Whether your horse has been on a hiatus due to injury, winter hibernation, or life's seasons, bringing them back into work can feel so exciting.  And yet, it can also feel a little overwhelming for many riders.  In this episode of the Daily Strides Podcast, we'll explore how you can successfully build your horse's fitness and bring them back to work after a long break.  1. Slow & Steady Wins the Race Now, there is always a temptation to simply 'dive in' and start riding.  Full speed...
Published 09/04/23
Is there a golden rule about how often a horse should be worked? I'm not so sure.  However, when I have riders ask me how many days they should ride, I usually have a pretty standard answer... "It depends". And that is what I want to dive into today.   Helping you to figure out how many days to ride your horse each week. Read the Full Article & Links to Everything Mentioned HERE Seeking Founding Riders… If you are considering training your horse at home or alone (boarding at a barn,...
Published 08/31/23
I remember the excitement I felt when I began working with my pony 'alone' at home in the fields when I was younger.  The feeling that anything was possible if I was only willing to put in the consistent effort and work. And the feeling that there was just so much to do and so little time to do it!   My mind was racing with thoughts of ground pole exercises, schooling movements, jumping grids, fitness training, etc., etc., etc.  All of the 'exciting' stuff I had seen other riders get up to...
Published 08/29/23
Have you ever begun following a recipe and it's all going great, until... You realize that you are missing an ingredient.  And whether it is an absolutely key ingredient or a more 'supporting' ingredient, it matters. Because at the end of the process, what you've made is not exactly what you had in mind when you began... Training your horse at home can sometimes feel like this.  You get a few days or weeks into it, only to find your momentum grinds to a halt when you don't have access to a...
Published 08/24/23
It's one of those things that, initially, can sound both amazing and terrifying at the same time. Training your own horse. And maybe you have been thinking about undertaking this journey yourself, yet feel a little apprehensive about what's required.  Because let's face it, it can be a daunting goal to set.  Not only do you have to be 'able' to do it.  You also have to commit to following it through... In this episode of the Daily Strides Podcast, I will lay out exactly what you need to be...
Published 08/21/23
Your time or your money; it's an age-old toss-up!  For the most part, most things can be improved, strengthened, corrected, or achieved when we invest either time or money towards it. And, for the most part, you can excel in the progression if you are able to invest both.  And training your horse is no different. And while many will argue that training a horse requires both time and money, for many riders it's possible, or necessary, to offset one with the other.  It will simply depend on...
Published 08/15/23
When it comes to being ready for training your horse, you probably fall into one of two categories.  The first one is filled with riders who genuinely believe they can do anything. And that they’ll probably be successful.  The second is the riders who really weigh up every pros and cons before making a decision.  And they often second guess themselves or lack confidence in their abilities. This is especially true when it comes to actually working with their horse. And the fear is that they...
Published 06/13/23
What goes up, must come down; apparently. And this certainly applies to the gaits when you’re riding your horse. For many riders, successfully riding the transition into the canter and then staying with the movement in the canter itself is a great achievement. However, the next piece of the puzzle is returning to the trot. For many riders, no matter how good the canter is and how well they can ride it; the bumpy, uneven, and unbalanced return to trot puts a damper on the whole experience. ...
Published 06/05/23
The challenge is real... And, unfortunately, the momentum is as well! For so many riders, cantering is all well and good until the point where you have to turn! Cantering around corners can be so challenging for many riders for a lot of reasons.  Here are 3 points to focus on to help you maintain your alignment and balance. Read the Full Article HERE  https://stridesforsuccess.com/episode1286-stop-leaning-to-the-outside-round-corners-when-cantering/   Improve Your...
Published 05/29/23
One of the fun things about canter is the 'moment of suspension'.  Except when this 'moment' applies to the rider, not just the horse!  Yes, there is a moment when the horse will be 'off' the ground; suspended in midair.  However, we definitely don't want you to experience this bouncing in the canter. Becoming airborne whenever your horse strides in the canter is no fun!  And the 'land' when you connect with the saddle again brings little relief.  Instead of being a safe and reassuring place...
Published 05/22/23
Getting into the canter can be a challenge! For so many riders the transition into the canter can be a truly bumpy, hair-raising, rushed, and flat experience.  There is none of the upward, poised, clean, and intentional 1 that leads to the 2, 3 for the canter stride. It is just a matter of creating enough momentum with a flat, running trot to finally, eventually, fall into the canter. Not good!  But all is not lost... I believe that by working on a few key elements in your riding and your...
Published 05/15/23
What stops riders from getting back in the saddle after a break? Returning to riding. I mean, if it was as easy as simply mounting up, everyone would do it, right? And yet, everyone doesn’t. In fact, so many riders sit on the sidelines of their proverbial horse-riding dream, forever wishing and waiting for the day to arrive when they will mount back up again. But that day, for many, never arrives. And for those who somehow do make it happen, the ‘return’ is often short-lived. A few...
Published 05/08/23
Horse riding is essentially about how we can communicate with our horses – while riding our horses. However, as riders, in order to be effective we need to first master some basic coordination. And therein lies the challenge! It is often this part of communication, the one between our brains and our bodies, that can cause the greatest issues when it comes to our effectiveness when in the saddle. Resulting in our lack of effective coordination creating havoc with our communication when...
