Published 07/19/21
Hey Champs! This is the final episode of the first series here on the Podcast - hope you've enjoyed the series! As always, feel free to shoot over any suggestions or recommendations for podcast material for the next series. Get in touch on socials (Instagram @creative.champs) E-mail: [email protected] Or the website: creativechamps.co Biggest of love to you all! The work hasn't stopped! Look out for events and happenings over on Creative Champs website and social platforms.
Published 07/19/21
Hey Champs! This episode is a frank one - all to do with recent announcements around Instagram and just existing as a visual creator on social media in general. All opinions expressed in this episode are mine and relate to personal conversations and experiences.
Published 07/12/21
Hey Champs! This is an 'over to you' episode where I read out anonymous content from the creative community. The topic of today's segment is all about being offered ridiculous things in exchange for payment. Mate. It's a wild one.
Published 07/05/21
Hey Champs! This week we're talking about client project work that has been bound by the terms of a non-disclosure agreement. Are you wanting to share the work publicly or find a way to include it without breaching the terms? If you're not sure how to go about this - this one's for you.
Published 06/28/21
Hey Champs! This episode will be providing some pointers and preventative steps to deal with clients who ghost at different stages of the creative process. This is easily one of the more annoying things we deal with - but there are ways to combat these experiences. Let's get into it. Instagram: @creative.champs Website: creativechamps.co
Published 06/21/21
Hey Champs! Hope you're enjoying the sunshine! This episode takes a closer look at the different components of a great design project, offering some tips on mastering your design skills to amplify results.
Published 06/14/21
Hey Champs! Phew this is a sticky one. This platform is consistently mentioned in visual art communities - with many freelancers unsure about whether or not they should set up shop on Fiverr. Let's get into it.
Published 06/07/21
Hey Champs! So this episode we're speaking all about client rejection. Ooof...how do we deal with the feelings surrounding said rejection to steer things in the most productive direction? This is something so many creators have and will have to deal with as part of the process and career development, although this doesn't change how rubbish it can feel! Let's get into it.
Published 05/24/21
Hey Champs! This episode is a bit of an-hoc episode letting you all know what on Earth is happening behind the scenes. This week in particular has been absolutely jam-packed but it's not all in vain! Have a listen to hear updates.
Published 05/17/21
Hey Champs! One of the biggest issues within creative industries is theft, right? Especially regarding digital content as it's so easy to nab things when all you really have to do is click a few buttons. This episode will talk you through some steps you can take to boost up the armour and safeguard your work as much as possible. Let's get into it.
Published 05/10/21
Hey Champs! This episode is a trip down memory lane; a storytime about not really following your true path and honouring creative projects out of a false sense of necessity. Let's get into it!
Published 05/03/21
Hey Champs. This episode we're taking a look at the other pandemic that's been sweeping the nation as of late - burnout. Talking about the constant chasing of vanity metrics, engagement and what this means for our work/life balance and energy levels. Let's get into it.
Published 04/26/21
Hey Champs! This episode we're gonna be taking a little look at spending styles and how these can affect how you go about setting rates for your services. This is to provide a little food for thought - what is your spending style? Do you feel bad about charging higher rates because of your spending style? Let's get into it.
Published 04/19/21
Hey Champs! This episode is taking a look at what you can do whenever a client doesn't seem to know what on Earth they want when seeking out a design project. What should you do? What can you do? Let's get into it.
Published 04/12/21
Hey Champs! This episode is all about finding your own sense of style as a visual artist or designer - something that so many of us getting into spar matches with. Let's take a look at this whole 'style finding' thing and make some sense of it, shall we?
Published 04/05/21
Hey Champs! This episode is taking a look at the different available options after graduating from your creative degree (or even if you pack in the course half way, whatever works for you) Detailing some of the routes one can take outside of corporate routes that aren't actually a desirable option for many creators. Let's get into it. Champs Instagram: @creative.champs
Published 03/29/21
Creative students and graduates - do you feel like you were taught enough about the business side of the creative industry? Considering a large majority of creative students go on to become freelancers, do you feel more could be included in the syllabus to accommodate this? Let's get into it.
Published 03/22/21
Hey Champs! That age old annoying thing we have all gone through as creators at one point or another: needing experience to get experience & paying clients. In this episode, I'll be sharing with you the same steps I took to secure paying clients at the start of my creative career - without needing to do unpaid internships (which I couldn't afford to do at the time anyway.) Enjoy!
Published 03/15/21
Hey Champs! This episode is all about the little things you can do and the tweaks you can make to attract clients to your creative business. What this isn't - is a fast track. There are so many promises and guarantees of '6 figure months' and 'speedy roads to success' when really and truly, these roads often lead to nowt but crashes. Let's get into it.
Published 03/08/21
Hey Champs! So in this episode we'll be exploring the side of self employment that people rarely seem to speak on. The worries around time management and finances (to name but a few) touching on a couple of tips and things to consider as you navigate through. Mentioned in this episode: @taylor.onlinemarketing on Instagram.
Published 03/01/21
Hey Champs! This episode is all about theft. Theft of artwork, theft of content creation - plagiarism and regurgitation - all of which appears to be spiking up all over the place! Mentioned in this episode: @elisedarma who provides marketing for business/ producer of the 300 Captions Vault. Head over to Instagram pages: @creative.champs and @kei_maye for more support on dealing with these situations! x
Published 02/22/21
Hey Champs. This is a fairly short episode just touching base and discussing chronic illness/pain and navigating them while you work. I personally suffer from digestive and reproductive system issues - so this can sometimes affect my ability to be fully present at all times - if you're reading this and you experience similar things, please know that you are absolutely not alone. Let's get into it.
Published 02/15/21
Sometimes when you have too much choice it can make things really difficult! This episode will take a deeper look into some of the website providers based on personal experience and useability. Hope this helps! If there's anything you would like to be featured or spoken about on the podcast then feel free to send an e-mail over to [email protected]
Published 02/08/21
Hey Champs, In this episode, we're diving into some of the essential steps you'll need to take for a smoother-sailing project.
Published 02/01/21