Work Burnout in Human Resources
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Description [] Episode Transcript [] About Julie Turney, Founder & CEO of HR at Heart Consulting, sheds light on the critical aspects of HR burnout, legal risks, and ethical frameworks within organizational settings. We discuss the crucial realm of HR burnout, legal risks, and ethical frameworks within organizations. Discover how neglecting dedicated HR support can lead to significant ramifications, as highlighted by recent legal cases and global studies showing 98% of HR professionals experiencing burnout. Julie Turney Julie Turney is a seasoned HR professional with over 15 years of experience in human resources. Her journey into HR began with a personal mission to transform workplaces into havens where employees can grow and thrive. This mission was fueled by a negative experience she encountered as an employee. Her belief is that leaders should wear multiple hats as coaches, guides, and mentors. Leaders should create psychologically safe spaces where employees can thrive and flourish, not just survive. Julie has made it her mission to share the techniques and skills that have shaped her career and empowered her to be the exemplary leader she is today. In 2020, Julie launched HRatHeart Consulting, to support HR professionals struggling with burnout, compassion fatigue, workplace trauma and loneliness in navigating their HR careers. She helps them transition from burnout to brilliance. Julie's commitment to the HR profession extends to her role as an author, where she penned her enlightening book "Confessions of an HR Pro: Stories of Defeat and Triumph." She also hosts her HR Podcast show, HR Sound Off, offering invaluable insights and interviews with industry experts. Her influence doesn't stop there; she takes the stage as a TEDx speaker captivating audiences with her wisdom and experiences. Beyond these accomplishments, Julie is the host of DisruptHR events in Barbados, Trinidad, and Jamaica, further cementing her reputation as a trailblazer in the HR field. Her multifaceted approach to improving people's experiences in the workplace has earned her a well-deserved place as a prominent figure in the world of HR, inspiring positive change and progress wherever her journey takes her. * Be a guest on the show [] All media inquiries: [email protected]
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