In this episode of Fast Physiology on the Critical Oxygen podcast, Dave Schell and I discuss the nuances and importance of zone two training. We start with a quick introduction of our new series - Fast Physiology, which is designed to dispel the myths surrounding training trends. We define zone two training as the intensity necessary to build volume over time and emphasize the importance of perceived effort for practical application. We highlight the role of zone two training in supporting...
Published 03/06/24
In this episode of the Critical Oxygen podcast, Coach Aaron Geiser and I discuss how to make indoor training fun. We acknowledge the boredom and monotony of indoor training, especially during the off-season, and share strategies to keep it engaging. We emphasize the importance of variation in cadence, elevation, power, and training modes to stimulate the mind and body. We also discuss the significance of monitoring heart rate and power during indoor training and the potential impact of heat...
Published 03/05/24
In this episode of the Critical Oxygen podcast, I am joined by Jason Fitzgerald, a world class running coach and founder of Strength Running. We discuss the importance of consistency and specificity in training, the balance between easy and hard workouts, and the role of VO2 max in endurance performance. We also highlight the principles of endurance training, including consistency, specificity, and progression. In this conversation, we discuss various aspects of training for endurance...
Published 02/29/24
This episode of the Critical Oxygen podcast explores the concepts of critical power and critical oxygenation. Dr. Robert Jacobs and I discuss the definition and measurement of critical power, including the limitations and variability of the measurement. We also introduce the concept of critical oxygenation and its relationship to critical power. The episode concludes with a discussion on the use of NIRS for measuring critical oxygen! TAKEAWAYS 1) Critical power is a measurement that...
Published 02/27/24
In this episode, Dr. Billy Sperlich and I discuss training intensity distributions and the use of wearables in endurance sports. He shares his background in exercise physiology and his interest in triathlon. Dr. Sperlich explains the challenges of defining training intensity distribution and the limitations of research in this area. He highlights the importance of individualization and regularly testing and adjusting training intensity zones. We define pyramidal training intensity...
Published 02/22/24
In this episode of the Critical Oxygen podcast, Aaron Geiser and I discuss VO2max protocols and how to make aerobic development fun. We address misconceptions about VO2 max and the importance of individualized training. We also explore different breathing techniques that may be able to improve performance and discuss the various VO2max protocols available. In this episode, we discuss various aspects of VO2max training. We emphasize the importance of considering research and the specific...
Published 02/20/24
In this conversation, Dr. Robert A. Jacobs and I discuss his recently accepted paper on carbohydrate oxidation and performance in sub-2 hour marathons. We explore the role of fuel utilization, the impact of exogenous carbohydrate intake, and the limitations of respiratory exchange ratio (RER) as a measurement. We also discuss the importance of training the gut and the balance between carbohydrate intake and training. The conversation touches on the differences between elite athletes and the...
Published 02/15/24
In this episode of the Critical Oxygen podcast, Aaron Geiser and I answer listener questions about endurance development, periodization, and training in a fasted state. We discuss the importance of balancing volume and intensity in training, and how to structure a long training cycle. We also explore the use of heart rate and watts for training, and the benefits and considerations of training in a fasted state for fat burning. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of...
Published 02/13/24
In this episode, I talk with Coach Sean Seale from Upside Strength. He discusses his background in coaching and how his approach has evolved over the years. We emphasize the importance of bridging the gap between science and training, and the need for coaches to understand the individual needs and preferences of their athletes. We also highlight the benefits of cycling as a training modality and the importance of considering the demands of training in addition to the demands of the sport. We...
Published 02/08/24
In this episode of the Critical Oxygen podcast, Dr. Robert Jacobs and I discuss exercise economy and efficiency. We explain the importance of zone two training for improving volume and intensity, and it's role in increasing economy. We define exercise economy as the amount of oxygen per wattage or unit speed and discuss its measurement challenges. We also explore the factors that affect economy and efficiency, such as aging, experience, and biological changes. Additionally, we highlight the...
Published 02/06/24
In this episode of the Critical Oxygen podcast, I am joined by coach Michelle Simmons to discuss the intersection of science in coaching! We cover topics such as understanding thresholds and energy systems, the evolution of training and coaching, the role of lactate in training, fueling for performance, the myth of fasted training, carbohydrate and fat oxidation, the importance of being a hybrid athlete, and the role of mitochondria in energy production. The discussion covers fatigue...
Published 02/01/24
Welcome to the Critical Oxygen Podcast! In this episode Dr. Robert Jacobs and I talk about falling in love with exercise training and how it's helped us become better at what we do! Enjoying these podcasts? Don't forget to subscribe to get notified when new episodes are released. If you have a question or topic you want us to address, leave a comment! Follow Phil on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/criticalo2 Interested in testing, courses, or other long form content check out the...
Published 02/01/24
Welcome to the Critical Oxygen Podcast! In this episode Dr. Robert Jacobs and I talk about the importance of skeletal muscle in predicting endurance performance. We focus on the significance of capillaries, myoglobin, and mitochondria in endurance performance, along with research comparing predictors of performance. Here is a link to my master's publication discussing predictors of performance - https://physoc.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.14814/phy2.14342 If you have a question or...
