Doing this Quarantine dating can be a real bear, not able to see anyone, or be with people that you like spending time with, so what do you, how do you handle this.
Published 01/16/21
Why do we continue to look, when know how it all ends, be happy.
Published 11/22/20
This is a tough subject, do you know of anybody that is married, and is having an affair with another married person, I need to cover this again, so much to discuss.
Published 11/15/20
The woman that is hard to get, what should you do and not do, this is a hard question that even I wonder about at times.
Published 11/08/20
You ever find yourself in that situation where you seem to not be getting anywhere in your relationship, besides always fighting..., why is that? 
Published 10/31/20
When a guy feel that he has to go out of the country to find what he wants.
Published 10/23/20
Ok ladies, do you ever have that problem where you are trying to explain something to your guy and he will not let you finish your thought, because he is trying to cut you off from speaking.
Published 10/16/20
You know guy's when you take a woman out, spend a lot of money hoping she has a great time only to realize that you don't even get a kiss out of it.
Published 10/06/20
You when you break up with someone, and you give the excuse that it is not them it's you, well we need to be truthful about what is really going on be honest.
Published 09/22/20
After being in a long relationship what it is like starting over.
Published 09/12/20
After a woman has a child alone, she say's that she has no interest in sex, but after awhile when their hormones set in and time passes she has a change of heart, and starts looking for a little satisfaction. 
Published 09/04/20
When a woman changes the color of her hair, so does the personality, she becomes someone else.
Published 08/29/20
This is about the nice guy out there who does not know how to control being overly nice, don't over do it.
Published 08/26/20
Tell a woman that you are hung, but not knowing how to please her, so you brag, and she says no.
Published 08/17/20
How do you rate yourself, what does she think?
Published 08/14/20
How do you start the conversation doing the coronavirus when wearing a mask.
Published 08/09/20
Why do woman have a tendency to pick the guys that take advantage of them.
Published 07/29/20
So you find that woman, you take her out a few times, then you try to get that homerun, and she say's wait not now, what next.
Published 07/24/20
Why do we ask for your zodiac sign, what are you looking for?
Published 07/22/20
Being in and holding on to a relationship.
Published 07/18/20
When you realize that you are dating someone who treats you like your parents.
Published 07/10/20
The art of dating a CEO and holding on to them.
Published 07/04/20
Approaching woman who wear glasses, how beautiful they are.
Published 07/02/20
How to approach someone with a pet, opening line.
Published 06/26/20
What one person account of her online dating experience was like before they met.
Published 06/25/20