It’s not a coincidence you’re reading this right now. Tune in and learn - Why God's Allowing You To Suffer! If you're like me, you're probably wondering why God is allowing you to be attacked. Why is He allowing people to falsly accuse you, lie on you, and talk about you? Why is God allowing them to attack everything from your mistakes to your character. The crazy part is you you know you haven't done anything to deserve it. As crazy as it sounds, can you believe that God is using all of...
Published 10/27/14
Immediately change the quality of your life for the better. Stop Thinking So Small! It’s not a coincidence you’re reading this right now. Listen right now and learn the secrets to Getting Everything You Deserve! How big is your vision? Have you ever stopped to think that perhaps the reason you haven't succeeded yet is because you're thinking too small. God has a bigger plan for your life. He has a plan for creating wealth, happiness and prosperity that far exceeds your wildest dreams. Most...
Published 10/22/14
Nature or Nurture - Why Men Cheat! Does this feel familiar - Damn Dog...I knew I couldn't trust you! Ever wondered why men cheat. Is it just in their nature? Is there a such thing as a good man? If you're wondering how to distinguish a good man from a dog...If you're wondering how to keep your man from straying, then you cannot afford to miss this episode of Conversations With Dr. D Ivan Young... Are there any Good, Decent, Honorable "MEN" out left...  You are only moments away from...
Published 10/20/14
Are you tired of having a friends with benefits relationships? Now, you're finally dating a great guy, but there's a problem - He doesn't want to commit! Does this feel familiar - We were doing just fine, then, when things starting getting serious, I brought up commitment, then he went to the store and never came back.  Now more than ever you know exactly what you want, and need, in a mate. Finally you meet the right man, but he doesn't a serious relationship, and he damn sure does NOT want...
Published 10/15/14
Are you tired of having a friends with benefits relationships? Now, you're finally dating a great guy, but there's a problem - He doesn't want to commit! Does this feel familiar - We were doing just fine, then, when things starting getting serious, I brought up commitment, then he went to the store and never came back.  Now more than ever you know exactly what you want, and need, in a mate. Finally you meet the right man, but he doesn't a serious relationship, and he damn sure does NOT want...
Published 10/13/14
Confronting Crazy...How To Deal With A Fool! Does this feel familiar - Do I have a sign on my back that says, "Hey Fool, I'm over here...Come irritate the hell out of me! Be it at work, or at home, are you plagued with crazy folk? Is someone, someone whom you have no choice but to deal with making you nutty as a fruit cake? Are you less than two short steps away from either cursing someone out, or slapping the you know what out of them, then you cannot afford to miss this episode...
Published 10/08/14
Are you sick and tired of wasting your time, over and over again, with what you thought was the perfect man, only to discover you've wasted weeks, months and possibly years of your time? Are you ready to learn the secrets to effectively communicating your needs and desires? Are you ready to set yourself up for the love of your life - then you cannot afford to miss this episode of "Conversations With Dr. D Ivan Young."   Do this feel familiar - "Why do my relationships start so good, only to...
Published 10/06/14
Are you tired of being on the verge of something big? Aren't you ready to get what God has for you? Aren't your ready to be what God created you to be? Isn't it time to get EVERYTHING YOU DESERVE from your life. You can do this. The key to creating instant success is knowing your purpose and having a plan. Find out how to Create Instant Success on this episode of "Conversations With Dr. D Ivan Young" - Today, discover the secrets of Creating Instant Success! Does this feel familiar - "I'm so...
Published 10/01/14
How many times have you said, "If God would only give me confirmation that I'm on the right track." Possessing the ability to hear from God with clarity can change your life. The issue is, you're probably so distracted by the problems of normal every day life, you can't hear from yourself, let alone God. Nonetheless, God is constantly communicating with you. The Holy Spirit speaks through people, circumstances and situations. The trick is learning to spot God's voice. Find out how on this...
Published 09/29/14
Now that you've arrived, does it seem like all hell is breaking loose... Don't fret. God is using what you perceive to be chaos to provide clarity. Inasmuch, there are certain things you must become mindful of, as well as a few remnants you've got to get rid off. Where you're headed these "THINGS" must go! To keep everything that God has for you, it's time to become wise as a serpant and harmless as a dove.  On this episode of Conversations With Dr. D Ivan Young - Using Chaos To Find Clarity...
Published 09/24/14
Are you so close to manifesting your desires that you can literally feel, see and touch them, but for some strange reason, no matter how hard your try, you just can't reel them in. If you’re ready to stop allowing things to hold you back, if you’re ready to break through your barriers, ready to reach the summit. Tune into this episode of "Conversations With Dr. D Ivan Young" and discover the secrets of how To Instantly Start Manifesting Your Hearts Desires" .  Does this feel familiar - "Why...
Published 09/22/14
Now that you've arrived, there are still a few loose ends... Loose ends that must be trimmed. i.e. People, thought processes and behaviors you must get rid off. Where you're headed you cannot take these things with you. Stop the madness! If you're going to get, and keep, everything that God has for you, you'd better commence to pruning. On this episode of Conversations With Dr. D Ivan Young - Getting Rid of Dead Weight - How To End Toxic Behaviors and Toxic Relationships. Find out "How To...
Published 09/17/14
God's word teaches us that our talents bring us before great men, it teaches us that our gifts make room for us. The question is, how do I know what my real gifts are. Moreover, how do I use them to create prosperity, joy and happiness. Find out "How To Operate In Your Gift" on this episode of "Conversations With Dr. D Ivan Young".  The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do! Does this feel familiar - "If I Only Had _____________ I'd Be Right Where I Need To...
