Ever since I was a kid I was kept from having interests that were "for boys" or "too masculine". As I got older I realized that these labels hindered me from embracing my personality. In this EP I dive into how things are often mislabeled, what it's like to have both feminine and masculine traits, and the role that these characteristics play in dating, self-acceptance, and existing in a male-dominated world. 
Published 11/02/22
In this episode, I talk about how men only get in relationships or act obsessed because the woman in that situation is settling for them. More often than not the man doesn't want to lose the benefits he's gaining so he puts on a facade to get the most he can get with the least amount of effort. I also dive into the psychology of a human parasite known as the HOBOSEXUAL. To conclude I discuss how the struggle of being a woman and how we deserve the best treatment. 
Published 10/25/22
Welcome back to the shit show! I'm finally back and here to stay. In this first EP I discuss my journey with self-confidence and how as femme-presenting people we grow up internalizing the male gaze and prioritizing physical appearance. I go in-depth about my process and how I approach nurturing my inner child in order to achieve a healthy level of confidence. I also discuss dating and how we need to cut pick-me girls some slack! 
Published 10/18/22
In this ep I discuss why splitting bills and dates with men is not feminism. I talk about existing gender inequality, my dating life, and how my beliefs on this topic have shifted throughout the years. 
Published 01/14/22
TW (depression, mental illness, suicide) in this EP I talk about my nearly eight-year battle with depression. I discuss my bipolar 2 and ADHD diagnosis and how that helped me be more empathetic towards my younger self. 
Published 01/06/22
In this EP I talk about the Texas Abortion Ban and what that means for women in Texas. These anti-choice and anti-women laws have been placed in Texas for years, now they are the worst they've ever been. Criminalizing providers and women from providing and accessing healthcare is sexist and classist. In this episode, I also share my personal experience with abortion in Texas and how traumatizing it is to have laws placed on your body.   TRIGGER WARNING: Sexual Assault and detailed...
Published 09/08/21
Men hate me?! What?! I didn't know I was a c**t :( .. boohoo. In this EP I talk about cis-het male insecurity and how that can manifest in extremely harmful behavior. Some of this harmful behavior is sexual abuse, verbal/physical violence, and more. I explain how I deal with misogynist verbal attacks, and that not all battles are worth fighting. Enjoy!
Published 08/04/21
Welcome to another episode of heavily oversharing!!! In this EP I dive into the nuances of my sexuality and how identifying as bi or straight doesn't resonate with me. I explain the role my upbringing had, some wild experiences, and the conclusion I came up with when explaining my sexual orientation. If you are or have been in ~confusion~ like me, I hope this helps!
Published 07/28/21
This is part one of a series I'm doing about my journey with mental health illness. I talk about my struggle with depression and dissociation, specifically derealization. TRIGGER WARNING I speak on topics like severe depression, religion, sexual assault, and suicide. I'm doing this series because I had a recent realization that after seven years of struggling with dissociation I am nowhere near complete healing. I am now trying to be more objective with my judgements of my mental health...
Published 07/22/21
This is one of the first episodes in which I dive into some of the experiences I've had in the acting world. I knew this was going to be a tough journey, and dealing with racism and stereotypes is one of the reasons why. Seeing that POC are being reduced to their race or some misery story is a topic that has been frustrating and sad to deal with lately... so this EP is more of a venting sesh for me. I talk about the stereotypes I've come across, why white people should not be writing POC...
Published 05/25/21
Yes, I DID THAT. In this EP I rant and cuss into the void about how much I don't give a single f**k about your opinion. If you're a sex-negative c*nt GTFO! This is not the place for you! In this week's episode, I talk about facing the struggle of being told to fit into a box and how liberating it is to not follow that standard. I share my fears, experiences, and expectation with my OnlyFans. Enjoy!
Published 05/04/21
In this episode, I put myself on BLAST once again.... (sigh). I don't know why I do this to myself, I think it's part of not giving a f**k about anything, LOL. I start this EP by explaining the kind of mindset I'm in and how I am approaching romantic relationships. I talk about the guys I've talked to and what I like in every one of them. I also share some embarrassing stories, it was about time for one of those! I conclude the episode by going on Clubhouse and asking people to share their...
Published 04/07/21
In this episode, I'll be discussing my own experiences with pretty privilege with all of its pros and cons. I recognize that in my experience there are more advantages than disadvantages. I also talk about desirability politics and how they are constructed upon a foundation of racism and white supremacy. Pretty privilege is more than just getting free drinks at a bar, it the product of a system built to oppress marganilazed communities. I conclude this episode by offering some ways on how to...
