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Culture of Greece
The Past is Present
In this series, John Franklin, professor in the Department of Classics at the University of Vermont, explores what we know about the music of ancient Greece, as well as what we only THINK we know. In the first episode, Franklin, a true history detective, shows how incomplete fragments of papyrus and stone can provide clues to recreating music that has not been heard in thousands of years. Next, we explore the far-reaching influence that ancient Greece has had on modern music, unraveling the fact and fiction that has influenced artists for centuries. Finally, contemporary Greek musicians and...
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Though Socrates and Plato died 2,500 years ago there is, of course still a country called Greece. And many modern Greek musicians will tell you that their art is influenced by the ideas of the ancients. Join us as we explore whether or not this is true. Two modern Greek musicians and scholars...
Published 09/13/08
Though the ancient Greek culture was destroyed thousands of years ago, Greek ideas continue to influence us today. That's particularly true in music. Join John Franklin, professor in the Department of Classics at the University of Vermont to hear the impact that the ancient Greeks had on the...
Published 09/13/08
There are only a handful of pieces of music remaining from ancient Greece. And we do mean pieces; tiny scraps of papyrus and bits of stone with musical notes that are thousands of years old. Come with John Franklin, professor in the Department of Classics at the University of Vermont to meet...
Published 09/13/08
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