Published 02/01/24
This episode of the Critical Oxygen podcast discusses VO2max, the maximum amount of oxygen a person can uptake and utilize during exercise. Dr. Robert Jacobs and I provide a definition and historical context of VO2max, explaining its importance in determining aerobic potential. We then discuss the Fick equation and indirect calorimetry as methods to measure VO2max. The reliability and limitations of VO2max testing are explored, along with considerations for testing protocols. We also discuss...
Published 02/01/24
This episode of the Critical Oxygen podcast discusses the concept of thresholds in exercise physiology. Dr. Robert Jacobs and I explore the confusion surrounding thresholds and the various ways they are measured. We also discuss the limitations of lactate testing and the disconnect between research and real-world application. The practical application of thresholds in training and competition is explored, as well as their relevance for beginners. The episode concludes with a discussion on the...
Published 02/01/24
In this episode, Dr. Robert Jacobs and I discuss the concept of thresholds in exercise physiology and the ongoing debate surrounding their existence. We explore the importance of understanding and measuring first threshold, which marks the shift from maximal fat oxidation towards carbohydrate oxidation during exercise. We discuss the challenges of accurately measuring thresholds and the need for trend analysis over time. We also highlight the significance of Fatmax, the point at which the...
Published 02/01/24
In this episode of the Critical Oxygen podcast, Coach Aaron Geiser and I discuss goal setting and how it impacts training. We emphasize the importance of setting SMART goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. We also discuss the difference between outcome goals and process goals, and how both can be effective in motivating athletes. We share our own personal goals and how they shape their training plans. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of...
Published 01/30/24
In this episode of the Critical Oxygen podcast, Coach Luke Way, Dr. Andrew Sellers and I discuss the balance point assessment and how to assess the respiratory system. We explain the concept of lactate balance point and how it can be used to determine an athlete's physiological limitations. We also discuss the importance of incorporating technology into the assessment process and the need for a bridge between academic physiology and practical coaching. The conversation highlights the value of...
Published 01/23/24
SUMMARY In this episode, I am joined by Coach Aaron Geiser where we discuss the desire to train like a professional athlete and the challenges that come with it. We emphasize the importance of individualized training and the role of science in making training decisions. We also discuss the limitations of emulating professional athletes and the challenges of managing stress and recovery. We emphasize discuss the role of pro athletes as motivation and how to use their training methods as...
Published 01/18/24
SUMMARY In this episode, I am joined by Luke Way and Dr. Andrew Sellers to discuss respiratory muscle training and the Breatheway device. We explore the importance of training the respiratory system and how it can impact performance. We also discuss the limitations of the respiratory system and how respiratory muscle training can help overcome them. Overall, we provide valuable insights into the importance of respiratory muscle training for optimizing athletic potential. TAKEAWAYS 1)...
Published 01/16/24
In this episode Coach Aaron Geiser and I discuss the influence of factors like nutrition, rest, and recovery on athletic performance throughout a racing season. We emphasize strategies to prevent burnout, manage stress, and strategically plan race schedules. Addressing the pitfalls of over-racing, we explore the impact on athletes' physical and mental well-being, advocating for selecting races wisely. We delve into stress management, highlighting the need for a holistic approach in handling...
Published 01/11/24
In this episode, I interview Lexi Kelson, an entrepreneur and registered dietitian, about the importance of hydration and proper fueling for endurance sports. We discuss their backgrounds and how they got involved in the field of sports performance and nutrition. Lexi explains the process of guiding athletes in developing personalized fueling and hydration plans, emphasizing an individualized approach based on an athlete's gut tolerance and specific needs. We highlight the significance of...
Published 01/04/24
In this episode, Phil and Jonah discuss the concept of polarized training and whether it is the best approach for all athletes. They start by recapping Jonah's experience at the New York Marathon and the inspiring culture of running. They then define polarized and pyramidal training and discuss the importance of specificity in training. The conversation shifts to the periodization of training intensity distribution and the role of technology in monitoring training. They emphasize the pitfalls...
Published 01/02/24
In this episode, Aaron and I discuss recent Ironman races and the importance of the off-season. We highlight Chelsea Sodaro's performance in the Ironman World Championship and Dan Plews victory in the California Ironman. We also discuss the impact of separate Ironman World Champ races on participation and vendor presence. The conversation then shifts to the off-season, with a focus on taking time off, incorporating strength training, and building a solid foundation for the upcoming season. We...
Published 12/28/23
Welcome to the Critical Oxygen Podcast! In this episode Andy St. Germain and I talk about exercise with oxygen therapy (EWOT) and it's uses for interval training, recovery, and everything in between, enjoy! Enjoying these podcasts? Subscribe to get notified when new episodes are released. If you have a question or topic you want us to address, leave a comment! Follow Phil on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/criticalo2 Follow Andy on Instagram -...
Published 12/21/23