Maheen Shafiabady shares her strategies for helping organizations become more effective by focusing on their people and cultures.
Published 07/17/23
Host Deb Zahn shares why not letting fear of rejection take over your thinking and actions is critical for having the consulting business and life you want and strategies for managing it.
Published 07/10/23
Guillaume Wiatr shares how to build narrative power and help them gain more focus, inspiration, and traction in their consulting business and with clients in their market.
Published 07/03/23
Marketing expert Michael “Buzz” Buzinski shares his go-to strategies for marketing service-based businesses and how to avoid common missteps.
Published 06/26/23
Host Deb Zahn breaks down why having a clearly defined call to action that tells clients what to do next to buy from you is so essential and gives examples of excellent calls to action.
Published 06/19/23
Leadership coach Janet Livingstone shares her secrets for coaching leaders and modeling new ways of working together when engaging with consulting clients.  
Published 06/12/23
Coach Kelli Thompson shares strategies for closing confidence gaps that hold you back from having the consulting business and life you want.
Published 06/05/23
Host Deb Zahn shares the layers she uses to build the prices for her consulting services, regardless of the pricing model.
Published 05/29/23
Host Deb Zahn talks about how to interrupt and interrogate the stories you are telling yourself that cause you to underprice yourself and replace those stories with evidence of what is actually true.
Published 05/23/23
“Data Therapist” Shelby Chartkoff shares how she helps her consulting clients get and use data to drive the results they want and how she constructed and evolves her consulting offers over time.
Published 05/15/23
Expert Nika Stewart shares strategies for using social media marketing to build your consulting business. She also dives into why and how to use live events to build relationships with your ideal client.  
Published 05/08/23
Financial expert Mark Willis shares strategies for getting clear about what you want your money to do for you and creative ways to achieve your financial goals.  
Published 05/01/23
Sales expert Malla Haridat shares a host of strategies for getting comfortable and clear enough to get the clients and income you need.
Published 04/24/23
Stefan Debois shares how to give consulting clients value faster and scale your business by offering digital products and advice.
Published 04/17/23
Consultant Chandler Arnold shares how he approached narrowing down what we would do as a consultant and identifying and communicating what he would not do.  
Published 04/10/23
Host Deb Zahn shares critical steps to pivoting to a new market, niche, or offer.
Published 04/03/23
Host Deb Zahn talks about how to form and sustain the habit of doing business developing and key factors you can work with to do so.
Published 03/27/23
Business systems expert Danielle McGinnis talks about what well-set up Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Project Management systems can do for your consulting business and clients' experience.  
Published 03/20/23
Host Deb Zahn talks about how to apply a key principle about relationships when building your consulting business.
Published 03/13/23
Steven Cristol shares lessons about how to decide if working independently is right for you and, if so, how to enjoy the benefits of it while avoiding the traps.  
Published 03/06/23
Natalie Eckdahl debunks some consulting business have-tos, including the need to have an email list, and encourages making decisions that work best for your business.  
Published 02/27/23
Consultant Andrea Mantsios shares how she discovered what her special sauce as a consultant is and what magic it creates in her interactions with clients and her consulting business.
Published 02/20/23
Tax strategist Wendy Barlin shares her advice for keeping more money in your pocket by taking the tax deductions you are allowed and keeping your finances in order.
Published 02/13/23
Host Deb Zahn explains why embracing the term “buyer” and diving into what influences buyers to buy what you offer can make your consulting business soar.
Published 02/06/23
Communications expert Jade Miller shares how she helps consultants and facilitators impress their clients and up their marketing game by creating visual scribes and illustrations to communicate concepts.
Published 01/30/23