He also goes over modern applications of First Principles and the Socratic Method.
Published 06/02/18
In this episode Virgil goes over an Article by British entrepreneur Paul Graham called "How to Disagree" and explains the hierarchy of disagreement that Graham came up with. Virgil also goes over American psychologist Marshall Rosenberg and his creation of Nonviolent Communication and its importance in our world today. Through this conversation, we hope to have helped provide meaningful tools that we can all use in our disagreements on little and/or big issues that we face as a society
Published 04/21/18
Virgil sits down with an old friend to discuss new and old problems that we are facing as a society.
Published 04/14/18
In this episode, Virgil describes who he is, what the show is all about, and what he hopes it can become.
Published 04/07/18