Published 03/30/21
In this episode, I talk about my own journey with celibacy and committing to No Dickstractions 2021!!! I discuss how practicing abstinence or celibacy in my younger years was really unhealthy because it was rooted in conservative shameful beliefs. Practicing celibacy now is much different! I talk about the lessons celibacy has taught me and how it's helped me love myself more and become more mindful of who I exchange energy with. 
Published 03/03/21
In this EP I talk about my positive progress with my mental health and how I came to the realization that I'm much closer to healing than I thought. I also discuss what this means to me as an artist and how I've developed alternative ways to connect with negative emotions when necessary. At the end of the EP, I talk about how moving to Los Angeles has been a work in progress even before moving and how this has become an extremely beautiful spiritual journey. 
Published 02/23/21
What in the social dilemma is this?! In this EP I explain how I struggle with being addicted to my phone. I do not use the word addiction lightly, and I fully intend on using it in this context because this has become a very serious problem for me. I talk about how my addiction started (way back in the myspace days) and how it's evolved. I also elaborate on how the addiction looks on me (it looks different on everyone) and how it has negatively impacted my mental health. At the end of the...
Published 02/10/21
In this episode I'm ngl I'm kind of lit (not that you can ever tell), but I talk about how female sexuality has been demonized since the beginning of time and my personal experiences with this kind of discrimination. I address questions like "is it okay to have sex on the first date?" and I talk about the concept of the "male gaze". In the latter half of the EP I go into detail about how I destroyed my insecurities and became my most authentic and confident self. I'm at a point in my life...
Published 02/02/21
In this episode, I talk about my (limited) experiences with colorism as a tan complexion LATINX person. I will be speaking in US and Mexico contexts only because those are my two nationalities. The colorism conversation is one that should NOT be confined to academic settings solely for the realson that the very reality of it isn't.  I speak on my story and how difficult it was for me to come to terms with the nuance/specificity of my racial identity and how that fit in society. I can only...
Published 01/27/21
In this EP I talk about how I transition from my conservative upbringing to atheism and finally, to my current form of spirituality. I discuss weird things I experienced as a child that played a significant role in my belief system, and how my beliefs are based more on a "feel good" feeling than actual tangible information. I elaborate as to why I believe these things and how I am happy to finally have a healthy relationship with spirituality.
Published 01/19/21
In this EP I discuss the value of friendships and how it's important to invest wisely in people. It's often said that people should have high standards when selecting a romantic partner, but I believe that also holds true when choosing friends. I've had my fair share of "bad friends" but I will be specifically discussing friendships that I made in 2019 and had to cut off in 2020. I compare those experiences with the life long friends I currently have, and I conclude by talking about how...
Published 01/12/21
This is my last episode of 2020 and it's definitely something I'm leaving in the past. In this EP I tell the story of how I became heavily religiously involved for 2-3 years of my life and the harm I caused while I was a devout fundamentalist christian. I also tell stories about the church and give explicit detail about the Religious Trauma Syndrome (RTS) and PTSD I dealt with after the fact. **Trigger Warning** I discuss PTSD, depression, suicide, etc. I end it by emphasizing the lessons I...
Published 12/29/20
In this episode I talk about a topic that is a NEED for so many people! I share my personal experiences and how I've gotten over past boyfriends. I also share how getting over my recent ex boyfriend has been a much more difficult challenge. I give the tips I learned throughout my healing process and also valuable insights from my therapist. It's valuable information and I hope it helps someone! Enjoy!
Published 12/21/20
I throw an unacceptable amount of shade in this EP, so if you're a man and you're fragile maybe it's best you don't listen! I talk about the things men do that make their sex game weak and how improving their skills will only benefit them in the long run. I tell my own personal stories... bad AND great. I also get specific about my first time at a strip club and how that paved the way for me to have a short-lived sugar daddy experience. Tune in if you want to laugh and hear the shade! 
Published 12/15/20
In this episode, I basically put myself on blast but I do it in the name of a good cause! I talk about how during a very dark period in my life I used sex as an unhealthy coping mechanism. **Trigger Warning** I also talk about s*xual assault and depression. I get personal in hopes that my story will help someone feel better about theirs and also help remove stigmas around sex and being sexually active. I later move on and use the last part of this episode to talk about my predictions for...
Published 12/08/20
Welcome to my first episode c*nts!!! Thank you so much for tuning in and listening. In this episode, I talk about my OF experience and some crazy stories! I also dive deep into lessons I learned while being on the platform. I share a few tips that will be helpful to anyone that is contemplating creating an OF account. I also talk about cutting off toxic dick and unfortunately some friendships as well. I go into my reasoning and how I'm prioritizing my mental health and growing in my self-love...
Published 12/02/20