Do the shifting demands of climate change, COVID and China mean that we need some new thinking around trade, investment and the economy? Is it time to open our borders and stop being fortress Australia? Did you know that adding rock dust to soil can help get carbon into the ground and the fascinating and cautiously optimistic world of tuna.
Published 09/27/21
Has the US withdrawal from Afghanistan created a power vacuum in the region that will be filled by either China or Russia and what might that mean for the Gulf states? Is there such a thing as the mind and if there is where is it? Indigenous technology could benefit all of society and could help us all connect with Indigenous culture that continues to grow. Is there any future for the fishers and seabirds in Patagonia?
Published 09/20/21
Has the US withdrawal from Afghanistan created a power vacuum in the region that will be filled by either China or Russia and what might that mean for the Gulf states? Is there such a thing as the mind and if there is where is it? Indigenous technology could benefit all of society and could help us all connect with Indigenous culture that continues to grow. Is there any future for the fishers and seabirds in Patagonia?
Published 09/20/21
After the seemingly chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan should the United States pivot away from nation-building and toward global governance? Mass vaccinations mean that the end of COVID-19 is coming ever closer. Does the thought of reopening society make you anxious? Are the hand gestures that we use when speaking universal and the fascinating history of a most unlikely bird of prey.
Published 09/13/21
Are we about to see a new kind of globalisation or it already here? Who is ranked first in the Economist Intelligence Unit's Safe City Index of 2021 and did any cities in Australian make the top ten? The dangers of light pollution and how did the Orangutan get its name?
Published 09/06/21
Although a military conflict between China and Australia is highly unlikely, if it did happen would we be prepared? The story of ANZUS and Percy Spender and might you be a Luddite? Should you be one? Can todays woke ideology be compared to Stalinist Russia?
Published 08/30/21
Has civil society become a luxury good? How can you argue well and why do you need to? Did you know that there are still people who believe that the earth is flat and why has the night sky dimmed?
Published 08/23/21
Are there foreign agents working in Australia right now and if so, where are they from? We have a huge supply of rare-earth minerals in this country so why are we exporting them rather than manufacturing them? What happened when the smallpox vaccine was rolled out and what do you think birds use to make their nests nowadays?
Published 08/16/21
Who are the sense-makers today? It used to be the clergy and the educated class including journalists but who is it now? Does society really benefit by acting in your own self interest or are we more connected than we ever thought possible? Are bees and other insects about to die out, never to return and how much do we really know about Neanderthals and their children?
Published 08/09/21
Richard Branson started it, Jeff Bezos went further and Elon Musk wants to better them both. Billionaires in space, is it a vanity project or something more? How accurate are press releases based on abstracts, especially science abstracts? Can birds help preserve languages and cultures at risk of extinction and why has the Pangkarlangu returned?
Published 08/02/21
When did inequality begin and why has it stayed? The Antarctic Treaty is 60 years old but is it still fit for purpose? Why do we think think that Africa didn't have scripts and what has it got to do with the fall of Carthage? There were large numbers of visitors to our shores before the arrival of Europeans. Recently found rock art explains who they were and why they came.
Published 07/26/21
China has the world's largest economy and it shares a border with three of the world's least developed economies. What does that mean? Have you read many good stories about the COVID-19 pandemic? The are there even in the midst of the gloom. What happens if the ship you are in the Arctic runs aground and what do you know about Operation Barbarossa?
Published 07/19/21
How do you build peace and have you heard of Jetson? It's a new military laser that can identify people by their heartbeat at a distance of 200 meters. How important are black swans to both European and Indigenous history? We are running out of room to bury the dead so what will happen to the bodies of those who die?
Published 07/12/21
Is America really a white supremacist nation or like almost all other countries does it just have a dominant culture? Are we alone? Do you believe? Are UFO's real or just a trick of clever camera work? What was the Black is Beautiful movement and did it achieve what it wanted to do? How much influence did the Mongol Horde have on Russian civilisation? More than you think.
Published 07/05/21
What if we're wrong about many things such as some aspects of COVID-19? What if what we have all accepted to be true isn't? How would we know unless someone spoke up? Are our lives ruled by the clock and if so why does it seem that sometimes time stands still? The complicated fascinating history of John James Audubon and his birds and why does the Japanese Navy have a Curry Friday?
Published 06/28/21
Lone actor or self-activating terrorism has become a major security threat in Europe and around the world. How are they financed? Why has the argument for free speech shifted from one political view to the other? What happened when the first women in America to become dean of a medical school took her students to a clinical medical lecture and how important was Iceland in the second World War?
Published 06/21/21
Is there a new kind of war, one that doesn't rely on brute force and aggression? Yes it's called land grabs. How did Ancient Rime treat outsiders and the various ethnic tribes surrounding it? Might the need for clothing, and not food, brought about the beginnings of agriculture and what has new research into the trade of whale bon weapons shown us?
Published 06/14/21
Are humans responsible for the extinction of animals on islands? No we are not! What happened at the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal? Is there a clear line between being alive and being declared brain dead or is it all just a bit fuzzy? Did you know that each year around 4.5 million people are bitten by venomous snakes resulting in 138,000 deaths? How can we stop that?
Published 06/07/21
What effect will the dispute in Ladakh have on India's long -term strategic competition with China? Is the tragedy of the commons a myth and can we compare previous pandemics with COVID 19? 100 years after its inception is it more than a dream to suggest that Northern is moving ever closer to unification with Ireland?
Published 05/31/21
Just how important is diversity in an organisation and can nostalgia be used to create a better workplace? How do you know what the right thing to do is when there is more than one option? Anyone for a glass of zesty lime green tree ant infused gin?
Published 05/24/21
Globalism or nationalism, does it have to be an either/or or are they inextricably linked? Are high status people more likely to lie to protect their position and are the rest of us more likely to believe them? Better go and get yourselves a big cold glass of milk...or maybe not...perhaps a kidney transplant instead.
Published 05/17/21
Over the last 12 months or so the relationship between China and Australia has been turbulent. Is this because of China's aggressive 'wolf warrior' diplomacy and how has the region responded? Why don't we hear about African terrorism and was the decline of the Roman Empire a very good thing for humanity? We can learn a lot about a population by what they flush down their toilets. Why are Americans so hesitant to engage in waste water studies?
Published 05/10/21
What happened to social democracy? Individuals today are being seen by the colour of their skin and not the content of their character, but at what cost? Should we be planting more and more trees wherever there is a space or should we be thinking more carefully about where to put them?
Published 05/03/21
In recent years it had seemed that democracy was being embraced in Southeast Asia. What happened? How have cities changed over the last year and after the abolition of slavery what happened in Africa, particularly in West Africa? Can miners and geologists work together to preserve and protect fossils? In New Zealand they .
Published 04/26/21
As we slowly begin to emerge from the COVID_19 pandemic, what kind of shape is Australia in? How effective has the internet and social media been in the Myanmar coup? Very, if you're one of the ruling generals. Normally, if a cow has a disease that effects its ability to reproduce it's put down but what happens in India where cows are sacred? A species of bird is forgetting how to sing, can it be taught how to sing out loud ?
Published 04/19/21