Published 09/15/14
Does someone or something seem to plague you and everything you do? Are you tired of being ravaged. Believe it or not, generational curses are very real. But they can be broken. Find out how on this episode of Conversations With Dr. D Ivan Young - Free At Last...Breaking Generational Curses! Does this feel familiar - "Do I Have On A Shirt That Says, "Fool come find me...I'm over here!" God allows adversity in your life for one reason - to make you better. The problem is the first half of...
Published 09/10/14
People prepare for everything. People prepare for old age, people prepare for sickness, people prepare for natural disasters. Heck, people even prepare for death. The one thing most people fail to prepare for is success. Don't get caught slipping. On this episode of Conversations With Dr. D Ivan Young, join Dr. D as he gives you the secrets to making success a permanent part of your life.  Does this feel familiar - "Right when I get comfortable, here comes something else - Damn - Now...
Published 09/08/14
Without an effective team, you will not accomplish anything. The question is who do you cut, and who do you keep. Discover the secrets to picking a winning team on this episode of Conversations With Dr. D Ivan Young.  Does this feel familiar - "I don't know who to trust! ...Are You Here For Me? Or, Are You Here Because Of What I Can Do For You" There's no middle. Either people are for you or against you. Keeping the wrong person in your mix can devistate you, inasmuch needlessly losing good...
Published 09/03/14
Don't Give Up! Your season of reconstruction is over!!! This very week a metamorphosis will take place right before your eyes. Prepare yourself, a major change in your life, a change for the better is starting right now. If you, or someone you know, needs help preparing for the future... Don't miss this episode of Conversations With Dr. D Ivan Young.   Does this feel familiar - "I'm Tired, I'll Worn Out, I Can't Take It Anymore! ..." You're Much Stronger Than You Think. This is your...
Published 09/01/14
Did you know your moods and feelings control every outcome in your life.  Does this feel familiar - "I Just Can't Seem To Get It Together Today, What's Wrong With Me? ..." Every Good Thing you will ever accomplish in life will be connected to your state of mind. The problem is, one minute your up, and the next you're tripping. Thoughts become things. Reality is perception - The question is - Is there anything that can I do to create a better life for myself? The answer is YES!!!  On this...
Published 08/27/14
Does this feel familiar - "How can So Much Good and So Much Bad Be Happening At The Exact Same Time - What In The Hell Is Going On? ..." Success is yours, but you must take it by force? Does it feel like the closer you get to realizing your dream the more chaos shows up in your life. Hint - Just before you take possession of what God's promised you, expect a Holy Mess to follow. But, DO NOT DISPAIR - "All of it is working for your good." On this episode of Conversations With Dr. D Ivan...
Published 08/25/14
Ready to stop crying? Ready to heal and get on with your life? Dealing with the pain and depression that accompanies loss of a loved one is no joke. Be it divorce, separation or death, moving on is never easy. On this episode of Conversations With Dr. D Ivan Young, Dr. D teaches us how to heal ourselves and move forward. Today's topic - I Can't Cry No More! Does this feel familiar - "Why Me? Why Does My Past Feel So Much Better Than My Present..." Your best days are not behind you. To the...
Published 08/20/14
Now that someone special has finally come into your life, let's make it last. Stop being in Heaven one minute then in Hell the next. Love is supposed to feel good. If you want to pimp proof your relationship you cannot afford to miss this episode of Conversations With Dr. D Ivan Young. On this episode - The things you need to know to create a lasting, fulfilling relationship. Don't miss it.  Does this feel familiar - "I finally get the perfect person in my life and here comes this...
Published 08/18/14
Wondering why you haven't gone to the next level. Before God can bless you, you've got to bless yourself. That means getting rid of people, places, things and mindsets that are familiar. On this episode of Conversations With Dr. D Ivan Young, The Things You Need To Know To Make It To The Next Level Does this feel familiar - "What Am I Doing Wrong? It seems I'm Taking 4 Steps And 3 Backwards..." Daily you ask yourself, "What's my nest move." If you're like most people, you're wondering why I...
Published 08/13/14
.Does this feel familiar - "What Have I Done. I've finally found the perfect person for me, and I had to go and screw it up. Damn It!!!"    Have you lost, or about to lose, the love of your life? Do you wish you turn back time and fix your mistake? Maybe you can, maybe you can't. One thing is certain, you'll never know until you try. On this episode of Conversations With Dr. D Ivan Young - Dr. D teaches us - The Things You Can Do To Get Your The Love Of Your Life Back..  Tonight's topic -...
Published 08/11/14
Does this feel familiar - "If I only knew then what I know right now..."  Everybody makes mistakes, but only a fool doesn't learn from them. How many times in life have you wanted to change a previous outcome? How many times have you walked away from someone, some place, or situation regretting how you handled things? Believe me you're not alone. You can't un-stirke a match, but you can rekindle a flame.    Tonight's topic - Turing Things Around! Join Dr. D Ivan Young as he takes your...
Published 08/06/14
Does this feel familiar - "I feel lost, I feel confused. God I know you led me down this path, I've done everything you've ask me to do.  All I need is a single word from you. What do I need to do to hear from you?"  If you're tired of getting bogus advice from those pseudo make believe prophets at your church, if you're tired of asking Brother Watermelon and Sister Ham Hock to pray for you, if you're tired of being motivated one day and being miserable the next - you cannot afford to miss...
Published 08/04/14