Published 05/01/23
Arena markers are a great tool when working on improving specific things in our riding. Whether it be rhythm and stride length. Or shapes of movements and shapes...  Using strategically placed markers can really improve the overall quality of the work you do with your horse.  However, just like all of the other artificial aids, we can sometimes become a little too dependent on arena markers in our riding. Remember, arena markers, just like all other artificial aids, are there to 'back up'...
Published 04/10/23
There is a tendency for riders to 'hold' a little too much during the downward transitions.  And while the half halt is essential to the preparation and transition itself... Too much can lead to a very 'stuck' feeling when the horse actually makes it into the new gait!  A little like 'stuck in the mud'. In this episode, I am releasing a Connection Bonus Live Call from June 2021.  This is due to my ongoing hoarse voice!  I hope you enjoy the 'episode' and that it is useful for you in your...
Published 04/03/23
A few months ago, I really felt the burden of guilt on my soul…  And during that time, my ‘whine’ was fairly constant; “I don’t have time to ride!’ Now, it is not lost on me the fact that I created all of this guilt myself. You see, whenever I was doing one thing, I was feeling like I ‘should’ have been doing something else. So, when I was with ‘The Boys’ (my children) I felt guilty because I ‘should‘ have been riding. And when I was at the stables and in the saddle, I felt guilty because I...
Published 03/27/23
Can I tell you something funny?  Years ago, before I had children, I was one of ‘those’ people. You know the ones that say “when I have children, I will have them at the stables with me all the time because nothing will change”.  I usually followed it up with something offhand like “they will fit in with my schedule”.  Ha, ha, ha!! Oh, how naive it was back then! If you are trying to juggle horse riding and parenting, you will know all too well that they can often clash. The time, focus, and...
Published 03/20/23
Have you ever fallen into the trap of trying to actually get your horse to canter? It’s a sneaky one that hides in plain sight. And it is an exhausting one as well. The good news is that you’re not alone! Over the years, I have seen so many riders make this mistake. Because trying to make your horse canter, and asking your horse to canter are two completely different things… And the latter, asking your horse, is so much easier, balanced, and enjoyable for all involved. It also has a much...
Published 03/13/23
I bet that you still remember the day you made your first ‘big’ equestrian-related purchase.  Whether that was a helmet, a saddle, a horse, or a property, it’s a special time for all riders.  And of course, all of the ‘big ones’ that come after that are equally as memorable. The same applies to your riding.  That feeling when you ‘finally’ understood the canter and how to move with your horse – rather than bouncing against it!  Or the first clear round you and your horse worked together to...
Published 03/06/23
A lack of patience is something that many riders feel shame about. I was one of those riders for many years, so I know full well how it feels. The initial frustration, the following swift judgment or potential explosion, and then the guilt that happens afterward. Let’s be honest, coming out the other side from losing your patience is rarely a good place to be! And yet, for years I simply believed that I was not a patient person. Like it was something that you are either born with – or not ...
Published 02/27/23
Riding a nervous horse is one thing… Feeling less than confident about your own abilities while on your horse is quite another. Imagine it, up there, on your horse. He is beginning to get a little ‘jumpy’. Let’s be honest, so are you… Doubts are beginning to creep in and your thoughts are heading in a direction you would rather that they didn’t go… Building confidence in your abilities to both handle yourself and the horse when in this situation is often a long road. However, it can be done...
Published 02/20/23
For many riders, posture is something that they rarely think a whole lot about. It’s a basic that you ‘set and forget’. Meaning, you figure out what it is and how it feels, and then you are diligent in putting it onto autopilot. Which then frees you up to focus on other things. And this works well; until it doesn’t… Transitions, particularly between gaits, have this special ability to shine a spotlight on any weaknesses either horse or rider has, and riders posture is often the focus of...
Published 02/13/23
What is it about a swinging lower leg that makes it so annoying for riders, horses, and trainers the world over?! I mean, everyone has their specific ‘riding issues’ and deals with them accordingly. And yet, a swinging lower leg has the potential to have riders stuck on a plateau forever! I don’t need to tell you how important it is to have a secure lower leg when riding. It is vital for the safety, communication, and, maybe, mental health of all involved! If you have been struggling with...
Published 02/06/23
Your hands are an aid in your riding. So understanding why the way you hold your reins and how to judge the height of your hands when riding is important. And realizing how much your hand aids are impacting and affecting your riding can change everything.   As riders, one of the first things we learn is how to ‘hold’ the reins.  However, often the ‘why’ behind all of this is never really explained to us. Your Hands Connect So, it’s obvious that your hands are the connection between you and...
Published 01/30/23
Has fear or lack of confidence ever held you back in your riding? If so, you will know how debilitating this can be.  Sometimes it’s caused by a past experience. Or it can be created when we think of all the things that ‘can’ potentially happen.   Whatever the cause, I think that it is important to recognize that this particular challenge won’t simply vanish on its own.  Sure, sometimes it can seem like it has shifted or even disappeared.  But more often than not, it is simply buried and...
Published 01/23/23